Also, whenever I get tired of her, I can put her in the yard.
All you robots like to spend a lot of time wishing you could have sex, but it's really not very good. For one thing, almost no one is going to want you to have sex with other people. So, it's going to become very old-hat, at some point. Do what you want to spice it up, it's still the same person, same body. In the end, all you're doing is driving each other to weirder levels of perversion with the "spicing" thing. And however much they try to please you, they don't know how whatever they're doing feels to they never get it exactly right. And they're going to want sex when you don't want it, and not want it when you do want it. And if they do it when they don't want to, just for you, they'll remember that and expect some sort of compensation, later. And if you do it when you really aren't feeling it, they'll sense that and feel hurt and rejected, rather than grateful that you did it anyway.
Porn is always there, in an unbelievable variety. And you know exactly what is the right level of the right perversions for you. And you know exactly how to touch yourself in exactly the right ways. And you can give yourself exactly as much freedom as you want to have.
As far as relationships, those are a nightmare after the 6th month to first year. After that, it's all just working to get along and trying to keep each other happy while communicating your desires, needs and feelings in a way that respects their autonomy and desires, needs and feelings. And they can betray you at any time. And you can betray them at any time, because when you're in a relationship, you're more attractive to others.
There's nothing good about any of it, robots. You're better off alone, with porn and your hand. If you need a friend, get a dog. People are not the solution to any problem. They are the problem.
The only good things that any humans have ever done are the creation of music and other art