Chilling with gf

>chilling with gf
>out of nowhere she drops the bomb that she has planned a trip to go backpacking in South America for 6 weeks on her own
>already bought the plane tickets and everything
>I tell her it's disrespectful that she planned this without me knowing and it's fucking retarded for a western blonde as fuck girl to backpack through that shithole of a drug cartel continent on her own
>tell her this is not what I'm looking for in a girl, even though we've been together for 2 years now
>leave her place and go home

>all her friends and her parents are pissed at me because I'm 'controlling'
>really want to ask her dad if he knows what happens to pretty blonde girls in those shit countries.

Am I in the wrong here for dumping her?

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You're in the wrong for being together with a complete retard for 2 years holy shit.

You did the right thing OP. She should have talked to you about it.

>on her own

you are not wrong

No way man, you're being level-headed about the whole thing. Someone should post the newsclipping for this guy that has that girl who went backpacking alone and was raped and killed in the FIRST place she stopped.

It's what I would have done. If any of her retards attempts to tell you you're controlling simply tell them a controlling person would have stayed in the relationship and forced them not to go. You broke up with them so that they can go off and do what ever they want. At the very least it's rude to just up and decide that your significant other will just being disappearing for 6 weeks without much notice what so ever.

Let her go. When she gets killed brag about how you were right.

I hope she is raped and killed by a paki OP. :)

Yes, I agree. I actually felt sick to my stomach when she told me, mostly because I've been wasting my time with a girl who believes this is a normal thing to do in a commited long-term relationship.

generally for a trip you buy two tickets, one to get there and one to get back.

She's gonna visit several countries, hence the 'tickets'

You're not in the wrong. She's being a naive and immature idiot and that isn't what you want in a long term girlfriend. Better to cut losses.

It's sad that no one else in her life thinks they should be dissuading her from going. Just shows that she's surrounded by people equally as naive and ignorant of the world.

Even if you don't go at it from the "rape and murder" angle, she's leaving you and going to another continent for 6 weeks. Pretty clear that she'll end up cheating even if she doesn't get raped. Honestly there are almost no relationships in this world that could survive a 6 week separation like that.

How is that controlling? If anything it's the opposite, you're giving her the freedom to go do whatever she wants by herself.

Women travelling especially alone and backpacking is basically women visiting countries to get fucked.

>Honestly there are almost no relationships in this world that could survive a 6 week separation like that.
Yes, thank you for this. I literally told her this. She's gonna stay in hostels all over the country and fuck knows what happens there.

I fucking refuse to sit at home while 'my' girl gets ploughed by rich kid backpackers

NPCs have a very limited vocabulary and can only parrot ideas they see on TV.

Anyone else here really fucking hate this 'solo girl backpacking' fad that's going on?

i hope she cucks you with jungle niggers and brings back a son for you to raise, fucking normie

Fuck her. Let that dumb bitch disappear into some South American mongrel's gringo stew. Stop letting women control your emotions and tell her friends and family to go kick rocks at her wake.

Your gf is going on a sex safari and is probably going to get beheaded.
So good job

Good move
You don't want to have any responsibility when she gets kidnapped
And she's free to fuck Cortez and Pablo anyways
Win win

>Just shows that she's surrounded by people equally as naive and ignorant of the world.
Anybody that can afford to travel like this is sheltered. I grew up in an almost entirely white area and so many people I went to school went immediately 1488 when they had to live around non-whites because they made minimum wage.

can you take out a life insurance policy on an ex-girlfriend?

He fucking dumped her you inbred fuck.

Let the stupid bitch go and get murdered by herself.

If she does survive you'll see the pictures on her Tinder profile.

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i want to believe this story is true. if it is you did absolutely the right thing.

>south america

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I hate Instagram. I really fucking do.

Thanks lads. I gotta say, I feel sad but very relieved. Clearly I wasted my time with her so for that I feel sad. But thinking about me sitting at home while she's out there doing god knows what is so much fucking worse.

Get your friends together and go out and do mountains of coke.

You should contact her dad and actually tell him that you're seriously worried for her. You did the right thing, in a way. You trying to make her not go is good. You should have stuck with that. You could have gone with her, maybe? But in any case, fuck you and die, normie.

