
Anyone from the Balkans here?

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I'm a mix of mostly all Yugoslav (serbia Croatia and another one) countries living in Canada

being a slav out here is rough

Necu da ti kazem

Kys too.

Croatia and Slovenia shouldn't even be considered the Balkans.

OP je peder


But I hate those boards :(

why do balkan niggers think that theyre a part of eu?

I hate this whole site as it is. So what?

>every balkanshit will shit on the others with retarded memes and high-school inspired propaganda
>western losers will shit on everyone because somehow that makes them feel better about themselves
Fuck Balkan threads. Fuck the Balkans, fucking subhuman filth.
t. Balkannigger

Turkey is in the balkans?

Because we are, also niggers are your thing, le 56%.

romanian checking in, i always try to forget that its in the balkans

>hurr durr slovenia/croatia/romania/greece is not balkan
Lovin' this meme, the peninsula shrinks all the time.
At this point

Part of it is, geographically at least. Bigger question is why the map I posted includes Romania, but it's just a random pic I found.
Well, we can try to be friendly to each other for once. No point lashing out at random people because of events that happened decades ago...

I am an Ethiopian prince full with shekels from the oil industry, prove it that I ain't so.

There are Bosnian and Albanian criminals in Slovenia but the architecture and overall behavior of the people is different. Same with Croatia.
Balkan starter pack
>every woman is for sale
t. Romanian

Everything that was in the Byzantine and Ottoman empires and in Yugoslavia is Balkan. Some faggots try to pretend their country is not because the Balkans have a rather bad reputation. Pathetic.

>some unique specific Balkan architecture exists
The fuck are you talking about?

Yet another Wikipedia and Reddit search genius. Go kys. Teach me my native tongue too while you are there.

romanii sunt subhumans

balkan subhuman nearly just as bad as slav subhuman

Agen, fukk off to Jow Forums and Jow Forums with your google translate cancer.

Greece motherfuckers

google translate
ma faci sa rad


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>balkanshit invented computers
How you feel now user?

Let's keep politics out of this and just have a comfy Balkans thread.

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Sorry user, picking on Yuropussies is my past time.

Can't blame you, we get butthurt easily which can be really funny.

Arent they supposed to hate each other to death?
Im from europe, but from everything i've heard from history, i always thought those countries were mostly in "bad shape" because their last years of history have been nothing more than war, occupation, and beating themselves with civil wars.
Can some balkanbot give me a quick rundown on how are relations with their neighbor countries?

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Meant to reply to We do. I'm a Serb and we hate basically all of our neighbors except Romania. But we are also culturally very similar, so once we stop being butthurt we get along really well.

Bulgaria is turkish
Macedonia is bulgarian, serbian and greek
Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia are serbian
Bosnia is hrvatska
Dunno shit about Albania
And Romania has the biggest fucking landmass, because of a Stacey.

No, screw those boards. t's just constant fighting, insulting and Jow Forums trash.
Only on Jow Forums and the calmer boards can croatians, bosnians, albanians, serbians, greeks, romanians, bulgarians, etc. not be called shitskin turk-rape babies and can just talk to each other.

>mutt thinks he's a part of europe and can decide who is and isn't

>>every balkanshit will shit on the others with retarded memes and high-school inspired propaganda
Every. Single. Time
You just know it's edgy teens making these shit memes and propaganda. That's why I hate Balk threads.

Civil wars are mostly a Yugoslav thing. Every other major conflict was more than 100 years ago. Yeah and Germany firebombed Belgium and the Netherlands 75 years ago and they are in much better shape. The only reason the "Balkans" (and when people say this they mean only the former commie ones) are in a "bad shape" is socialism.

>Yeah and Germany firebombed Belgium and the Netherlands 75 years ago and they are in much better shape.
I mean yeah you are right, but those countries got america's baby milk to build back up right after the war so they wouldnt trun communist by the shit they were living in.
Most of the balkan countries got also occupied by USSR with the warsaw pact. And it looks like it had the same affects as the christian dark ages on those countries.

