When is it too late to lose your virginity?

When is it too late to lose your virginity?

25? 30? 40?

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I'd say it starts to be weird in your early 20s, and really late once you're 25.
Tough it's never too late for the first time user.

t. haver of 32 years.

Its cute until 25, then its just pathetic, then after 30 its just sad, nobody gives a shit what about 40 year olds.

20 is the cut off point. No girl wants to have sex with a 20+ virgin.

am I almost nearly you?

>haver of 32 years
Are you french?

What does it matter? Just lie about it if someone asks

>he can lie
I bet you're not a virgin

but people lose their virginity after 20 very often

I'm 25 and I havent had sex in 12 year. I think it's worse to have never kissed before.

These days? 18 or 19. Most kids fuck in hs in this shithole for sure.
When you pass over 25 and have to pay for it you'll be a lunatic even if you manage to get a waifu.
t. 36
t. paid for it at 26
t. not married

>with who? XD
Check mate, bady

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>you'll be a lunatic
w-why is that?

so you lost your virginity with 13, but never kissed

It's never too late if you have money for a stripper

No. I lost it before I was 5. I was a degenerate kid having sex with cousins and neighbors (girls and one or three boys). I've never kissed anyone romantically.

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Subtract two years from your local AoC.

You're an American highschooler arent you?

You missed out on teenage love, it's a building block of your self-esteem.
>Mommy loves you = I am okay.
>Stacy fucks you at 16 = I am cool too.
I had none of those, none, not even playing a victim.
Without these you always end up in a constant state of butthurtism with a sense that you need to prove yourself and hammer everyone into the ground even when there's no challenge nor any threat.Almost like a retarded ethnic in the gym posing in some car yelling at people in the street while driving.
>Look at me, notice me. I'll show you who's better.
You'll have this shit even in professional settings you will over-react to mundane crap and troll co-workers. I stopped working as an employee because of it, luckily I can afford it other people wouldn't be able to.

Ayy the lowest AoC here is 13. Are you fucking nuts?

What if you are a 30 year old virgin but you are Chad?

How many grills have you rejected in total?

then you have autism

If I only count girls that I seriously knew and saw on a regular basis, then over 20.
I was sexually abused as a child and for a long time had a big hang-up about sex, romance, intimacy, and everything really. It took me a while to pick up the shattered pieces and by the time I did I found myself to be 30.

What are you basing these assumptions upon?

A Chad with magic powers, strong in both body and spirit. A truly ascended being.

ya u were raped buddy

>It's never too late if you have money for a stripper
You do not get it

You have the wrong type of person, user.

'a couple of girls, back in college'
or 'just an old coworker at a work party' or
'some girl from a club i used to be in '
its not hard, its not that fucking hard man

The thing is man, sex isn't even that fucking great man
Once you start getting laid on the regular you realize its just fucking bullshit
Its great when you have the love and intimacy there but even then its still not that great
It isn't some mind awakening activity where boooom your entire life is changed, it literally feels like when you jack off just a bit better
You're going to regret obsessing over it, you're going to regret letting sex and virginity define you, and you're going to realize that everyone around you has sex daily and its no big fucking deal
I lost mine at 24

22, virgin I'm like this. Still hate my mother and have no relative to express my feelings.

Probably when your colleagues start getting kids

My literal fucking godforsaken own life and that of other compensating faggots too.

Okay go and fuck her, best treatment imo.

>I was born a beggar
>I lived like that for long
>at 24 I became upper middle class
>now I got a home and food too
Money is nothing user it doesn't make you happy.
Go kys fucking redditfag.

Good post tbqh famalam

Normiefags always bragging how much sex they have and how it is not a big deal

Doesn't matter. Why even bother? Become the greatest wizard of all time!

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i'm a 5'5 manlet and lost my virginity at 16 and then continued to have pretty regular sex with randos during senior and the two years i was in college.

>then i started using hardcore drugs and fucked up my life and losing girls was one of the consequences

Memes aside, being a virgin at over 30 must be hell on fucking Earth I do not think the causality is this obvious. There are orphans who grow up to be functional adults.

