Robot movies

Can we get one of these going?
>Taxi Driver
Watched this when I was like 12. Cannot remember much. Heard good things about it from robots so going to give it a watch

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Fight club is one of them

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>this cool guy is literally me

now this one is a robot movie, its really underrated aswell watch it :)

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Blade Runner. Every robot should watch, not your everyday Hollywood movie.

Not robot but watched this other day and enjoyed

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i recommend alterd carbon, its like blade runner and its a series of course

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Jack blacks in that movie btw

The Cooler is pretty good

I had an infograph from many years ago with a bunch of robot movies but sadly I lost it.

I'll recommend something though. Buffalo '66.

"After being released from prison, Billy is set to visit his parents with his wife, whom he does not actually have. This provokes Billy to act out, as he kidnaps a girl and forces her to act as his wife for the visit."

>nobody's said EoE or It's Such A Beautiful Day

I feel like so-called "robots" don't understand that Travis is sad lonely guy not to be replicated.

This is essential robot-core

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I think robots, REAL robots can be very unique in the same way that Travis isn't meant to be replicated.

This movie bothered me from a realistic standpoint. There's no way in hell an entire town would play along pretending a sex doll was a real girl, and no therapist would recommend that.

>essential robot-core
Uhh try again sweetie.

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Never though i'd get to post this.

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101 Reykjavic

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Mean Creek. Pretty sad stuff, imo.

Also any GOT episode w/ Stannis in it, even though it's not a movie.

I love and appreciate you user.

Mary and Max is a true robot movie.

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will recommend Memento and Trainspotting. both amazing films.
pic related, trainspotting

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Japanese guy spends his entire life working at some dead-end bureaucratic job, finds out he's dying of cancer, realizes how much he wasted his life, how he has no friends, and his family doesn't care about him

There's this part where he spends one of his last days with some secretary qt at his job and in the end she goes "i don't wanna hang out with you anymore you're too creepy". Hits me right in the feels

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I don't know if Colorful counts since an ugly girl likes the mc.

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Saturday night fever is very raw and bleak, should give it a go if you havent seen it. Great movie

Midnight cowboy

Ghost Dog: 'The Way of the Samurai'.

A fat blackbot weeb with no friends larps as a samurai. He makes it look cool but it is still essential robotcore. He squats on a roof instead of living in the basement.

I love the scene where the mobsters discuss his name.

All good robot movies for sure.

Love this movie. Being a social outcast and not even having good grades to make up for it is a feeling I can i.d. with.

>in this itt thread

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How can movies written by hollywood with characters portrayed by successful actors ever be "robot movies"? I don't understand.

Because anyone who has a shit job, does drugs, and claims to dislike people is a robot and thus literally me.

I am the op. Just got done with taxi driver. Can someone explain the last few minutes after the shootout? Is this actually a dream sequence or did travis really survive the shootout? If it is the latter, the ending seems a bit too happy and anticlimactic does it not? Travis calls Matthew a killer when talking to iris, but in killing matthew, and the other two guys, has he not become what he hates?

Thanks user. Fffhhssd

>Robot movies

Nightcrawler (sorta)

the condition of the robot is hardly unique. most of r9k's userbase has reversed illusions of grandeur, where they think nobody can understand their life apart from other robots, where in reality it's mostly defined by social anxiety, depression, lack of a romantic love life and bitterness, which is shared by millions of other people in the world, but somehow we're different because we use this autistic mongolian basket weaving forum. hollywood people can feel the exact same core emotions as us. we are anything but special

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Yea it's too easy and convenient for it to not be a dream sequence I think. Especially the part where he meets that woman in his taxi again

How does killing that scumbag pimp and the other two guys make him what he hates though? He was talking about ridding the streets of 'filth' in the beginning of the film

This one for sure. It's symbolic of r9k

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Hard to say it is a robot movie because there was a girl interested in being around Donnie but still a good one

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Falling down should be on the list

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Awesome movie, the second one sucked. Love the song Mad mad world

Maybe saying he became what he hates is a bit much, although he originally wanted to take iris away from Matthew. He called Matthew a killer when he was talking to iris in the cafe. I think going from taking iris, to killing Matthew to free her is quite the jump.

Rampage 2014 not the gorilla movie.

Robot loses his shit makes the whole town pay

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Anything with Goose is a robot core. The man is a blessing.