Truth be told, we were hardly bastions of excellence even before socialism. Hell, many of the ex yu countries still have a lower GDP per capita than they had during Yugoslav times.

Jebem vam svima mater

sisaj kurac

>Bulgaria is turkish

Balkans are South Slavs you uneducated mutt.
Also a lot of us are blond with blue eyes, how the fuck do you compare you basement dwelling hobbit

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Balkan disputes. Everyone hates everybody else and thinks they deserve more territory.

How do you deal with loneliness when everyone around you is a typical tough Balkans guys who'd tell you to man up or a roastie who'd just laugh? I honestly think I'm gonna kill myself soon if something doesn't change.

>Can some balkanbot give me a quick rundown on how are relations with their neighbor countries?
l'll try, but let's keep politics out of this afterwards. Only doing this to give you an idea.
>t. croat

Slovenians - Slightly Like, though it's arguable whether they're in the Balkans
Bosnians - Slightly Dislike, I'd like them if they weren't so wild
Serbians - Dislike, I don't need to explain why
Montenegrins - Like
Macedonians - Neutral
Greeks - Slightly Dislike, only b/c strong Serb relations, other than that it would be neutral
Albanians - Neutral, they don't like Serbians so "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" plays in and no one knows how to makes serbs butthurt like they do which lead to some of the best bants desu
Bulgarians - Slightly Like
Turks(the part that's in the balkans) - Strongly Dislike, mainly for political reasons other than that, I couldn't be fucked less
Romanians - Slightly Dislike

That's pretty much it. Remember, these all vary case by case, so take it with a grain of salt. I have my own reasons for the ratings and a mix of the general opinion.
Again, try to keep politics out of Jow Forums, especially Balkan threads. Balk threads are usually incredibly toxic and fueled with propaganda, so there's no point to them.

>a lot of us are blond with blue eyes
That's not true. It's also super retarded to base muh whiteness on some Nazi-era standard of what is supposed to be ideal, based on what some snowniggers in Scandinavia look like.

Jow Forums has nice boards. Maybe the abandoned ones.

We just move on.
We need to be tough. The weak usually leave or kill themselves.

This is dumb. The mutt is an idiot, but this is also idiotic.
Not everyone in the Balkans is a slav and 95%+ people in the Balkans has darker hair and eyes.
Most Europeans have light-dark brown eyes and hair, blue and blond is commonly found in the North and North-East, so it's a dumb argument to say ,"Hey we have blue eyes and blond hair so we're white too." when most Europeans wouldn't be considered white then.

>How do you deal with loneliness when everyone around you is a typical tough Balkans guys who'd tell you to man up
You man up.

But how? I can't control how I feel. You're either born a man or a failure.

You are born a boy.
You BECOME a man.

>live in the Balkans
>be a meek shit
Kys you fucking gay faggot. Ky family too.

Jesus Crist why the fuck does everyone hate the serbs? Was it because of yugoslavia?
I guess i see why there are so many Serbian memes on the internet.
Im honestly just curious into knowing more about their history.
I understand that the hate for turkey may be because of the ottoman empire shit.
But i dont undertand why bosnia, croatia and serbia hate eachother.
Didnt hungary also want a piece of the cake aswell? During ww2?
Its so confusing

Go to Jow Forums suck a dick too. Bye.

Forget how you feel man. Just go to the gym.

Ku jeni shqipe?

Yes, gym and the ketogenic diet have cured my homosexuality. Pls make sure to add cold showers, nofap, no pillow, no shampoo, no smartphones too.

Damn why so much hate with just wanting to know about your country's history?
What the fuck did i do wrong??

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Probably nobody. Too small of a country for that.

Basically if it wasn't for the Treaty of Berlin 1878 these countries would have gotten their territories and be done with it, but no, the great powers don't want to have a powerhouse on the balkans.

There is no hope. Should have added that from the start. Move out. Go to California.

