Would you date a girl that smokes?
Would you date a girl that smokes?
Literally cancer. Get that shit away from me. It smells horrible as well. I fucking hate smokers.
She can keep her lung cancer to herself.
only if she looks like pic related and bullies me
Literally no. Never. How much more of a retarded degenerate can you be? I can appreciate and support doing self-destructive things, but smoking is just fucking disgusting and retarded. Go do some drugs or cut yourself or something, fuck.
>cigarette burns and butts all over my apartment
>that stench
>she won't live above 40 if she's a chain smoker
>my kids won't live above the age of 4 months
If she only smokes 2/3 a day and manages the smell like I do, sure. I couldn't date a chain smoker I don't think.
Oh and only roll ups not straights. You can taste the cancer in straights.
>>she won't live above 40 if she's a chain smoker
My dad is 80 and has smoked like 2 packs a day since he was 16. I guess his Aryan genetics are keeping him alive.
>people who smoke inside
absolute trash. I smoke but I fucking hated when I'd go to houses where they smoke inside, how can you like sitting in the smoke like that
I wouldn't date any girl, they're all stupid whores. Fuck off.
My nose is sensitive and delicate. I probably couldn't stand the smell of it, or of any perfume she might use to try to cover it up.
being gay to own the roasties
Only if she does it every now and again for purely aesthetic reasons
If she's a nice person why not?
>Would you date a girl that smokes?
>Would you date a girl?
depends on the reason but most likely no.
my ex smoked and lied about it a lot.
>I don't smoke
>I only smoke when I drink
>I'm going to quit
blah blah it's okay she was respectful and clean about it but definitely not something i'm into.
Heck yeah I would.
A cute girl slowly killing herself with cigarettes turn me the fuck on.
And what about the tongue cancer
>poisons everyone around her
>nice person
>my ex
No, she would smell bad and have shitty teeth
I don't smoke but FUCKING YES.
Smoking girls are my fetish.
Smoking is bad and all but holy fuck do you people demonize it. Nothing wrong with hacking a few darts when you're out with your buds.
Would not mind at all if I had a gf who smoked socially. I don't understand people who have no willpower and get fucking addicted.
no. maybe fuck but thats about it. they will age twice as fast and always be stinking like that shit have cigarette breath be wasting tons of money and the most annoying fucking thing about smokers is they always make you run in and outside with them in the freezing cold so they can have their dumb fix
tht depends
is she a girl(female)?
if yes, yes, but I wouldn't wife her
Be rather hypocritical of me not to
t. smoker
>I don't understand people who have no willpower and get fucking addicted.
cigs are not the same as alcohol/weed which is more of a psychological addiction.
In any case there's literally no good reason to start.
pls do it user. I miss what this board was 2 years ago.
Yes. I chainsmoke cigarettes, heavily abuse alcohol, and have a burgeoning cocaine problem so ideally I would date a girl as scummy (or cool in my mind because I enjoy this life) as me. I am also a night owl barfly and I shoot dice and gamble illegally, steal shit, etc tho so I am probably more scummy than cool and I am a borderline homeless degenerate because of my addictions
>my kids won't grow above the length of 4 feet
why the fuck not dude you will stay alone after she dies
why does she look so greasy
Smoker myself, so naturally I would prefer one that licks the ashtray.
If she has a good personality yes
Yeah, because I smoke myself. We could share cigarettes and go outside to smoke together so I think it'd be neat.
depends on how much she smokes. if it's a few cigars a day then it's fine. if it's a pack or more then no
tons of orginally make up
theres nothing more chill than smoking with a girl you love.
>cigs are not the same as alcohol/weed which is more of a psychological addiction.
>In any case there's literally no good reason to start.
in my workplace everybody smokes, and sometimes when the boss is not around we smoke often so we have more free time than people who dont smoke
No because they smell disgusting and will be dead at 50.
Mayb if she was perfect in all other ways. I don't like it but it's not the worst thing in the world.
Most of my family smokes so the smell isn't a problem.
I smoke, dated several smokers, had long time shit with some, but none of them were heavy smokers at least.
>I miss what this board was 2 years ago.
A wretched hive of misery full of people trying to drag each other down?
Yes smoking is my fetish
Sure but but there's nothing more unattractive then a women who has smoked her whole life and now her voice sounds like a man's.
Nah, I smoked from 18 to 24 and I can't believe myself now. Maybe if she was willing to quit.
You're clearly not a fan of Venture Bros.
Just imagine getting a rim job from a girl who just finished smoking and getting your butthole all tingly from the nicotine on her lips.
Yes. It's a turn on, even though I don't smoke.
Raspy voice girls are my fetish fren
No. It's a turn off.
the old saying goes if she smokes she pokes, so hell yeah.
I smoke, so yes. I'm indifferent or would maybe even prefer a smoker so she wouldn't be silently judging me.
I dated a girl who smokes. She also claimed to be vegan and then I caught her eating cheese with my brother. DISGUSTANG!
dr girlfriend is trans
The more she smokes the better
i smoke, so yeah, i prefer a girl who smokes.
