I clock into my night shift in an hour ask me anything
I clock into my night shift in an hour ask me anything
Worst thing you've seen user?
Do you fap to any of the sluts that go there?
Over night is nothing but big niggas absolutely no women till like 9 a.m.
Sounds like hell. Have a nice night!
do you act like a cunt to free weight users?
Some guy tried to bring in his 5 year old to get him to walk the treadmill it was pretty funny how he didn't understand why the kid couldn't come in
I honestly don't even know where the lunk alarm switch is
What the fuckkkk
Thank you user
but if a wild pack of chads entered and started breaking world records, claning and whooting the whole time, would you stop them?
These twelve hour shifts are killer honestly
How does that room smell?
If they're funny I don't think so I'd probably record it or something
Doesn't really have any smell really but my manager told me where the Glade is so if I let one rip I know how to hide it
how often do fatties come only to get pizza or whatever free food is out?
Also some one stole two 80 pound free weights idk who you are my guy but I'm impressed that you got away with it
>not getting Jewish with your home gym construction and stealing free weights
user why aren't you learning ?
Every. first. Monday.
Lmao I'm starting to take notes
I see a sign at my local planet saying “No personal training of any kind allowed” dafuq does that mean?
i means
fuck gyms and fuck gym people
thats how i interpret it anyway
We have a personal trainer but the dude is really ghetto and we don't have that sign so you can bring them if you want
Right? It sounds like i’m not allowed to focus too much on personally training myself.
I see big nigs trying to train the girls what to do all the time
My gym is full of Hispanics and wetbacks so it's usually just a bunch of sexual harassment going on between the guys and girls
The fuck's a lunk alarm for and why do you have that.
How do you find passion in life and the drive to do things? I am apathetic towards all things, a NEET loser and feel bad about yet the only things I do are eat, lift, and browse the internet. Nothing brings me enjoyment and all the people who used to care about me now resent me for what I've become.
fuck motivation and fuck passion
you dont need them
their anchors weighing you down
always in sufficient quantities
fuck'um you dont need'um
What to do when really nervous about meeting relatives over Christmas? I have barely seen any of them more than once every two years for the last decade. I'm a complete loser with no life and no prospects, and am completely uninteresting and incapable of holding a conversation. I'm always so ashamed, so I just sit there and eat because I want to look busy. I don't even really have any gains from last time to be proud over and maybe give me some confidence. I'm so nervous I can't even sleep. It's in... 11 hours. This social phobia will be the end of me.
know exactly what you mean bro
>tfw always get compliments on my perfect work ethic, always being on time etc etc
>tfw it crumbles literally overnight when i realize everything ill ever do is insignificant not only by the world's standards but also by my own
ive been unemployed for a few months now. the only thing that keeps me going is lifting
If niggas are groaning/moaning or slamming weights but I honestly don't know where the switch is they told me on my first day but I forgot where they pointed
Work at a gym my man
It means no outside personal trainers. Like you can’t pay someone who isn’t a pf employee to come coach you
What kind of thread did this turn into
>ask me anything
That’s fine
i have a question for op.
are you trained about when to turn on the lunk alarm? what are the criteria?????
>How hot are the gym thots?
>Do any big guys (4u) workout there?
>Do people workout and eat pizza at the same time?
Lie, man. Get yourself a nice outfit, you still have time. It's a family dinner, don't be autistic and rock up in a 3-piece suit, but get yourself a good button-up shirt and some slacks, and make sure you iron them. Do you wear glasses? If not, pick up a $5 pair of reading glasses from the drugstore. "Haha, you know how it is, slaving over those reports every day. My eyes just aren't what they used to be."
You ever play D&D? Time to build a character. You are the most normie, NPC motherfucker around. Live it.
"user, what do you do?"
"Haha, nose to the grindstone, the ol' nine-to-five. Every couple weekends Gavin and I get together for a little racquetball. Great guy, Gavin. Told me he was thinking of popping the question to Cynthia during the holiday. Hope it goes well, they deserve each other. So how've you been?"
The trick is to be just boring enough, and always redirect the conversation back to them. People love talking about themselves, they'll forget all about you as long as you give them enough to work with.
cringe and bluepilled
the fake glasses and fake stories aren't a good idea, he's gonna end up dropping his spaghetti
Exactly. Let it happen.
not sure what applies but read this
How much does the personal trainer cost?
At planet fitness it's free
Not really sometimes management just sounds it cause they don't like a specific person
Why did you do this to yourself
which one? as in what's the main street it's off of?
I get that now
I get payed
Whoa forgot to take the Dallas off
no outside trainers
the chinese always pull this shit in my country
Only free weights are dumbells
Why do you think they are called free weights?
The last one hasn't happened or at least I haven't seen it
answer the question you fucking faggot chicken shit.
Lmao you know what if you find me I'll tell you if it's me there's only like 5 in Dallas so come find me
I'll show you this screen shot too
>being such a chicken shit faggot that you dodge a question concerning the main street that your planet fatness is located off of
yep, you're DEFINITELY the kind of low skilled moron that would willingly work at planet fatshits. too scared to say a street name. do you REALLY think someone from Jow Forums would show up and say "HEY BRO I SAW YOU Jow Forums THREAD SO HERE I AM TO SAY "HI" LOL HOW ABOUT THAT"?
total. fucking. loser. definitely planet faggot material.
I would do that lol
Wow my man I didn't think it would mean that much to you
>i admit that you are 100% correct about what a pussy bitch i am, sir
i accept your surrender.
Are you seriously same fagging right now?
Are you alright, bro?
bretty good, will reflect upon
Here's my method user, it might be full autismo but it works everytime. I, like I suspect you are too, am the weird antisocial dude in my family, and it's a fucking big family too (my dad has 4 siblings) which makes it worse. If you start acting like a normie in your twenties noone's gonna fully buy into it and it's gonna be hell for you psychologically to essentally play a character that you are not. Become well read, or an expert in a field of science/tech/philosophy and when you have nothing else to say steer the conversation towards that. Or maybe you can talk about the gym and stuff. Draw parallels from what you know to real life situations and talk about that, express your interests. Normies are taught to respect conformity and are happy to drone on about their NPC lives but they will respect a loud voice because they view it as confidence which is actually rare. You don't need to appear normal, don't worry what these niggers think and however ironic it sounds be yourself and show it.
Worst advice ever
Almost everybody is afraid user.
This is some real shit user, thanks
>"Haha, nose to the grindstone, the ol' nine-to-five. Every couple weekends Gavin and I get together for a little racquetball. Great guy, Gavin. Told me he was thinking of popping the question to Cynthia during the holiday. Hope it goes well, they deserve each other. So how've you been?"
id knock the fuck out of my cousin if he tried talking to me like that
>tfw spic but family only gives a shit about our immediate family plus one of my uncles and his wife
>grandparents are all dead so don't have to go deal with large family gatherings with millions of cousins for their sake
>holidays and birthdays are small and comfy every year, zero drama, no one haa anything to prove
Feels good.
For that you would need to have actual interests and hobbies outside of lifting, nobody wants to hear about how you hit your PR bench yesterday
This guy is just describing how every single normie on earth is, what if you hate normies (that sounds edgy ye) and don't want to be one?
can someone post the mirrored image of this guy
based and kekked
That sounds fun as fug
>"Haha, nose to the grindstone, the ol' nine-to-five. Every couple weekends Gavin and I get together for a little racquetball. Great guy, Gavin. Told me he was thinking of popping the question to Cynthia during the holiday. Hope it goes well, they deserve each other. So how've you been?"
Honestly it's a little funny
Awww man you got me
How bout dem Cowboys?
They makin noise