I don't know why, but it's hard for me to imagine Albanians browsing Jow Forums.
Eh, you're right. I need to start hitting the gym again, I'm really out of shape right now. Who knows, maybe I find a gf once I lose all the weight I gained over the last two years.

ketu jam


>fytyren kur nuk ke gf

>Eh, you're right. I need to start hitting the gym again
Literally every man aged 16-30 and sometimes 30+ hits the gym. I don't know if it's the macho Balkan guy stereotypical mentality but a man who doesn't go to the gym literally can't compete. Unless you're rich.


Romania has voted in favor of gay marriage like 2 weeks ago. Go look it up. We have to legalize it and gay adoptions too by the Constitutional Court's decisions.

>they tried to expand their land, disregarding their neighbors
>they tried to genocide their neighbors if they didn't comply with what they wanted
>overall treated bosnians like dirt, always instigating conflicts
>makes the smallest issue a thorn in everyones arse
>proved to be hypocrites when they claimed to fight for christianity but sold their daughters to the ottomans for political influence and helped them with a few skirmishes

So on and so forth.

I must say though, it's purely political. That's the source of Balkan hate, corrupt politics pitting the people with each other. That's the main reason why I, Bosnians, and Albanians strongly dislike Serbians. I don't dislike them individually, just overall because of politics. If the politics simmered, all of us could get on neutral grounds. Take Serbia and Albania for example, they're relationship was probably neutral - slightly neutral, but the Kosovo issue is the sole reason why the began to strongly dislike each other. Without that, it'd be similar to before it.
We Croats aren't innocent either. For example, in the Nazi era, Hitler pulled in the Croatians and Albanians because he deemed them to be real Europeans, but he thought of the Serbians as "Slavic Untermensch". He thought of Slavs were akin to the Jews and Gypsies and had plans to get rid of Serbians and annex Serbia to, either Croatia or Albania, maybe both, I can't recall. Croatians also decided it was time to remove them from our land, which didn't work, but the fact that we decided to try it made that a dark time. Point is, every country in the Balkans has done something at one point, it's purely political.
The list I made above could be made for every Balkan country. Those are just a few of the reasons I dislike Serbians. I hope the future changes and we can all be at least on a neutral standing.

Also, this isn't me

Ca bone lal

A ke qi gjo?

>Jesus Crist why the fuck does everyone hate the serbs? Was it because of yugoslavia?
Because they ended up on the winning side in the world wars and basically got to occupy a lot of lands from their neighbors. With Yugoslavia they kinda pretended it's not "Great Serbia" but they all felt and acted like that and then in the 90s decided to chimp out and attack others because of muh empire. Basically only Greeks and Romanians don't hate them because they didn't take or tried to take lands from them.

>Also, this isn't me
Literal plebbit newfag who still got his brain locked into the ""I have an online reputation just like an offline one, must make people like me for my smarts because I ain't got anything else going on for me""
You can suck my dick and eat my shit too, literally in the physical world.

What the hell is wrong with you? Take a break from the internet.

As long as gender politics and feminism doesn't come here it doesn't matter.

Go outside, dude, it's been here for quite a while. It's just not as radical as it is in the West yet. Try telling a woman that it's her duty to give birth to children and you'll see how they react.

I don't mind it personally, since I'm fairly progressive politically, but this whole "Balkans girls are traditional and redpilled" meme is simply untrue.

No retard the turnout was too low for the referendum to pass 20% the minimum was 30%, no one voted progay
95% of he ones that voted voted against gay marriage, that means around 4-5 mil Romanians are ready to slit your throat.
And gay marriage is still unconstitutional in romania, they're making "partnership" legal, the referendum just tried to make partnership illegal too.

The meme is fairly true tho. Balkan girls are either traditional or Staceys. There is almost no 3-rd wave feminism here.

>this whole "Balkans girls are traditional and redpilled" meme is simply untrue.
Idiots just say this because they want to feel better than men in Western Europe. Women here are just as big whores as there.

>There is almost no 3-rd wave feminism here.
This is some fringe 0.01% type of thing in the West. You spend too much time on the Internet if you think it's something mainstream.

I am.
Looking for American/Canadian fembot to marry for visa.

