What video games are robots playing?
What video games are robots playing?
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None, games are for losers.
Why are you even here if you are not a loser?
paper mario ttyd for the first time. it's pretty good
Cities: Skylines is very comfy
I'm waiting on Spyro reignited trilogy to finally be released, its going to be nostalgic af...
I'm still a loser, just not for playing games
im blind playing the entire metal gear series
im on MGS1 rn for ps1, its really fucking awkward controls wise but is pretty fun and really atmospheric
cant bear cyborg ninja though shits hard
nothing. every time i try to play something my graphics cards go over 100c and the computer shuts itself off.
I bought a ps3 just so I could play the metal gear series
nice dude, im gonna play the hd collection and 4 on mine. ive never played a second of the series up until right now so its totally blind, pretty fun
the first 2 msx ones (they can be accesed through the mgs3 menu) are pretty good if you are used to old games.
nothing cause my gpu died
Crusader Kings 2.
..... you know exactly why.
Oblivion is based.
Is it rape user
Farming simulator
Buying red dead on Thursday night and going to play it until Monday
why obviously.... to get a qt pagan gf user...
just that... *cough*
I liked the first two metal gear games but I had to use a guide to beat them
>tfw character gets rejected by every women
just like real life
using a guide is fine and dandy...
tbqh with you though. i just try to finish the game, have fun and learn the mechanics...
after a few months once i finish it, i leave it for a while...
then a sudden lightbulb of perfectionism lights up and i replay it with guides. to get the 100% of the experience
None... anhedonia has stripped of every post and present joy
Though I'm getting into tabletop games and it seems fun. It's a pretty autismo hobby so I don't think it'll be hard to fit in if I find a group of people.
It just makes me feel like a retard
I haven't used a guide but I was only able to beat the first one, the second one has me beat for now.
;-; i feel u user...
I always feel spoiled. Like "oh I could've thought of that but now I'LL NEVER KNOW"
that's okay user. just do it like me and it won't bother you as much :D
Maybe you should try to clean your PC, user.
TF2 atm, the halloween updates are fun
it's already clean
maybe it's because the graphics card is almost 4 years old and i need to replace it
nibba clean your pc ffs how retarded can someone be to not realise that this is caused from dust
it's already clean smartass, this was the first thing i did after i saw the temperature rising.
Overwatch, Minecraft, Trapquest, Monster Girl Quest, and Super Mario Odyssey
I'm playing Divinity Original Sin right now, pretty fun.
Putting in 10 hours a day or more on the new Assassin's Creed.
Minecraft, jus playing offline all by myself
then youre a fucking nigger for not realising that there's a problem with your cpu temps and your paste gone RIP
change CPU fan u waste of robot sperm
Nice dubs, do you play creative mode or survival?
Survival on hard, it can be frustrating, but is a lot of fun and time consuming.
Is morrowind worth playing in 2018?
just play it and figure it out on yourself
Just got hunter call of the wild. Seems chill and comfy for a single player game to enjoy myself on, hope its worth the money
I'm currently playing xonotic.Any robot wants to play with me a duel?
I pretty much only play EVE
You must be the malaka taking all my drachmae. I will pray to Ares for your downfall.
Autismo grinding Melty and Xrd while also juggling Gungeon and Dragons Dogma. And a modded copy of Oblivion with a bunch of loverslab mods for later. I don't know why I still play fighters, all I do is training and bully the CPU. Oh well.
right now csgo and vanilla wow on lights hope(horde)
Nothing because my new pc is an annoying piece of shit
I'm playing Black Desert and my rooommate who pretends not to be a weeb is always playing those light novel anime games and jerking off to them
pic related
Splatoon 2 all weekend for the splatooween splatfest. I just want a cute squid/ octo gf
Just trying to get good at Brawlhalla. Scythe is taking some work but im getting noticeable improvements.
Waiting for FF15 to install
Rainbow Six Siege even though I hate it. Also some Runescape when I don't want to make myself feel like shit.
Literally everyone in the entirety of Greece hates me and wants to kill me. No doubt mater will eventually betray me too. Even robots on Jow Forums want my downfall. Perhaps I shall go the way of old Leonidas and 'an hero'
Playing final fantasy 12 zodiac age and Darksoul remastered.
But New generation games are boring. I like to work out in the gym more. It feels good. I don't have time to play games anyway. Uni 24/7.
I just don't get the same feels anymore.
I like racing games. They get my heart beating fast, there is something about racing games that wants me to be first. When I win a close call race I feel like I just fapped.
Playing a lot of overwatch ffa latetely. Other gamemodes are kind of boring, ffa is a bit more high-stakes so that is fun.
