Uncircumcised dicks looks icky.
Uncircumcised dicks looks icky
>pretending to be a girl on Jow Forums in order to spread retarded opinions so that you will feel less bad about having a mutilated dick
How they look is matter of opinion but uncut are more functional. The glans isn't meant to be dried out, it's supposed to be lubricated to enter the vagina more easily (and less painfully).
Vulvas are just an unmitigated disaster, no matter what you do to them.
Fuck you you stupid roastie larping whore. I'm a cutfag and don't even care talk shit about uncircumcision. They're still men while us dickless losers are gone.
Ur icky
Thanks for that rabbai
This is some powerful b8, lad.
Kek, what do you think the skin of the dick on the right is made out of if not keratin?
Reminder: if you value a woman's opinion on how your dick looks more than your own sexual pleasure you're actually just a cuck
I'm in the uk and I've never even seen a cut penis. I have no strong preference for either I guess. But I don't understand the idea of a mother ordering part of her babies dick be chopped off. Absolutely mental
circumcised over here. I hate my very being just because of my mutilation and I even considered suicide because of it.
>inb4 lol you want to neck yourself because of your dick
you don't know what it's like. it hurts to know that I'm a fucking misplaced variable and not a complete human. Its the reason I decided not to have kids. I just want to spite my parents for cutting me as an infant.
it's not metal, they're all just brainwashed good goys
They always use the same shitty femjak edits too. No creativity or ingenuity whatsoever.
Tough luck fuckface
Oh boy, another cut vs uncut dick thread.
Foreskin restoration is a thing.
lol im circumcised too and i feel nothing of that sort, so are all my friends and we all fuck chicks with no problems. You are just using that as excuse to blame your parents for being such a flawed human being
bad bait my guy
yeah try restoring the nerve endings by stretching
>we all fuck chicks with no problems
why the fuck are you here
and no, I'm not using it as an excuse. I'm telling you, if I wasn't fucking mutilated at birth by my idiot parents, I wouldn't be here. It hurts me to my core seeing uncut guys fap with such ease while I have to use 3 metric tonnes of lubricant every 10 minutes.
>Uncircumcised dicks looks icky
Opinion disregarded
Hey man calm down, having an uncut dick is nice and all, but it not worth what your putting yourself through.
It's not completely the same, but I'll take the permanent function and increase in sensitivity.
>but it not worth what your putting yourself through.
for me it is. Having a cut dick makes me feel incomplete and I despise my parents for doing it to me. Sometimes I just want to end it all so that I may respawn as a different guy born to parents that wouldn't place their god over their own fucking son.