>trip on her own
Forget S/O, if I was planning a trip I'd have the common courtesy to invite my shitbag friends in case they wanna chill too
She probably lied to her family and hasn't told them she wants to go to SA by herself. Probably made up some shit like "just a quick drive X city only 6 hours away with friends lol" or "oh I'm volunteering down there I won't be alone and user already said he didn't want to do the work"
That or her family is also equally as retarded

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That sucks user, but you did the right thing.
The fact that she didnt tell you until after she bought the tickets is straight up weird. Whats even weirder is why she didnt invite you- after all, thats the point of a relationship. Doing things together- and she has clearly chosen going solo opposed to your company. This definitely raises some alarm bells, because I dont know any females would would like to go back packing in South America alone. My cousin tried to do it and called home after a week having a break down and wanting to leave. You did the right thing.
How did she react when you split with her?

The retarded apple doesn't fall far from the retarded tree. Her and her whole blood line should be sent to the cartel dogs.

Highkey yes. I have plenty of friends who have done this. Sure there is risk involved but you plan around the risk and stay vigilant. Your concern is understandable tho

You did the right thing it sounds she was up to no good anyway. If you wanted to travel why would you not do it with your partner?

So what does her dad think about his dear daughter travelling through Cartel America?

6 week backpacking trip is normal in a long term committed relationship
There isnt even any correlation
This should be a safety issue thing
Not telling you for all this time definitely isnt cool but you really cant and shouldn't stop her

Scenario 1:
Something happens to her
Scenario 2:
She comes back safe and you were wrong

Either way, youre out a gf. That was not the correct way to deal with this

Sounds like she's trying to also manufacture an argument so that she can break up with user and fuck Carlos while overseas. I mean the whole thing about buying a ticket and not telling you is just outright weird.

No your not wrong. I saw another thread last week something similar and I said the same thing. Anyone whos says you should stay is stuck in sunk cost fallacy. First of all like others said you should have never chosen to begin with someone who has a mind set like that but too late for that now but you did the right thing cutting your losses. You dont want to later end up married to that person were its much harder to divorce then break up. You will find another girl someday. Choose more carefully next time. Ive been married now 8 years to my wife. Shes Japanese. The reason I want to tell you shes Japanese is because they have a system there culturally that I think the west is really lacking. Which is that pretty much right from the get go quite early on in the relationship you straight up having a very serious conversation were you basically plan out your whole life (roughly) I wanna do this this and this on roughly this timeline do you accept that or not? I respect it. You know exactly what your partner wants to do and when they want to do it and you either are cool with that or break it off. Makes things way easier and no surprises a decade later. Western roasties are too fickle and prone to change their minds and go off on whims. I learned that lesson in my younger years. Get a disciplined girl.

Man she freaked the fuck out and got mad as fuck. She told me she needed this for -get fucking ready for this one-..
>personal development

I laughed really hard when she dropped the 'personal development' bomb, which made her even more angry.

She then asked me 'and it would be OK if a guy did it?', to which I answered that yeah, it IS different when a guy travels solo but still plain disrespectful if the guy is already in a relationship. She then accused me of having double standards.

Anyways, I'm the second guy she's ever had sex with and from all the women I've been with she is the most cautious about it and would never slut it up here (in our own country), but out there.. man fuck that. She and I have travelled to many places together, but this is just bullshit

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Knowing American "parenting" he's proud that his daughter is "free" and "liberated".

She's from a tiny village. My girlfriend had never seen a black person until she was 14 or something. They have a very limited world view and know only their own and surrounding villages.

He didnt try stop her though so whats the problem? And if you really think she wasnt gonna be doing some shit behind his back you are naive as fuck.

>Anyways, I'm the second guy she's ever had sex with and from all the women I've been with she is the most cautious about it and would never slut it up

My ex was like this. Then she cheated on me and told me she was interested in open relationships.

Women just aren't worth loving.

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>visiting AIDS nigger infested holes is personal development

absolute mentally broken, it's like a mind virus that makes her perma-insane

There absolutely are relationships that can survive 6 week separation, thats completely normal and basically inevitably if either of you have even vaguely international careers
I'm in a long term relationship and we have gone 3 and 4 week gaps before with no problem
You want to know why?
Because i TRUST her
If you cant trust her like that, good god get the fuck out of there, she needs to find a man who wont wilt like a pansy if shes gone to long and you need a girl who is hyper clingy and uber attached, basically a trad wife

I will note its much easier for me to trust my gf bc we are both waiting til marriage for religious reasons. This makes it infinitely easier to trust her, and i frankly recommend it to all. Shes far too attached to me to ever consider another guy and ive let her know if she so much as kisses another dude the relationship is immediately over. Those rules apply in reverse to me. If you cant mutually trust each other like that, youve wasted the past 2 years my guy

>6 week backpacking trip is normal in a long term committed relationship
no it's not fucktard

I know you are being one contrarian troll

Her actions are plain out retarded. You don't commit to a relationship than """""""travel"""""" for 6 weeks on another continent. These kind of people need to be fucking castrated

A 6-week seperation is different from a 6-week seperation in which a blonde girl goes to different countries, is in a 'experience new things' mindset and sleeps in hostels

Did the right thing op. Either she comes bwck to you and you get to make her as submissive as possible because you just showed that you dont take that shit, or you just dodged a bullet

I never understood this kind of shit. Muh first world self sufficient wahmen going on a fucking march through some shithole countries for a couple of weeks. You did good though, OP.

