Give your best 4 day split Jow Forums

Give your best 4 day split Jow Forums

Attached: 1545355006448.jpg (1080x796, 89K)

Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Triceps
Wednesday - Chest
Thursday - Biceps
Friday - Legs (rest day)

Monday: arms and chest and back
Tuesday: legs and maybe back
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: arms and chest and back
Friday: legs and maybe back


Are those pecs achievable natty?

1: full body
2: full body
3: full body
4: full body

Tuesday - back and bis
Wednesday - chest+tris and abs
Saturday - shoulders+arms and abs

I was doing this for the latter half of last semester

What are you doing? Do some cardio instead of spending time on the PC all day.

Did you not read OPs post?

chest and triceps
back and biceps
abs and shoulders

Attached: split.jpg (1080x796, 103K)