What creates school shooters? Do you sympathize/empathize with them?

What creates school shooters? Do you sympathize/empathize with them?

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Pop culture will have you believe it's shit like bullying but in reality a lot of them were bullies themselves. Most of these kids are fucked in the head and aren't getting any. Plus they wanna be fameous.

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Dirty triks m16

The reason why there are so many school shootings in America isn't because they don't have gun control, but because they have barely any mental healthcare.



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The mouse utopia experiments explains this behavior (behavioral sink)

Cope, japans mental health is at an all time low but their suicide rate is at an all time high. Imagine if they introduced lax gun laws to the country? There would be a mass shooting every other week

>What creates school shooters?
No girlfriend. Unironically.

Those guys could have been saved if they had a girlfriend, but women would rather have you die than date you.

How tall is the kid on the top left?

Mental health services don't really mean shit when your country's work culture is an inherently pathological bugmanist dystopian hellhole. That's like putting a bandaid in a bullet wound.

These give them just enough to push em over the edge. don't ever put your kids on fucking jew pills

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Society and genetics. Some people are predisposed to certain things but there's really nothing that can be done about this once they're born. I think that society creates its own monsters. These people are, to some extent, fucked from birth. If you're born with autism, ugly, or any other undesirable traits you're already starting off on the bad foot. You had no control over these things but you will be judged by them. The just world fallacy and halo effect run rampant through our society.

I kinda sympathize with them to some extent. Society also doesn't seem to want to take any responsibility for their part in the tragedy. The moment you start providing reasons why someone does a heinous act the average person automatically thinks that you're justifying the killers actions.

Many reasons, loneliness, being ostracized by everyone, social pressure, depression, influence from other shooters or just straight sociopathy. I can empathize with Dylan and Cho, Elliot was a sperg but I can kind of understand him as well. I think Eric, Nikolas, Randy and Vladislav did it because they were sociopaths so I can't really empathize but can't really blame them for something they just are. Dylann Roof was just brainwashed by pol, there's no excuse for him, he was just dumb

Being white seems to be a major factor

Pop culture is what tells you they weren't bullied, in reality they're all outcasted and have dealt with stupid bullshit that we robot types can be easily relate to. You see elliot rodger and see angry entitlement or something but I see a small guy from a broken home with a shit mom at an age where reality hits you real hard.

The Crimea shooter had a girlfriend

You mean mixed? They're all mixed race kids.

yea but everyone else didnt
like Elliot Rodger
like Alek Menasian or whatever his name was
like Seung Hi Cho

lately I've started to sympathise with psychopaths. I don't think is much that they were bored. They always felt they don't enjoy human interaction I guess, that's my case and I started to suffer when I'm alone for some reason because I can't make out why I'm not happy nor I could possibly do to be happy. So eventually on night trying to sleep you get thoughts about harming people because you feel frustrated and anxious. I just been like this for some weeks, but if you keep up like this for months or years then I guess you could materialize those thoughts, is not like you aren't feeling shitty already so you just try other people to feel the same because they are immune to your own pain. A moment before being shot they may be laughing with each other enjoying themselves and their stupid jokes, but then they feel a very sharp pain and their thought are those of fear and despair in a second like yourself, that's what I can imagine and feels good.
>inb4. too edgy

I said white
I meant white
>but they weren't REALLY white
>mfw cumskin (you) doing what cumskins do

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>The moment you start providing reasons why someone does a heinous act the average person automatically thinks that you're justifying the killers actions.
mass shooters and pedos are the two type of criminals you're not allowed to think about, you're supposed to demonize and hate them. But if you're into gangsters or serial killers that's totally fine

In the case of incels, it is quite clear. It's a perpetual cycle of being taken the piss out of you by many who surround you, by the media (40 year old virgin)... And when people like Elliot post their struggles online and get mocked and ridiculed by a wider community and go on to kill people the idiots ask why and act innocent.

Mother fuckers

>mass shooters are as dangerous as pedos in their home not actually harassing any children
gotta love western society

Mostly mental issues, it's who they are and the enviroment they lived in that made them do it.
I've endured shit myself so I understand them, but I don't sympathize with them. It takes a particular type of person to commit to such acts.

Eric Harris was a chad btw. Dylan was tfw no gf but Eric was a straight up psycho chad.

I'm on Celexa now. A low dose but I've literally stopped caring about anything and everything.

Elliot rodger has strong entitlement issues.
He aposted a 137-page autobiographical essay that laid out his motives and his racist beliefs.
>"How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself," Rodger wrote. "I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen while I've had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!
>As my frustration grew, so did my anger. I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl.
>The sight of that filled me with rage. I always felt as if white girls thought less of me because I was half-Asian, but then I see this white girl at the party talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl
How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage.

