i don't understand them.
Robots who have access to sex/love
robot =/= incel
also having access to it doesn't mean that you're gonna go for it
t. guy who could have fucked atleast 4 girls in the past 3 years but remains KVH because I never liked any of them
somebody with access to sex/love is not an outcast therefore not a robot, lol
nice nails though
i didn't say robot = incel
i said i don't understand non-incel robots.
what do you want to understand? your post is rather vague
it's vague on purpose.
type whatever the fuck you want
>access to sex is hard
Prostitution is legal here, and as they get checked often and fuck with rubber(unless you talk or bribe them into bareback) your purity fags
>but muh STD
screeching would worry me very little.
It is seriously just picking up a 50 euro bill and taking a 5 min train ride, and I'll have sex with whatever race, haircolor and bodytype I have an itching for.
Too bad I am an idiot and want love instead
>have access to sex/love
Maybe it's like sex and love isn't the solution to all of life's problems
It's incel =\= robot
Robot is most definitely = to incel
nice trips.
for people without any goals or aspirations it pretty much is.
soliciting prostitutes is illegal here, there is a very real risk of being partyvan'd.
that said, i'd much rather have romantic sex.... i think.
ego death, or actual death, is the solution.
>i'd much rather have romantic sex
what's the difference between that and regular sex?
Sex and loving relationships aren't a cure all of everything wrong with me
Also if I'm not a robot what am I? Cause I'm certainly not a normie
I have access to sex and i could probably get some one to fall for me but it doesn't mean i'll love them back. I just want to be able love each other.
A larping autist
A normalfag who wants to feel special for some reason
> I just want to be able love each other.
i just want to be able to not be socially ostracized because i'm a freak (sexually/politically/morally/mentally/etc) who can only attract sociopaths
neither is money, but not having money fucking sucks
Sex doesn't mean much on global scale. You are still a sad sack of shit with no dreams, goals or motivations. It just makes you want to kill yourself a little bit less.
>tfw what makes you feel unique and special is now also what supports your victim complex
Idk who you are but I think you just won female life
Or maybe youre not a robot and can actually function in society.
>uuuh sex does not mean anything
Lay off the sour graps.
Get my rocks off, and I am happier. I am less under pressure to appeal to any other qt girl, so she invariably likes me more and even offers the sex I no longer clamor for.
I feel less like a loser, and project more confidence which makes other guys far less inclined to prey on me for status-battles.
Sex alone goes a damn long way to make me better and make me act a better person, even if it is "just the banging a wet hole" kind.
And that is not even going into the loving relationship where you trust someone (how good/bad an idea giving trust to a girl is belongs in another can of worms) and feeling that a sweet girl cares for you and wants to spend as much time with you as she can.
if you're an incel you are definitely a robot
you're telling me some normie is an incel?
If I try hard enough I can get sex but I don't want to try too hard and look like a fucking moron.
It would surely help me to becoming a more complete human.
You idiot. Nobody said it was. We're saying if you can get those things you're not a robot. Fucking retard
>had sex
>not a normie
if you're so likeable you got laid you are certainly not a robot
To be a robot you need to be InCel but incels can be failed normies.
>To be a robot you need to be InCel
don't you mean volcel? incel means you still want what normies have/get, making you a failed normie and therefore not a robot
lots of failed normalfags are incels
it's only voluntary if you have a choice. the underlying assumption is that as a sexual outcast you don't have a choice regardless of whether you care or not.
When did the incel wave got here?
I remember that a while ago a few of us knew that our lack of sex was mostly our fault
In my case because I'm an ugly autistic skelly
i'd be surprised if you knew who i was lol
i'm not a victim, i just reside within the confines of a very limiting life situation
it's kind of heartbreaking to know that the only people who like the REAL me are sociopaths and psychopaths :)
but hey, at least i'm not an NPC right.
ive been in a r/s but i faked everything about it, like an actor pretending in a play. didnt feel much when i held her hands, kissed etc. everything felt like there was a barrier between me and her. i also didnt miss her much when we broke up. im basically biologically programmed to be a loner
I still use it like we used it a year ago because fuck normie memes.
You are OK user, you are going to make it eventually
isn't "it's because I'm fucking ugly" the incel creed
maybe you are just anhedonic or aromantic by nature
yea pretty much but it fucking sucks tho, its like i have delicious cake but no taste buds
robothood sucks so much
What's not to understand? I have a girlfriend, nice job, my own place... But still I feel like I don't belong here, but every day when alarm clock goes on, I wake up, shower, brush my teeth and put on the mask before going out.