>There absolutely are relationships that can survive 6 week separation, thats completely normal and basically inevitably if either of you have even vaguely international careers

there is a reason in being gone for 6 weeks because of a career and you bring money for the familly
there is a whole nother thing to just randomly go to do fuck knows what in the middle of the jungle for "personal development"

If you can't see this you are absolutely mentally ill

Man you truly are lost for being this willfully ignorant user.

Why though? I doubt they have this in mind when travelling because they can just get a tinder account back at home and fuck someone there

Thank you based anons for sharing your based wisdom in this thread

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Exotic men in new locations + a specific mindset you get during backpacking to experience new things is a deadly combination

Probably doing it for Instagram photos. Personal development is probably just a code word for getting likes from selfies.

Unironically one of the best threads on the board in a while. You did the right thing op, dont let her naive family tell you otherwise

>Am I in the wrong here for dumping her?

Women want their freedom and they especially love to travel. Like I have no idea why, women are hardwired to roam and travel. As someone who mostly sits as home it's a major problem for me. But anyway, if she wants to travel she should always do it with you. No alone trips. Yeah you did the right thing.

>study abroad just isnt a thing
Yeah ok
I assume youre youngish?
Just deprive each other of those life experiences in favor of paranoia

Why do you assume spics prefer overrated blondes over sexy brown spic girls?

Its good to be controlling over your women, but you need to be Muslim to do it. We call it "ghayrah", and if you are a kafir, you might as well let nigs fuck your gf

>study abroad
She isn't gonna do that retardo.

>>study abroad just isnt a thing

so you are that kind of retard
there is no good life experience in going for 6 weeks in africa without your bf, just as there isn't anything actually incredible in going to study in some other shithole than the one you already do you pretentious twat

Thank Instagram for that bullshit.

For example, many western girls want to use little niglets to show their friends how much of a do-gooder she is

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>6 weeks away from your SO
>totally normal

t. Guy who isnt even remotely aware of how many dicks his gf has taken

I bet she called at random hours of the day (where it would probably be night where she was) just to tell you that she loves you sooooooo much, right?

If there is legitimate cause to believe she specifically wants to experiment specifically sexually, thats different. This is usually about taking in new cultures and places. Skype with her every night and youll be able to tell if shes cheated
She should have a plan set, then youll be able to know whats going on. Skype with her every night. Study abroad or backpacking is insanely normal
Youre all paranoid bc youve had your heart broken. Believe me, ive been cheated on too. She didnt leave the fucking country to do it. If this really is a long term committed relationship with marriage on the horizon, she wouldnt throw that away. Or at least, she probably wouldn't have. If OP hadnt gone off the rails about it.

OP, do you know what an absolute panty saharah is left after a guy does what you've just done? I dont see why she wouldnt end things before she leaves and use her new found singleness to take your advice on hostels with guys who wont try to control her

>kid on the left has no fucking clue what a phone is

you mean this? yeah this one sums it well

>Youre all paranoid bc youve had your heart broken. Believe me, ive been cheated on too
of course you'be been cheated, because you say dumb shit like
> Skype with her every night and youll be able to tell if shes cheated
you are this naive, and you're whole no sex before marriage gig will probably turn into her sucking some stranger's dick before wedding night

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Fuck you man. I didn't try to control her. That's just the buzzword her friends and family use. I didn't tell her she couldn't go.

All I fucking know is that I feel disrespected in a big way, and I don't want to be in a relationship where my girlfriend travels for 6 weeks in a shit continent without asking me with her

You are currently getting cucked you dumb fuck. And the truth is not as fun as memes its probably not even a black guy heck the guy might even be worse looking then you overall. But make no mistake your gf is or has fucked another guy at least once in a moment of desperation when you are long distance. You cuck.

If you had threatened with dumping her it'd be controlling, but when you actually went through with it immediately it's okay. You don't owe her a relationship, and you have the right to leave her for any reason you want or no reason at all.

You're absolutely in the right, OP. Hate to pull out a cliche but communication is top 3 priorities for any lasting relationship.