This is correct most of the time. Men degrade mentally without a girlfriend. I mean most don't turn into killers, but at some point, no gf takes a toll. Just look at this board for instance.

If they're willing to do that, why don't they just go to their local rich suburb, or to a freemason lodge?

Ever been to a rich suburb?
>would barely get one shot off before they would be swarmed by fat white cops

A phenomenon I've noted with some of these recent shooters is they "test" their followers and/or God by posting violence-suggestive pictures on social media. Cruz and Randy Stair did this, they posted their guns on social media way before performing the act. Randy Stair posted a number of obvious warning signs on the internet. I think they want to be caught signaling because it would mean someone or a higher power wanted to intervene. Once they realize no one will do anything this enrages them and adds the last fuel to the fire to go through with their plans.

This also.

You're perpetually made fun of due to your lack of success with women and usually the only help you get is generic advice like "just be confident." No one goes out of their way to help you.

Then when incels snap, you get people asking "how did this happen" and "how could I have helped?"

Elliot Rodgers is a special case. He didnt even talk to a single girl.

of course not i don't live anywhere where they exist
point being there's better targets if they truly want to 'get back' at the people who cause the shit in the world

america society creates them. we're a sadistic society without any filters. we're rude as fuck

I went to a mall for the first time last week, I can't really explain it, but I felt sympathy for shooters all of a sudden.

Differs between shooters.

>Elliot literally wrote a long manifesto (that btw is a really good read). But the most simple answer I can give: he was a huge narcissist and a diagnosed autist and this caused him to have a lot of trouble making friends and especially girlfriends (which he never had). Over the years the "rejection" he went through as well as family issues degraded him mentally and caused him to develop violent tendencies. Nothing would've stopped Elliot from going through with the day of retribution unless someone discovered his plans.
>Eric and Dylan were highschool edgelords, and also very bullied and rejected. They where extremely jaded and as teens really didn't think much about shooting up their school. N
>Randy stair (?) AKA "Andrew Blaze" was a delusional, superstitious loner filled with rage over failing at everything he does. That's all. He definitely wasn't really trying to be famous as he knew from the start his kill count would be very, very low.

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Rodgers was dumb in that regard, but smart in others. People make huge judgements on guys who aren't able to pull in girls. You are viewed as inferior and worthless since your apparent sexual market value is zilch. And there's no real help provided to these guys besides worthless advice.

Mental illness


This. It's amazing how much women despise ugly men and the lengths they will go to to deny them any positive attention or affection. Women are unironically the cause of most problems in the world because they're such selfish, hypergamous whores.

We got a school shooter in the making

Eric and Dylan being bullied is a complete fabrication/myth. They weren't even actually apart of the trenchcoat mafia guys (who were just D&D nerds). Eric was just a complete sociopath and Dylan was just a regular depressed/moody kid who was pulled into something by a charismatic, intelligent kid who he wanted to impress.

Eric fucked a 23 year old and his last human interaction that wasn't Dylan before the massacre was a car full of girls trying to get his attention.

>What creates school shooters?
probably neanderthal genetics and lack of melanin.

shitty parenting. Most of the shooters were completly fucked in the head before it happened and their parents either didn't notice or did nothing.

This, SSRI anti depressant drugs (Prozac). These drugs are incredibly dangerous yet they hand them out like candy. For every boy on these that flips out and shoots up a school there are a thousand men who off themselves, including many veterans.

Being a loser but compound that with also being a Jow Forumstard
Nikolas Cruz:
>Kevin Fanti, a gun store employee who sold Cruz an AK-47, said he later saw Cruz with a swastika drawn in Sharpie on his wrist.
>According to the messages, Cruz said he wanted to kill Mexicans and gays and keep black people in chains. He also accused Jews of trying to destroy the world.

Columbine shooters:
>they said theres a nigger over here and as Isaiah tried to back up they shot Isaiah

Elliot Rodgers
>interested in some of the practices and techniques of the Third Reich the sheriff said
>Posted a 137 page autobiographical essay that laid out his motives and his racist beliefs:
>How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself, Rodger wrote. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves.
>How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis
>had posted a photo of a symbol associated with Nazism and white supremacy on social media.