Mask is the metaphor for all autistics here.
Even though I'm not comfortable around normies and don't like what they like, still I understand the rules of the game so I play.
At least this way I'm successful and can do my own thing.
almost everybody has some feelings of social isolation and putting on a show you dimwit
if you're successful in "all" areas of life - what do u get out of perusing these boards?
not rly, many normies dont put on a show or at least dont have to radically alter their personality to such an extent like us robots
lots of them do, that you think this isn't relatively normal only speaks to your utter normalfaggotry
Let me guess, you dated an NPC.
u think normies have to analyze every single facial expression and extrapolate what that means? u think normies have decision-trees in their heads when having conversations to decide what to say to achieve optimal outcomes? u think normies have to remember to smile and maintain eye contact? u think normies have to resist the urge to stim in public?
yes many normalfags have anxiety problems and neurosis
i can't deny this
what differs is the frequency and intensity
Not all incels are robots but all robots have to be incels to be considered robots. The rest can fuck off to normalfag social media sites.
if you're at the stage where you can maintain a normal social and work life, it's hardly being a robot
ngl I just go on this board because it has interesting people on it
>i said i don't understand non-incel robots.
>I don't understand dead people who are alive
Because it's a nonsense statement that doesn't make sense. If you are not a virgin, then you are not a robot and you do not belong on Jow Forums. Why is this difficult for you to understand?
No shit Sherlock
Whan did I said all? There's lot's of things I want to achieve.
>No shit Sherlock
the point is that you're clearly not a robot, nothing you described puts you out of the bounds of a normalfag
Just because you can't see the big picture doesn't mean it's true. If you are so smart you could really see through society as it is and adapt.
You can't though, and now you are angry at everyone because you have that special snowflake syndrome.
Consider the rope
literally irrelevant, the central and only point is you are a normalfag. you should be happy about this if anything.
>If you are so smart you could really see through society as it is
That is very easy, more so becuase we only observe and notice more
>and adapt.
No, and that is what you shitheads do not get, because it comes easy to you as breathing.
I CAN'T adapt to it, and a lot of other robots can't either.
I'm not happy, that's the point. I got those things just by pretending. Like a fucking video game... Just adapt and fruits of your labour fall into your lap. It's literally that easy.
>That is very easy, more so becuase we only observe and notice more
So? What's the problem then? If you can see normal fags for what they are, what's stopping you from taking advantage of it?
>No, and that is what you shitheads do not get, because it comes easy to you as breathing.
But it doesn't. We just leaned to adapt and play the fucking game to win. Or be a shut in and cry how the world is cruel because they don't play by youre rules.
>I CAN'T adapt to it, and a lot of other robots can't either.
Then that's on you. Because you already have the brain to figure out the game, and you are already at the advantage.
You not playing doesn't really change anything, it just shows how fucking weak you are.
Do what you want man, but this is just a waste.
but literally everyone has a choice, hookers and hookups exist so that point is mute
Sitting here and bitching about is what we are indeed (somewhat) happily doing.
It is just that some freckless tool like you sees fit comes along and think HE has problems, when he has none.
We do not CARE if you are not happy, you asshole can function and get a gf at least.
the what
"all" != all
personally i can adapt to an extent, and mask myself as a functioning human, since I need to do it in order to have a job and not be murdered by "morally superior" humans.
i learned at an early age that the world severely dislikes people like me.
that is why i will never find love, let alone genuine friends.
First stop saying WE. You are not the voice of entire collective. Now when we got that of the line... What the fuck did YOU do except bitching?
I was a skelly, been friendzoned more times than I can remember. What did I do?
Start working on myself. It took me three fucking years of sweat and tears to have body like I have now, in those three years I went back to school and got diploma. I worked shitty jobs with people I would never be friends before and learned first hand how things work.
And here you are... Motherfucking Tumblr tier special snowflake telling me how you are so fucking depressed because you didn't put 1% of effort to get better, but cry that to all others it comes "natural".
No, snowflake that one is on you. People can see you are just a lazy piece of shit. Wake up, or fucking don't.
But fucking no one will ever love piece of lazy shit like yourself.
With love, user