>but this whole "Balkans girls are traditional and redpilled" meme is simply untrue

Who the fuck thought that was true?
I live in a south european country and every year i get some balkan (romanian or hungarian) erasmus students in my university.
Every time the the balkan girls go full whores in my country and try to fuck with every guy, even the ones who have boyfriends cheat and tell nothing about it.
The boys normally go full depression-core and try to act as if they arent mad. The ones that also try to fuck, most of the time end up with nothing.

I don't think it's mainstream at all. I know that at least it exists and the is active. Here it's almost non-existent

To be fair all Erasmus girls act like whores abroad.

>"Balkans girls are traditional and redpilled" meme is simply untrue.
Yeah you are right but they got ruined by other things like post-socialist culture, not feminism. Only time I ever encountered feminist was a bit in Uni. Otherwise the media and the school system is mostly conservative. Very few westerners know that Soviet Communist was pretty conservative in nature when it comes to family values and society. Nothing in common with western commies. In fact I believe western commies are the way they are as a ploy to destroy the west. What I'm trying to say is that societal destructive ideology is not institutionalized like in the west.

To be fair all girls act like whores.

Seriously, fuck women. And fuck Serbian women especially.

Greece reporting in
who are you calling a nigger-head? I agree with Romanians being niggers because they are so fucking brain dead and little gypsie faggots.
Inb4 Jow Forumstard

>telling a woman that it's her duty to give birth
That isn't what "feminism" is anymore.
The women are more OK here, no retard roastie is complaining about the "gender gap" or other shit, we being under communism helped our women understand that being a stay at home mom is better than working like the regular wageslave
>under communism women worked, and worked hard

Also The Greeks created the first computer as we understand it today and it calculated time / mathematics as well as keeping track of astrological events

True or not, no one cares.
Go back.

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I mean, I don't disagree with you. They won't outright tell you that they're feminists, and more often than not they themselves are unaware how feminist their beliefs are. But, like I said, they're just like women in the West in a sense that neither believe it is their duty to have children, believe that casual sex is harmless, have had multiple partners and cheat without too much guilt, expect you to pay for them while not giving much in return, believe that their pussy is a valuable object that must be earned, etc etc. Sure, they won't scream that there aren't enough women in popular movies and dye their hair bright colours, but in all aspects that truly matter they're just like Western whores.
Don't be mean to Romanians, they're alright.

Yeah, i guess that is very much true. Its sad to think that the european goverment created arasmus for people to get more experience working with eachother and bring europe closer. But right now i have a feeling its only seen as a chance to go and fuck people from another country and cheat on you SO's.

It was actually really sad to see that one of my italian roomates was having an afair with a romanian girl that was cheating on her boyfriend and would talk to him on skype in our house and right after closing up on him, she would get fucked in the ass by the italian chad all night. And this was only 1 instance, almost all the female erasmus students in my course that i'd know were cheating on their Bf's.
Letting your girl go onboard right now as become a major red flag for me.

Communist culture encouraged whore behavior, because it made people materialistic and if a woman wanted a better job/car/apartment she had to fuck the local party member or factory/institution boss.
inb4 "it's the same now"

>Letting your girl go onboard right now as become a major red flag for me.
No woman has the required loyalty or willpower to resist foreign exotic Chads for half an year. That's fucking impossible. It's like leaving your dog alone in the house with a nice steak on the table. Sure, it MIGHT not eat it, but yeah...

Snowniggers? Are you fucking shitting me right now?
You are a fucking cross bread mutt that can't leave mommy and fucking basement, and you are talking about anything?
Burry yourself you fucking excuse for human being.


>t. butthurt snow nig that was cucked by a med chad

Motherfucker if you can't accept people who are light skin, blond with blue eyes like white we don't really have much to discuss do we now?
Ok, we are not white but you le 56% creatura you are. Got it.

TF are you on about? lol gtfo this thread

Who /Beograd/ here?

>false flagging this hard
Get fucked mutt, fucking nobody wants to have anything with you.
Just look at your fucking life m8