William Atchison
>His recent posts reflected extreme right wing political ideology:
>How am I supposed to function in this world? Wherever I go, I see degeneracy. Pointless materialism, hedonism, sexual decay, dirty niggers who do nothing but slowly break down this society etc. its fucking everywhere. No way to escape it, 99% of people are part of it and whatever I do I am confronted with the death of the West. Go to the store and buy groceries in peace? Nope, here is a group of LGBT liberal filth in line with you. And there is a nigger family with 10 kids
>admitted he posted anonymously on sites like 4chans Jow Forums board or The Daily Stormer

Attempted school shooter
that just got released out of jail
>said records from his computer also showed racist, Nazi and neo-Nazi propaganda

>"more mental healthcare will solve school shootings!"
Many spree killers (e.g supreme gentleman himself, adam lanza) had diagnosed mental health issues, and were prescribed medication, but this didn't stop them

>"nogunz = less school shootings!"
A lot of school killings, in fact, some of the most deadly ones, were caused by knife attacks, while many have been at least partially prevented by quick response from civilians with guns
example: 15 of the 52 deadliest school massacres were committed WITHOUT guns
In addition, 23 of the 42 deadliest school shootings were carried out in countries with stricter gun laws than the US
Even out of US school shootings, many used explosives as the primary weapon of destruction.

These arguments are misguided and are used all the time by people who don't know any better

I get what you mean.
My point was that the people who cause the shit in the world do a hell of a job protecting themselves from the world.

>be me
>be 16
>be "white" Hispanic
>it's the 90's before Internet is even really a thing
>live in a middle class neighborhood next to a rich neighborhood
>not a stupid rich walled off utopia but 2-5 million dollar homes rich
>be summer
>no friends
>ride bike around all over
>one day decide to ride bike around rich neighborhood
>cross road into rich neighborhood
>5 minutes later have 3 cop cars with 6 cops pulled up around me essentially interrogating me as to why I was there
here I was a short, husky 16 year old kid with white skin and side-parted short brown hair dressed in normal middle-class slightly nerdy khakis and Polo wearing big thick glasses riding his bike on a warm July morning and the private rich cops show up like I'm fucking Osama bin Laden or some crazy shit. Now imagine what a walled off stupid rich neighborhood would be like

based and redpilled originegro

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Bad parents. It's important to beat the bitch-ness out of your children


as alienation grows, so does violent, antisocial behavior

>The moment you start providing reasons why someone does a heinous act the average person automatically thinks that you're justifying the killers actions.
this. it really pisses me off.

Lol Nikolas Cruz had a gf and is insanely low inhib, I doubt he is a virgin

2 biological jews and 1 asian in the OP's pic. wtf are you smoking?

I sympathize with Eric and Dylan. They were bullied a lot while the bullies remained unpunished and in the eyes of their school could do no wrong because they were on the football team or something. I've not read on much about Dylan, Eric seems a little fucked in the head. He might have been fucked from the start but the bullying probably amplified it. Anyway they wanted to get back at the school and in injustice of the social ladder. They wanted to destroy the school and yeah I do sympathize with that, I may have left school over a decade ago but I still have fantasies of getting back at that hell hole and blowing the place sky high.

Read up on what Brooks Browne has said about it. He saw the bullying.

I kinda am on both sides of this one.
Shooters are all edgy shits who deserve no sympathy, but on the other hand,it is true that "NPCs" really can not fathom the concept of true social isolation. I remember one Facebook parrot of a former friend was first giving """""his""""" opinion on incels at the peak of the trend of hating incels, he chopped it down to them just not going out and getting jobs.
It's laughable almost how we are living in the age of persecution fantasy, for all people, Class, race, sexuality, but only persecution fantasy is totally unacceptable.
While killing people who have nothing to do with you is always wrong, it's not like Americans deserve to be in a society without these fuckers.

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>them dirty violent Mexicans keep coming over the border
Well, why are they coming over? Is there actually something we're doing or not doing that contributes to Mexicans immigrating over?
>you fucking liberal Hilary loving degenerate!!
>build the wall! MAGA!!

It's with many things, user. There is no dialog because everything is being distilled down to black/white political thinking

>Well, why are they coming over? Is there actually something we're doing or not doing that contributes to Mexicans immigrating over?
having a 1st world society but not being ethnocentric enough (jewish brainwashing)

>implying jews aren't white
>not the right kind of "white"
Cumskin (you) still doing what cumskins do

they do it because they hate normies for being scumbags and they want to go out in glory.

thats literally it.

Cruz had a gf. Vladislav (crimea) had a gf. Isolation itself is an indicator but gf is only a part of it.

i am much more relaxed and better off without a gf. speak for yourself

Yeah white kids are psychotic edgelords who shoot up their schools because of social outcasting.
Niggers and spicks, even fully grown, kill 12 year olds for saying things about them on Instagram.

>>implying jews aren't white
they aren't. that is a logical implication

>if you don't have people who you like to tie you to this mortal coil you start to see the truth

no shit.

Another cumskin (you) doing what cumskins do

This board "takes a toll" because it is full of "blackpilling" trolls who endlessly post mentally degrading and discouraging bullshit.