I went to an all boys high school because I thought it wouldn't bother me and that there was time to meet girls in college. I am now 19 and socially crippled around women, I feel like I'll never be able to get a girl even though I'm not unattractive. I know of only 2 of my highschool friends having sex, the rest of them are as crippled as me. My college classes probably won't have any girls either because I'm studying statistics and CS so I'm fucked desu
I think after college (~23) is too late cutoff

my fucking friend found his girlfriend through fucking league of legends and literally the first week they fucked.
He was 18/17.
Now he tells me just to be myself and talk to girls when he got a girlfriend without any effort.Like it just dropped in his palm and he has the audacity to tell me to *be urself bro*.
I wonder why I am still his friend sometimes...

is he good looking or funny or how did he originally do it

If you lie and eventually have sex with the person you lied to, It's going to be tough explaining why you only lasted a minute or not knowing wtf you're doing. Yes, there are exceptions but It WILL show that you're a virgin.

he has a very toxic personality to be fair so I was surprised.
I dunno man he seems average+ type. Not fat 5'10-11, goes to gym.

Just be yourself only applies for males if you're really extroverted and charming bu nature. The fact of the matter is you can only make it by 'just being yourself' if you aren't a quiet introvert that doesn't bother initiating conversation because he doesn't feel like it. Us westerners don't live in an introverted society, and we'll just have to adapt if we want to live a normal life.

Hope it's not 25, that's me later this year. I haven't really even tried yet, to think it would all be over before it could begin...

It doesn't make you happy but not being able to afford better things in life or freezing your ass on the street doesn't make you happy either. Nothing can really make you happy, not even true love if you don't know how to appreciate it.

Girls will think you're joking when you tell them you're virgin. And then they'll try to steal your innocence just to be your first.

THe closest I was to being raped was when my 12 year old cousin had me eat her pussy when I was six. Other than that It was mostly kids of the same age and normally I was the initiator.

Good advice.

Still possible considering how soon kids these days hit puberty.

100% wrong. Girls will always pick experience over inexperience

>Never had sex
>Never kissed
>Never held hands
>Never hugged a women outside of my family
>Haven't been to a different place than work for 7 months because that was when I started ordering my groceries.

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Better than being that fucking creepy degenerate that had a lot of sex as a kid and became fucked up and never kissed, held hands, or dated later in life.

to every virgin in this thread

i am getting laid tomorrow and on halloween :)

>i am getting laid tomorrow and on halloween :)
why so sure bucko

Escorts do not count, my friend

My uncle got married at 48, never too late to lose it

>t had a lot of sex as a kid
wat how

40 here. Hope hasn't died. People have different life situations. I dropped out of school, was too anxious and paranoid to work, so I played video games and studied on my own while beefing up orogramming skills. Next thing I know I'm 30 so I try to go to uni since nothing is working out. The generation and autism gap is too great and I hardly socialize with anyone. I graduate and go into graduate school. Next thing I know I'm 39 and realize I'm running out of time to get laid.

>40 here. Hope hasn't died.
I admire your optimism.

whenn ur ded

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You will die in car crash and never get laid.
Trips for truth.

It happens faster than you think.
Life is long in some ways, but short in others.

It feels the same physically
For all intents and purposes they do count, or is there an institution that regulates under which conditions you can truly lose your virginity?

living in the ghetto, discovering dad's porn stash early and little parental supervision

On a technical standpoint yes you lose your virginity but having to pay a sex worker to do the deed is pathetic, and many men will not do it because they want to have sex with someone who likes them, not with someone who probably finds them gross but is going with it because she is getting paid.

Too late is your 40s, because the vast majority of women your age are probably married.
20s are fine, because all your peers are still into non-permanent relationships and FWBs.
30s are probably better than 20s, since there will be a lot of women looking to secure a partner.

>lasted a minute
I highly doubt a virgin with the "Grip of Death" will even manage to cum their first time having sex.

btw, having sex is a natural and instinctual thing so you can't be bad at it unless you start trying to fuck like a pornstar who is only fucking to make a good show for the camera. Go slow at first to warm up, and change your speed/force off the feelings you are getting and the feelings you get from reading your partner. Virgins often put this insane importance on sexual technique because their only view of sex is from porn and from sluts.

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they told me
ive already gotten laid plenty of times, im 21 btw

I lost mine at 17, I'm still a sperglord. Really you should lose it before 16, after that you'll still have problems.

t.32 yo

This, I still suffer from death grip despite having sex regularly with gf. It's absolute shit and will ruin you.

I would argue it's too late when your genitals stop functioning

Do you think people actaully know how to have sex or can last long? Your years of death grip contributes more to sexual stamina then people having sex themselves.

I'm 22 and I feel like it's over. So unless a miracle happens or I end up killing myself before then, I am destined to make it to 30 and become a wizard because I just can't get myself to go to an escort.

25-30. There's a reason why we have 25+/30+ threads.