I'd be fine with her smoking weed, not fine with tobacco tho
fucking BASED. smokers are fucking disgusting
whos the smoker in this webm?
probably the one with wacky blue hair
plus i dont think niggers are allowed to smoke
No, Id never date a fukin smoker and if I did Id hope she was rich and died of lung cancer so Id keep all the money's to myself
name 1 person who has ever died from 2nd hand smoke
just 1 name!
i smoke a fucking pipe. it's really cheap. i have a few pounds of tobacco laying around. i have 3 pipes, newest one is a corn-cobb pipe.
i love tobacco and fuck the haters
the oldest man and woman smoked. actually, quite a few centenarians smoked.
i smoke a pipe once in a long while. i don't like it nearly as much as cigarettes. i don't like the way the smoke & tar coat my mouth & nostrils. i'm always sneezing and having to blow my nose. and i'm always smoking too often because it's inefficient delivery system of nicotine compared to inhaling cigarette smoke. it's nice every once in a while tho. earlier this year i bought a 10 pack of missouri meerschaum's seconds.
jason li my friend died of 2nd hand cancer, very sad case
>it's inefficient delivery system of nicotine compared to inhaling cigarette smoke
opposite. it's more efficient and there is no filter.
to me, mass market junk cigs are weak garbage. i can't even justify smoking them, honestly
[citation needed]
protip: people get cancer even without smoking!
>Would you date a girl that smokes?
Cigarettes no
Vaping yes
I can't stand the fucking smell of cigarettes. I dated this chick that smoked cigarettes once and she would light up first thing in the morning in the living room and that stench would wake me up in the bedroom. Not only that it makes your walls and ceiling start turning yellow after a while from tar deposits, makes your clothes and furniture stink just from being in the same room. Then there is the nasty taste when you kiss them.
ok maybe efficiency was the wrong word. it's a weaker dosage. it's about the same as trying to chew. for me, it's usually not worth the extra snot production. i'd rather breathe in the smoke. i like the way it feels hitting my throat.
Yes. Then I'd get her to stop like a reasonable human being should.
>reasonable human being
Pick one
>it's a weaker dosage.
no that's wrong
>for me, it's usually not worth the extra snot production. i'd rather breathe in the smoke. i like the way it feels hitting my throat.
i've always had a snot nose, i have allergies. it helps me desu
the increased mucous lining as a result of smoking is a protective effect. that's why people exposed to environmental carcinogens have less lung cancer when they smoke
Lack of combined effects of exposure and smoking on respiratory health in aluminium potroom workersBritish Medical Journal, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Vol. 56, 468-472, 1999):
>Smokers in the potroom group had a lower prevalence of respiratory symptoms than never smokers or ex-smokers, which was significant for wheezing (2.6% v 17.4% and 28.6% respectively, both p < 0.01), whereas respiratory symptoms in controls tended to be highest in smokers (NS). No effects of potroom work on the prevalence of respiratory symptoms could be detected. In potroom workers, impairment of lung function due to occupational exposure was found only in non-smokers
"Effect of Smoking on Immunological Abnormalities in Asbestos Workers" (Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Poland) by Lange, A.:
>Smoking has a protective effect on immunological abnormalities in asbestos workers.
"Cancer of the Lung Among Asbestos Factory Workers" (University of London, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), relative risk of lung cancer for asbestos workers was
>highest for those who had never smoked, lowest for current smokers, and intermediate for ex-smokers. The trend was statistically significant. There was no significant association between smoking and deaths from mesothelioma,
The Interaction of Asbestos and Smoking in Lung Cancer (Oxford Journals, Medicine, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Volume 48, Number 5, 2004):
>Conclusion: The excess relative risk of lung cancer from asbestos exposure is about three times higher in non-smokers than in smokers
makeup has the opposite effect though.
I-i was referring to myself: a man
dude, fuck your research links. i listen to what my body is telling me. what is it that you're not understanding? i smoke a pack a day of cigarettes. in doing so, all cravings are satiated. when i switch to smoking a pipe for a few days, the craving never stops. something about my body or whatever doesn't allow it to be as good of a delivery medium. the cravings are always screaming at me to get moar nicotine. i unironically smoke less and am happier when i smoke cigs vs a pipe. not only that, but my mouth doesn't feel & taste like an ashtray with cigs, and it does with a pipe.
i notice the polar opposite when smoking a pipe. regular cigs aren't good enough
what pipe tobacco do you even smoke?
>pack a day
expensive. like 10x as expensive as a pipe BTW
yes, as long as she keeps under a pack a day and doesnt smoke in the house.
>what pipe tobacco do you even smoke?
usually i make a 3 part mix. i get a bag of the cheap "pipe tobacco", gambler brand in case it matters. 1 part cheap ribbon cut, 1 part half & half, and one part middleton's cherry. that same cheap stuff is what i use to make cigs with so that it's not terribly expensive. it's very strange hearing how the same experience effects us in opposite ways.
My wife vapes :(
It's not deadly if it's just nicotine, right?
I smoke but I wouldn't want a girl im dating to smoke or drink
literally 25 cigarettes in one puff of a vape.
If I was into dating at all, it would be a plus because I smoke too
Only if she smokes less than 3 times a week and doesn't stink
No, I wouldn't date a degenerate
only for the fags who are having a "biggest cloud" contest.