What does Jow Forums think of The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence?

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>As good as it gets
Yes, no?

I think you should watch Tusk

I was under the impression that the town had only a relative handful of people that all knew Lars and his family, still kinda unrealistic but really wholesome.

The girl next door

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the second was the best in practically every way. it still had it's funny moments though.

I just finished watching 'The lives of others' and the main character is definitely a robot. Even his job is to monitor other people's lives through surveillance, never living out his own.

It's a deep blue pill movie with a tinge of purple added on by mistake. Pretty bad as a robot core movie.

Lost in translation with Bill Murray

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Jow Forums would be the last part of the centipede.

The true robot kino coming through

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I think user was making a funny based on the title. Made me kek. Might have looked to much in to it? The movie sucked everyone knows that.

Taxi Driver is one of my favorite movies, it really shows what extreme loneliness and social detachment can do to a character.
It's well shot, extremely well acted and has good soundtrack that blends well with a dark, dirty and violent NY

Zero Day was a decent school shooting movie. The Class was also decent. Elephant sucked.

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Under the skin.

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I'm not a girl but I resonated with Under the Skin's character by the second half, around the point where she meets pic related and after.

The "outsider learning what human is" theme always hits me in media. also the film had a fantastic score.

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Kids Return (1996)

Not a movie about robots, but a movie robots should watch. Actually it is possible the main characters became robots (NEET/hiki) at the end

What about Belarusian Psycho? The main character is based on Elliot Rodger.


All alone in space thinking your going to make it home to get the girl only to get the ultimate mind fuck

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Boxing Helena.

Can relate to wanting something you can't have but this guy takes it to the extreme

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Pic related hit me pretty hard

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A masterpiece. Gotta watch both of them for the best experience

one of my all time favourites, I research it at any time I'm in the right mood, preferably at night. King of comedy has a similar feel I think
I've been interested in this one but has not seen it yet, have it downloaded already
this this one was really nice and wholesome
underrated. claymation movies are so rare to find
I've only seen a few samurai movies by Kurosawa, this one is definitively in my "to watch" list
wasn't he just a normie that had a nervous breakdown? I actually don't remember the movie though so you might be right
this one has a very special, dreamy atmosphere

I rewatch it at any time...

Maniac (2012)

Great horror slasher movie from viewpoint of the murderer. I didnt like the original 1980 movie btw

Fem Android fucks over Chad and Robot such is life

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Never heard of it. Will check it out. Orag

relatable as fuck lads. origi

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I liked JonTron's video on it.

>you will never be Vanilla Ice

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He survived and he's gonna keep doing shit like that now that it gives him validation, meaning he's gonna get crazier and crazier

The Dirties.

is that villa ice? he looks old and fat

The protagonist has a gf but really the story is about a neet that doesn't know what to do with his life.

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I haven't seen all those films, but ones I have tempt me to watch the others.
Also, personally this film is the most robot film with characters in:
>27 yo virgins
>social isolation
>women hating
>substance abuse

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Yup, he had a show about building up new houses but it made him bankrupt, he lost his wife and custody over his kids. is from a youtube video he did for a fan.

Does the Last American Virgin count?

>I've been interested in this one but has not seen it yet, have it downloaded already
the scene where he meets his parents and they all talk at the dinner table is the best. you won't regret watching it.

Bad news - Takeshi will be a nigger in S2

If second season ever gonna come out because first was very average

Also another French film told in second person, can't remember the name.

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I read it's been anounced and the nigger actor is to be same that played that sidekick nigger with wings and red goggles from Avenges.

I just watched it literally a minute ago, bumped it up on my list becuase of your post.
yeah it was great, really made me feel for the guy as the movie went along, but in the beginning I thought he was just some alpha asshole taking whatever he wants.
also good soundtrack, they got both King Crimson and Yes.
The ending seemed almost too good to be real though, I'm thinking he actually did the (spoiler) that he was sett out to do. Like a dream scenario

The main character has vibes of this.

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Please tell me youre trolling. Robots at least have personality disorders

The true life of the loner.

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Oh shit nigga I fucking love that film
The chick that basically uses him for money who doesn't understand his goodbye at the end really got me, I never saw him as a robot but that actually really makes sense.
What did you think of the sequel?

Yeah I agree. Even though the ending could have gone either way, realistically I don't think his demeanor would change like that after going so far. rest in pieces billy