
/uni/ thread, midterms edition.

How the FUCK are your grades? Have you made any connections yet? You don't want to disappoint your famirry, do you?

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It's what now, 3 months and I haven't learned anyone's name.

My family won't be happy no matter what I achieve in life, screw them

Pretty gud, gotta study up a bit before exams but it'll be fine. German is kinda rough.
Met a few people, nothing Rock solid but better than any semester I can remember.
>Disappoint family
Already done, what's next

My grades are decent to actually good. I got a 92.5 on my recent math midterm. I'm a math major so that's good. The class average was an 80-81.5. I feel like a smart.

I actually made a friend with a girl. She doesn't talk to me or want to do anything anymore. So much for that.

I'm trying to weasel up to some chads in my math class in an effort to get invited to a Halloween party to make more social connections. Otherwise I have made no friends at all and don't know fucking anyone. I'm cautiously optimistic but still getting more pessimistic about the future. I downloaded Snapchat... so fuck me.

My family is actually proud of me and supportive. I love them.

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>You don't want to disappoint your family.
They are already disappointed in me. I picked software development and they have a problem with that. I just don't know.
I don't even want them to be proud of me or want their approval anymore.

I don't even know what I did wrong. I'm a perfect attendance student. Should I just get a tattoo and start smoking?
Should I turn into an asshole for people to respect me?

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I've been in university for around 4 weeks now, in my first year. I still feel some sense of emptiness and loss though.
I've been wishing to go to university and study computer science for a long time and worked hard in order to get the good enough results to get into this sort of prestigious uni that I'm in. I had so many optimism and energy but after just being here a few weeks, I'm starting to feel my mind and soul shut down.
It's not that university itself is making me sad, it's not that I am in crippling loneliness, this situation that I'm in right now is probably the best situation that life has given to me. However, I just still feel sad and slightly melancholic over these past few weeks, and I'm not entirely sure why. Why am I not happy?
My mother and family are proud of me, I'm finally living by myself and independently rather than relying on my mother, I am in a university I wanted to go to for a very long time, fuck, I'm even better at socializing (although I still don't have too many friends) and I'm learning stuff I actually give a shit about. I still feel a sense of fatigue and subtle sadness though.
My assignments and work are going okay, but this shit is starting to make me lose focus on my studying, and I'm in a feedback loop of not studying, then feeling bad for not studying and having no energy to do so until I'm paralyzed in bed.
I want to do so much better in my studies but this depressing feeling with no reasonable explanation is holding me back a lot.

tl;dr, I've achieved my dream, work is going good, life is going good, and I'm still not happy. Why? It gets worse and it's starting to affect my studies.

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Wieso tut man sich das freiwillig an??

Life isn't a movie. Lots of people think once they do X, they'll be happy forever. Uni isn't an end in of itself. It's a step towards the future. If Uni is getting you down maybe take solace in the fact that you're on the right path. By all means you should be happy to make it there, but you can't expect happiness from simply being there. Happiness usually comes from fulfillment of one's goals or morals. You need something to look forward to (hope).

I have the same issue where I'm losing morale really quick. Maybe it's the seasons changing too.

But just remember if life is a race, and therefore a constant struggle. That means every day you're alive is a heroic act. Because you're consciously still choosing to move forward instead of being an hero.

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They know coding pajeets will take over the job market.

i have this weird thing with grades that i get really good grades from difficult stuff, way above class average. But if the subject is easy i fuck it up real bad in places where no one is expected to fuck up.

Pajeets already took over the hospitals in the EU.

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How do I go from an F to a C in a calc course? My second exam is in a week.

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What Calc are you in? Besides the usual "office hours" bullshit. What do you not get? I'm in Calc 3 rn.

Calc 1. It wasn't that the work was so difficult, I just couldn't keep up with the around-the-clock quizzes and homework while I work.

Anyways I basically didn't learn limits at all and didn't really get the differentiation stuff. I have a quiz tomorrow on extremes on an interval, rolle's theorem and the derivative tests. Any advice?

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The whole idea of limits is basically WTF happens when you get REALLY REALLY close to number. Differentiation is pretty easy, only the part of knowing what you need to do is Calc (power rule, quotient rule, and etc), all else is just number crunching.

For Rolle's theorem. It basically states that if 2 points equal 0. Then a function between the two has to have a slope of zero, because no matter what the curve looks like, it must come to zero. Meaning there is a max or a min, so at some point there is a slope that equals zero.