I think what causes school shootings is there isn't bullying like the old days. Back in the day, you would pull someones underwear over their head and then laugh at them a bit and repeat, now people are fucking sadists that like to pull "pranks" on people that just make them look like total autists and laugh at it for months and move on. As for sympathizing with them, sure. Why wouldn't I? These people clearly aren't right in the head and their issues were neglected to the point where they became unhinged and committed terrible crimes.


>acting like a 12 year old shitting all over instagram
How very intelligent and civilized of you

the real school shooters are the parents. first the daddy injects sperm into the mommy. then the mommy gives birth. a school shooter is born.

>who endlessly post mentally degrading and discouraging bullshit.
AKA the truth.

With some planning it would be possible. They like to gather at places. Still, I hate rich people with a fucking passion.

It all comes down to the idea of free will and personal responsibility. They think that they are just bad people and they are getting what they deserve. I don't think most people think about how they go where they are. They think its all through hard work while ignoring the trust fund, good looks, good schools, etc. that lead them there.

The harsh reality is that people don't really get what they deserve. They get what they can get. The idea of free will, meritocracy, and personal responsibility leads to people truly believing that tragedies are inevitable and that "bad people do bad things". The reality is that given the right inputs, any one of us could be Elliot Rodger or any other shooter.

If people were truly being honest with themselves and did some introspection they would have admit that luck played a bigger factor than they want to admit which would cause they to discount most of their achievements.

You would think
One would have to imagine that throughout history the rich would have been targets of such animosity. It's odd how few examples of the wealthy being massacred there is in history. Shit is obviously much harder than it seems

>idiot parents buy and teach them how to shoot guns
>just given pills and then barely supervised because shitty parents

To be completely honest, I have no idea what gets into people's minds to take the life of others and then themselves, but I feel it comes from a place of wanting attention. Alot of them have odd fantasies about "being remembered" and having their actions being history, but some also just have mental issues or just live horrible lives that give them the perspective and emotional viewpoint to do it.
But I can't really empathize, as I see the action as a selfish self-martyrdom through fantasizing and desperation, as they will take the lives of people for no real reason, and a want of attention. Honestly, If you're just going to kil yourself, don't be the prick who decides the end of someone else's death

Each one is unique and the solution to stop one mass shooter wouldn't stop a different one.

There are factors which predispose some people to be mass shooters but these factors are also present in millions of people who do not become a mass shooter, although some of those people may live miserable lives and even commit suicide.

These factors include:
Poor social skills
Inability to make friends
A perception that they are treated unjustly
Grudges and paranoia
A sense of superiority
Access to firearms
Fascination with weapons
Access to someone planning a mass shooting
Consumption of the extensive media coverage of previous mass shooters

This list is not exhaustive and not all mass shooters exhibit all these characteristics.

>It's odd how few examples of the wealthy being massacred there is in history.
Because it's all fucking planned. It's all redflags. It's all manipulation.

I feel bad for them in the sense that some freak confluence of factors in their life caused them to snap, because this could happen to anyone in their shoes who grew up being abused, bullied, neglected, or mentally ill and not given any coping resources
Ultimately they're still accountable for their actions, but nobody is inherently evil.
They were just born in the wrong place, at the wrong time, among the wrong people

>everyone I don't like is white people because white people are the enemy!!1

Cherry picked as fuck originally

wtf. where did you hear that?

Unnecessary pharmaceuticals that turn a person into an NPC.

I don't sympathize with them, but I can relate to how they feel sometimes.

I guess the only real difference between them and me is that I don't blame my problems on other people. I have no hatred for women despite being an incel because I personally feel like I haven't been trying desu.

So what you're saying is that school shooters are associated with pink boards on the 4chnins.

i don't blame anyone for me being a pussy or an autist but i do hold people accountable for their actions towards me.

give anybody the means to kill whoever they want without consequence and they'll do it. Most normies are actually sociopaths deep down too.

>You see elliot rodger and see angry entitlement or something but I see a small guy from a broken home with a shit mom at an age where reality hits you real hard.
lol what? He had everything he could've ever wanted, but he stupidly expected a woman to approach him and offer sex. If you don't make attempts to get girls, you have no right to be angry when you get no girls.
I'm talking specifically about Elliot here. His manifesto makes it clear that he is angry that no woman saw a stranger who had a nice car and offered to fuck him on the spot.

>School shooting is a terrorist activity
>Still no terrorists attacking schools

Why? It seems like the perfect spot, everyone is armless and the few that COULD stand up to you aren't even a threat, you could wipe out a school and be on your way to another by the time the swat gets called.

Are terrorists just not using their noodle?

Not advocating this Mr. FBI man, just wondering why your superiors haven't ordered that yet.