"if you aren't living like me you are wasting your life"

>Anyways, I'm the second guy she's ever had sex with
Ohohoho. Yeah, user, from the moment a girl loses her virginity you're always the "second" guy she's been with. That's because she can't lie you're the first.

>The absolute state of American original education

So THATS what this is about. Youre mad you werent invited. This hasnt less to do with safety bc letd be honest, you can do jack shit against ms13 or some shit jumping the two of you which does happen just as often.

Dude, as someone who has been to south america 3 times, there so fucking is merit to going there. I personally had an amazing time and learning an immense amount about the world around me and myself. I went from prison to prison, talking to inmates, then toured the nature side of Ecuador and guyana. Its absolutely enlightening and i recommend to everyone.

You want to really make the best out of this exchange? You plan a 6 week trip that overlaps with hers, somewhere else entirely. If youre on this board, im guessing you have been a weeb at some point. Go visit japan! If you play it cool with her trip, she HAS to play it cool with your trip to japan or wherever else. Just dont blow up in her face, even if youre in the right, that does fuck all kinds of good

eh maybe she was going to visit the UK after her trip.

You did the right thing OP. She was after dicks. That's what travel is, taking various foreign yet exciting Chad dicks.

Do this. Fuck some Japanese girls you meet at the hub take photos and show them to gf when you get back and THEN break up with her.

You're right, this is just sex tourism.

I'm not OP

and you didn't learn shit from " I personally had an amazing time and learning an immense amount about the world around me and myself. I went from prison to prison, talking to inmates, then toured the nature side of Ecuador and guyana. Its absolutely enlightening and i recommend to everyone."

you sound actually dumb, the kind of uptight naive guy that imposes some shit like no sex until wedding, but in reality your gf is sucking off some pizza delivery guy
>Its absolutely enlightening and i recommend to everyone.
holy fuck the pure cringe

That's not OP you're quoting

OP did the right thing ditching crazy

She wants to fuck exotic men from other locations. I guess it's a biological thing. Women roam. They want to travel to other tribes to find more diverse genes. More diverse genes, healthier offspring. Men are territorial. They stake out land and then rope down a female to bear their children.

Nope. Shes religiously celibate. We call about 3 times a day, around noon, afternoon, and before bed (she lives 2 hours away) and visit in person every 2-3 weeks or so, sometimes as long as a month or more. She lives in an all girls suite with a women in stem program. I trust her implicitly and she does the same. If either of us would cheat (which neither of us would) itd be me, i get offers quite a lot while she doesnt really get many, namely bc she tells basically everyone she meets that we are dating. If it were anyone else it would be clingy and too much, but with her its perfect and i love her.

Youre totally justified in feeling disrespected in her not saying anything. I have no issue with that. My issue is with your issue in her going through with it.
>"God, its fine, but its really shitty you didnt tell me"
>"Its really shitty you didnt tell me, and im not ok with you going"
Different things my dude
That difference can end a relationship

Waiting til marriage is her idea, not mine. Im cool to fuck before then, she is not. She doesnt even watch porn bc sin. Instead i fulfill those needs in person with an "everything but" attitude

No my friend, I have no issues with her going through with it, because I already broke up with her. She wants to do this, so I'm not going to try and control her. If I would stay with her and threathen to leave if she would go through with it, THEN I would be controlling.

Well, I know that this is bait...but let's indulge it for a moment.
You fucked up there.
It's not like a single guy backpacking through South America would fare any better than a single woman.

I mustve missed that bit
Youre already broken up with her?
So uh
Whats this thread for?
Youre free of an issue now. Go enjoy your life OP, go to Japan and go get laid

I disagree. A solo guy backpacking is not the same as a solo blonde girl backpacking

I explicitly mention the 'blonde' part because spics go crazy for blonde tourists

You're a piece I'd shit and she deserves better lmao. Instead of throwing a sissy fit, you could have offered to join along? On top of that, you sound like you've never been to another country before. Pathetic. I spent months traveling around 3rd world countries with other blonde Western girls, and had a great time. I'm more likely to get killed by trailer trash in the US than be sold into sex slavery. Go kys

>believing she wont have sex until marriage

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She planned a 6-week solo trip. Do you really believe she will come back virgin?

>offered to come along

If she had already bought her tickets for everything at that point, for herself, do you really think she wants OP to go?

It is. Both are going to end as a fish food. You have to be clinically retarded to not understand that.

>you could have offered to join along?
Do you know how relationships work? She already bought the tickets for HERSELF

You're in the wrong for posting this here

Seeing as though every place that isn't his village is a shithole. Maybe she was convinced that he wouldn't like to go along. He should have been excited for her and asked nicely if he could tag along