Lilith's Throne, Xcom 2, Killing Floor 2, Starcraft 2, and trying to learn Rimworld
I don't play too many games these days. Maybe some Banished or Divinity 2. Thinking of replaying Warcraft 2/3 and Diablo 2. Waiting for the next Path of Exile league. I used to play a lot when I still talked with my childhood friend. Used to play all of the online and coop games, but mostly because we had the perfect dynamic of going semi-competitive when we felt like it, or just being complete jackasses that glitch and exploit every in-game bug we can find to mess with people while having a laugh.
Everyone I tried to do the same with had a bad temper and it seems people these days spend more time bashing their keyboard when losing, rather than having a good laugh when going 0/20 with a shit meme build, but getting your teammate stuck into boxes during a slow night.
Plus actual ironic weeb posters and people who don't mind it are rare.
Kotor 2
A good choice.
How do you all even enjoy videogames anymore?
I ask this question because I don't
It was going so well, I was getting into stalker and dwarf fort for huge amounts of time and I was feeling better than usual, now I woke up one day with no drive again.
Pic related
+Stalker, Dead cells and some more late 90s shit.
Trying to 100% Super Mario Odyssey
who here /tf2/? I'm still having a blast with this game
I've been playing Fallout 3 near exclusively for the past decade, though I might get Soul Calibur 6 at some point.
WoW, doing my horsemans for the day
Advanced wars one and two are pretty cool. Dont have the original, I just emulate em
I just started Diablo 3 after finishing Mega Man 11.
Stellaris. But It's boring as fuck. Got tricked by the cool YT vids about mega fleets, dyson spheres and galactic abominations but so far it's been collecting space rocks and space fuel. Also the Gestalt empire next door that hates my guts just sits there doing nothing, weird.
Played MapleStory 2 for the last week or so and now I have two near max level characters. There is nothing left to do in the game right now until they patch in legendary tier item drops and 10 person dungeons. As a result Ive been playing Dota2 which has been my go to game for the last 2 years. If anybody wants to play Dota with another robot, Im just over 3.3k mmr
for a moment there I thought you typed E.Y.E.,but I checked again.what a disappointment
Sorry user
I also played through that game a few times tho
chilling out and playing some vallhalla
Runescape. I hate myself
buy me a bond pls :(
this and Black desert online.
my shit taste in games never ceases to amaze me.
a-atleast im rich in a virtual world, user.
Friends got me into osu, times are rough.
Gets even worse when one of the 2 games I'm waiting for is Star Citizen. Other is Cyberpunk 2077 so that's cool I guess.
>Im just over 3.3k mmr
holy fuck thats slav tier
>Star Citizen
scam citizen
how the actual fuck is anyone still unironically playning runescape
It's looking more like that by the week. Used to play elite dangerous but that got worse with muh plot and muh aliens taking focus. Beyond Ch4 is making exploration more tactile tho so imma give it a shot again. Maybe SC will come out one day..... right? guys?
>Used to play elite dangerous
With what, an oculus rift? because if not you're doing it wrong
There will be more space games like elite but better when the 2nd and 3rd generation VR headsets come out
Not for all of it, but had Rift and HOTAS when I stopped playing. Still one of the best VR experiences I have but already got 1000 hours in it and they pretty much broke early game progression with the removal of mission rank requirements so you can get 60-150k credit missions as your first missions, jumping you from Sidewinder to Viper MkIII in less than 30 minutes, so I don't want to go reset save since it's pointless now. (and late game progression is all just engineers and guardians now)
Squad. I doubt that anyone from here plays it. It has a very small playerbase (~4000). It's on Steam.
I bought it like 2 years ago, but didn't play much of it, I was playing Project Reality BF2 instead, but some montgs ago I left Project Reality because its community is very cancerous and started playing Squad
if you can get into the lore it's an incredible experience. otherwise it'll probably not be worth your time.
csgo. game is still as fucking unfun as ever and i'm still playing by myself. nothing's changed in 5 years.
Any robots here play guild wars 2?
I love the games vibes. Its sad that it kind of died down
uno just uno by myself
>died down
Didn't it get bought by Microsoft and filled with paid skins/mods/texture packs on half it's releases?
Fucking legendary game. I loved playing it with all of my friends back in the day.
I'm trying to learn how to play starcraft and playing this when I get bored
I eventually want to play through every game konami has made.
What rank are you frend, I was dmg but deranked today. I mostly play by myself too maybe we can play together if you want?
Black cocks 4 and SCP Seceret Laboratory. SCP is amazing because of the autistic community. And when RD2 comes out ill be binging that shit
playing deadfire, holy shit haven't played a real rpg in a while