Deadlift is a good mass buil-

Deadlift is a good mass buil-

Attached: VID_20181222_144307543_2 (2).webm (1080x1920, 1.62M)

What a fag

That‘s about what you can expect from mere 4.5 plates and shitty form

Post your deadlift then.

>that form
>muh no shoes
The CrossFit of deadlifts.

>t. can't deadlift 4pl8

The only reason one should deadlift is to pick up weight for some other actually good exercise

4.5 pl8 actually, for reps at that

Pls b for 8+ reps

OP pulled 540 in meet
The straps are probably just because that's a shitty commercial gym bar

> training for strength
> expecting mass gain
Really, man
Strength training = CNS and neuromusculuar junction training => high intensity high frequency low volume adaptative training
Hypertrophy training = muscle training => high volume low intensity failure training

Deadlift is a great mass builder if you use it for mass building purposes. Just as you should expect to get basketball shoulder from doing 5x3 OHP, same applies for low reps deadlift.

Try doing deadlifts on a bodybuilding scheme like Russian Bear program and tell me later wheter it isn't a great mass builder

Cope more weak fag.
Deadlift and squat variations are literally the bread and butter for adding any kind of appreciable size as a natty. They thicken up your whole frame and have direct carryover to your upper body lifts.

Good luck ever OHPing or rowing any decent weight without a strong base of squatting and deadlift strength.
Maybe you can cope by doing some 20 degree yates rows. Faggot

The only difference would be doing a powerlifting style program where youre training the CNS and priming yourself for a 1RM

Something like 3x5 or 5x5 isnt "muh strength training". Its hypertrophy too. Its all intertwined.

You get hypertrophy by doing 5x5 but if you're past intermediate you're likely doing even less than 25 reps per training session, maybe not even that per week, if you want get maximum strength gains.

On the other hand, if you're training as a bodybuilder, you'll probably be doing 15 or so sets for per variation for each muscle groups, totaling 100 reps at least for that muscle, each training session.

That's a world of change in terms of volume...

That's not how most people training for strength actually do things. For a peaking cycle, yeah, you pull the volume way back to survive the amount of high percentage work that's required to get yourself prepped to demonstrate that strength. But it's not how you're gonna spend most of your time building strength.

>strength training
>less than 25 reps per week
God, you're an idiot. Why does everyone confuse peaking for strength training?

Not talking about peaking but programs like bulgarian lite and korte 3x3
How many reps per week do you dl?

>that fucking form

No point for him to build mass if he's gonna spend the rest of his life paralyzed in a wheelchair soon.

Idk what you're referring to, OP. The guy in the video looks pretty buff other than his calves, but deadlift doesn't work out your calves like it does your upper legs and back.

3x3 is peaking if that's all the volume you're doing. For the last couple months I've had a day where I do 15-25 deadlift reps at heavier weight and a day where I do 45-60 at light week each week.

Korte 3x3 is anywhere from 100 to 160 reps of deadlifting per week during the volume phase. It's the peaking phase that drops the volume down so much.

Yea, at times you're doing less 25 reps, that's why stressed maybe on the first reply.
For bulgarian light programs, one would hardly hit it that much on main lifts

That's nowhere near a bodybuilding program, say 531 BBB, that has you doing 50 reps per dl session, not taking joker/fsl sets in account..

Body building is just strength training without a peak. Most people who compete in strength sports know that.

Why the fuck, I mean why the fuck, do people deadlift with almost no ROM in their knees? My back hurts watching this faggot. Deadlift isn't a lower back exercise, at all. It's supposed to be all ass, thighs, and the lower half of your core. Literally why does he start from a bent at the waist, hunched over position? What the fuck? Is this lifting in 2018?

The problem with compound lifts is that they build the show muscles and the support muscles, making the show muscles "pop" less in pictures and videos. Pictures are all about proportions - that dude probably looks dense as fuck irl.

>50 reps of 40% of your max
>meaning shit
Lmao that's literally at "too light to be effective training volume" tier

Sorry about the down's, lad. You can still live a happy life though. Plenty of people with it do.

post body

wait wait hold up
What's wrong with his form?
Looks good to me

Are these the reddit DYELs that just watch form videos and expect 100% perfect form on 4pl8+

I've seen far worse, but the dude is clearly not pulling the slack out of the bar or getting his lats tight before pulling. Which is why he's got such a pronounced shift in position before the bar breaks from the floor.

I mean he has a bit of cat back, but he does have mass, so yes you're right

This happens when you rush to get to 1/2/3/4. If you want to look like you lift, you need hypertrophy work. 2 plate bench and 4 plate deadlift is literally nothing and can't make you look big.


>Hypertrophy training = muscle training => high volume low intensity failure training
> failure training

you got sources on that?

some random DYEL criticizing someone that is way way stronger then him. sad

how much do you deadlift?