For extremes and derivative tests, they go hand in hand. A big part is just grinding to commit them to memory. Literally take all your homework related to them and do it ALL over again.

Practice user. Notice patterns.

Have 2 copies.
1 for notes a day the other one for questions. Use your notes copy to answer the questions in your questions copy.
It will save time flicking pages.
Well that's what I'm doing.

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Other big thing is to draw a picture, especially for extremes and derivative tests. You find critical points by setting f'(x) equal to 0 and solving.

For the first derivative test, test a number nearby the critical point from both sides, say the critical point is 2, test both 1 and 3 (assuming they aren't critical too). I'll go get a picture.

Not good
Pretty sure i failed one of my mid terms already. Plus i havent been able to properly function in social settings without weed for like the past 2 weeks. I think im becoming dependant on it and this frightens me. Ive smoked a half ounce in the past week alone and i have two more mid term exams.

>GPA 3.8
>major I'm interested in
>was in relevant clubs and national honors society for major
>two relevant internships
>0 debt
Too bad it was all for nothing because it's a political science degree

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>it's an organic chemistry professor schedules all the exams within 2 weeks of each other episode

Fuck you weed fags constantly offering me free weed on a daily basis.

Girls that smoke weed are a YIKES.

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If only we could trade places. I would love that.

They can write code, but they are the NPCs of the programming/software dev market. Now Germans, give them a project and they'll deliver it on time in budget.

Alright I pumped this out to help give an idea of what I'm talking about. The little number line near the bottom is how I passed Calc 1 when it came to the derivative tests.

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Why are you unifags even here?

It always feels like everyone in these threads is a 3.9 gpa kid in a prestigious uni complaining that he hasn't had sex in 2 days.

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Thanks user, was not expecting useful advice on a uni thread, appreciate it. Now time to cram.

I am 20 and still am a virgin. Also im pretty sure i failed mid terms already. So yeah i guess im the exception.

Khan Academy is your friend. Look at all the videos they have about what's on your test user.

Here's stuff about the 2nd derivative test. Hope it helps.

Just a warning though, I haven't done this stuff for a long while. Neither Calc 2 or my current Calc 3 has used it so far, meaning I could have fucked up the notes. Cross reference with your notes. AND USE KHAN ACADEMY.

And a little "cheating" tool

Don't use them for homework, use them to check your work or if you get stuck. Or else you don't learn.

Godspeed user.

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My grades are determined entirely on which of my perrenial health issues are acting up on exam week. D+ in Scientific Computation, C- in Analysis, but an A in a significantly more difficult graduate Algebra class where the average was so low the professor told everyone with less than a B- to drop the class.

not him but it is pretty cheap here.
but you are expected to learn german, even when taking an english course.

Math major here. Calculus is difficult because it is taught like shit. The best advice I can give you is to spent a lot of time thinking about the basic ideas and trying to rederive and explain, in your own terms without using the textbook, the way that the different theorems work. Memorizing will do you little good, but it becomes easy once you gain the intuition.

How far are you along with your major and how's it going? I'm a prospective math major and just need to finish Calc 3 this semester then I can declare a major. I'm just scared of it getting really really hard later on, since I'm starting classes like Linear Algebra w/ proofs next semester.

>2 coursework gonna drop tomorrow
>just want to enjoy my last weekend before everything goes to shit
>tfw not enjoying it

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If you enjoy it, there's nothing else worth thinking about.

I'm an advanced third year (I finished the undergraduate curriculum last year). I really enjoy it; the biggest problem I had was that most of the undergraduate classes were colonized by CS/engineering and thus had the actual math part of their curricula destroyed. Proofs aren't that bad. You'll likely spend the first two or three weeks totally lost (because the way of thinking is new to you) before you get the hang of it. Then it gets incredibly fun once you start taking the real math courses and escape the physicists.

I'm literally the only math major in my discussion. All of the other kids are engineering. ALL OF THEM.

>in final year and have no idea what I'm doing


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>tfw your oneitis flirts with Chad in your presence

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>family has a problem with you doing software engineering
What issue could they possibly fucking have with that major? Aren't you basically guaranteed a job after graduating?

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It's annoying, but they can at least be good company. I'd say a good half of my close, intelligent friends study electrical engineering.

>in master and have no idea what I'm doing
I already accepted my fate.

Aced all my midterms except the one I forgot to study for tomorrow. Looks like it's an all night cram sesh for me