Vaping is a healthy alternative and gets people off cigarettes

>vaping is a healthy alternative and gets people off cigarettes
>government tries to ban it
>kratom is a healthy alternative and gets people off opiods and other drugs
>government tries to ban
>weed is a healthy drug that acts as a medicine for over 100 diseases and symptoms plus helps people get off drugs
>government tries to ban it
>alcohol kills and ruins life
>no government restrictions
>cigarettes kill and ruin lives
>no government restrictions

why are you following the laws dipshit?

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>why are you following the laws
Because I dont want to waste years in a cage...
If I didnt care about laws, then I wouldnt be a virgin

Weed is not a medicine, it's a painkiller, used to treat any painful disease. The same can be said of meth because like weed, it is a painkiller....

i highly doubt you're going to go to prison for weed and minor drugs you pussy. the only people ive seen go to that hellhole for drugs are people cooking meth and shit. just dont drive on it and keep it lowkey

oh painkillers cure glaucoma, cancer, and nausea? I didn't know that

>i highly doubt you're going to go to prison for weed and minor drugs you pussy.
Then you are a fucking retard.
A simple search of all the convicts who are in jail for marijuana possession would tell you otherwise. At least in america.

Next time don't call it a medicine because that is so far from the truth and there are many better alternatives to painkillers that don't get you high, addicted to a drug or restructure your brain around your dopamine system

George, in 90 day fiance, got 2.5 years in prison for smuggling 300 pounds of marijuana to sell it in the strictly conservative state in Arizona.

Welcome to the land of the "free" and the home of the "brave"

ive never seen a person go to jail for weed possession ever. here even if keep getting caught multiple times its like a violation and just a ticket and ive been smoking like 8 years and ive never even got caught with it once

the only way that would happen is if you had like 3 or more ounces or something

>ive never seen a person go to jail for weed possession ever.
>the only way that would happen is if you had like 3 or more ounces or something

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have you tried not living in a third world country?

yea okay im the retard. at least im not too much of a pussy to leave my room and have fun or consume something thats not poisonous. maybe the governments onto something. process of elimination

>having fun
normalfags out

>teenage druggie trying to tell me that his vices are totally different and not only totally safe but actually good for you
>actually believes there are no restrictions on alcohol or cigarettes
fucking KEK

>why are you following the laws dipshit?

Speak for yourself, I never have and I never will.

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>why are you following the laws dipshit?

because jail and a criminal record

possession tickets usually dont do any of those things

Druggies should all be brutally killed.

The government gets stupid amounts of money from tobacco taxes and DUI-related shit. Of course they're going to encourage use as much as possible.

do you fap to child porn or lolicon or are completely unemployed with no career prospects?

Fucking what you goddamn retard
Just neck yourself you useless fucking druggy

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Shit, is it summer already? Time sure does fly.

What medications?

There is no catch-all drug for your problems because everyone's problems are different. You need to talk to a doctor.

Im asking about the alternative painkillers you mentioned that apparantly can treat pain while also not getting you high.

Meth isn't a painkiller

An alternative to painkillers that don't get you high or addicted? So are you just making things up now and saying they exist or what.

>ignores studies and mountains of evidence because "d-d-damn kids smoking grass!"

yeah ok boomer

God and spiritual healing are all you need my son

why are people so fucking concerned about whether or not something gets you high jesus Christ

oh this plant that cures your ailment is perfectly natural but DONT take it it makes you happy. heres some aspirin enjoy liver failure

Those drugs turn you into a communist

Doing drugs too long makes you thing their good in the long run. Kill yourself to escape the cage.

Im p sure vaping is many times more addicting and worse for than ciggerates are because of how much nic is in them. Plus all that other shit in it thats highly poisonous because it has no restrictions atm

look up vaping vs cigarettes on youtube


guys i have some edibles but i've never been high before, should i only eat a small piece or just go for it

>smoke a cigarette
>tremendous headbuzz
>feel fine
>take one hit on a juul
>no buzz
>nose whistling
>feel like shit the next day

>bad shit thats in it
What would that be?
Flavouring concentrates, Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol?
Are you fucking daft ya cunt?

go for it, greening out aint that bad

personally whenever i hit a vape it feels like my lungs are full of metal

Either you wash your coils in the sink like a retard, have shitty made juice that some retard makes in a non ISO cleanroom(having a hood fan doesn't count) *cough cough 99% of the industry cough* or you have a short in your coil.