
Phwor and WAHEY edition

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First for Sunday mass

hope you're /comfy/ lads

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Tfw you will never fuck a young Louise.

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>tfw trying to enjoy trashing on pakis but your dog makes you cum in him

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because they can't keep their bloody mouths shut, I get it you don't like religion and neither do I but I don't need to hear you bang on about it all day

Lads, got a confession to make. I've been larping as just another lad for 2 years on britfeel, but I'm actually a worm. Sorry I lied to you

I think I've watched/downloaded all the good professional porn there is lads. Now it getting slowly more and more boring to rewatch it. I find myself checking the big sites every morning to see if they've updated with anything decent but mostly it's crap. From here on out is it just an endless slog through thousands and thousands of vids on tube sites to find the amateur gems? How do you overcome porn boredom?

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Agree with user. Euphoric atheists are as bad as vegans. If not worse.

Eyy It's finally /comfy/ o'clock! been waiting all summer for this.

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just cummin on a sip of jar

vodka is not comfy
stop forcing your alcoholism into everything

What lessons did you learn in church today lads and lasses? We discussed honouring your father and mother and I went back to my parents' house and cooked a roast dinner for them

Bored and feel gross

Hitting day 8 of not going outside

It'll be broken on Wednesday when I go for the interview to the xmas temp job that I'm definitely gonna get

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i love pussy i need pussy i need money so i can get some pussy i love pussy i want pussy

Clocks go back at the end of next week as well

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If you don't have a normal social life it is pretty hard to get anywhere romantically ,right

where are you going to develop your social skills

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness...

i didn't go
instead i had a cheeky wank to traps

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>she had lobsters up the arse
>she was fucking working class
>she was a...Dutch bitch

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yeah, true, i agree actually. does my head in

Evening lads take it easy

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stop watching it so fucking much

This made me do a think. Haha.

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Why watch porn when you could be playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4? Wahey.

I have social skills but don't get out much

Every fucking language has these. China has like six different ways to pronounce the word 'ma' for fuck sake. Who makes this shit and thinks they've accomplished something?

>oh wow homographs exist english is so weird xd
>just ignore the fact that this sort of thing exists in pretty much all natural languages

Got a new squat PR in the gym today lads.

Thought it would make me happy but I'm still feeling down

>Who makes this shit and thinks they've accomplished something?
monolingual english speakers who know absolutely nothing about linguistics or other languages

I have to practise at practice for practise.

you fucking queer.

Every language has these
Your post reads like something Jackie, 56, mother and dog lover from Essex shares on facebook

get in the fucking sea

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I'm happy for you lad. Good job. Happiness shouldn't be tied to external achievements, it comes from a satisfaction within.

God bless you, user. I've not been to mass in a while and hope to get back soon.

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just deleted all of my "friends" haha lads what am I like. they never fucking talked to me anyway

Contemplated deleting my FB today desu. I seldom use it, and only rarely use it for one specific group.

Thanks lad. At least it's progress. Not sure why i seem to be suffering from anodehnia past few weeks. Hoping it'll pass.

Your posts just get more desperate for fuck sake

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse

is this an educational linguistic post or a prophecy for future Western government

I deleted all my social media about 3 years ago and never looked back. All the fuckers I thought were my friends never bothered to pick up the phone to talk to me so I've cut everyone off and been a loner ever since.

How long before Poleaboo goes full michael jackson
can you imagine that monster bleached, would look like some sort of ogre

You sure showed them lad! Now you have all that wasted time back to get on with... oh

the reality of being a robot is knowing you're not treated well but accepting it doesn't get any better than that

Plus he's already made headway on the sexual deviant side of things. Now all he has to do is move on to children. Shouldn't be too hard, it's in his blood.

>tfw thought it was poleapoo

Tag this post if you know what the picture means.

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I still don't know what it means exactly

if I had to guess, the whole serial killer taking on the identity of that poor woman thing, in a way that weebs convince themselves theyre japanese?

Work for temp job agency.

Regularly work as a runner in big London concert venue.

Every shift you can count on half of the people I have to work with being lazy nogs. (With one good nog as well).

Ok, this is epic

I hate being neet because no one respects me

What does a runner do lad?

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Lads I am trying to make the council change some stuff locally. is this email too wordy? have sent it to them 5 times/

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You stand outside the kitchen and someone comes out and hands you a box of food. You walk the food to one of the luxury boxes (there's about 80, 40-or so on each floor. You then hand it to whoever ordered it in their room and get them to sign their receipt for it.

Do this walking back and fourth for min 4 hours. Nogs stay at the back of the queue leaving you to carry their slack.

Ok now this, THlS is epic.

Vote Labour. There won't be any motorcycles in Corbyn's Britain.

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this hollyoak lass reminds me of my biggest crush

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when you say
>though our cities
it should read
>though our city's

other than that, send away and show us the response


motorbikes are great fun to ride. maybe your council should do something about your wrangler leaving you alone on a Sunday evening to post this kind of garbage

gagging for a (you)

Stop being mean

You will never be in a sex cult with your waifu lad.

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Alright mum stop messing about where's my dinner?

>Tfw massive post party depression


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24 and still fucked for employment in the industry I want. Just working a shitty temp job.

Should probably just kms

Funny how when you listen to a song for over 100 times you uncover new meanings like the second half of Metallicas "Master of Puppets"

This character has long since run it's course brit normie

haha you fucking norman

I went out into town for a drink with mate yesterday and we bumped into a couple of girls we knew from school. I made out with the one who I fancied for years. Pretty sound weekend lads.

What if this Poleaboo character is one huge hoax being played on us?

>sex offender discovers song meanings .com

It wasnt to begin with but these days it's all a character to rile us up

About to have an Indian takeaway for dinner, lads. Hope there's not too much shit, jizz, child and dog in it eh?

Theres a whole team working on writing him at GCHQ, if you actually take the bait and meet him when you show up it's Big Tarquin instead and they'll make you disappear.

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you don't buy lottery tickets right lads?

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would mean andy is a character too and all of the people he has met up with, and i know for a fact that some of the people he met up with are real because i have spoken to them.

On today's march, I ducked into Pret along with many other People's Voters. It was heaving and chaotic, but we formed genteel queues, laughing - "No, no, after you -" "Do you mind if I just?" - because decent. Because cooperative. Because positive. Because properly British.

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>when some goes 'no no after you' expecting you to decline
>mfw I say go on then and walk on by

>two simply EPIC posts this close together
based /britfeel/

You'd have to be a complete fucking mong to think that setting a precedent for votes not actually counting as votes is a good idea for a democracy.

I voted remain and we fucking lost, maybe if you'd taken the vote seriously instead of just parading Eddie Izzard around in a stupid pink hat then maybe we would have won.

I only turn something down once. Cant be hangin about for ever. Also sometimes people keep offering you stuff expecting you to say no, so I end up getting loads of free treats.
>have this priceless artefact
>nah i'm good
>no go on i'm so generous
>yeh go on then lmao


no, please no, why would someone do this?

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go cruising and get raped by a dirty old man, that'll unlock any repressed memories

can we get the aftermath too

If you weren't repressing them then you would remember, right?
Since you can't remember that means you are repressing them, so you were molested as a kid you just don't remember

Lakaseh lad, have a shag and if you were repressing it, it will all come flooding back. I guarantee it.

Might hold a couple of competitions where the winners get to accompany me to Ozzy and Metallica

Does your bum hurt, user?

>parading Eddie Izzard around in a stupid pink hat
hate that dickhead

a little, i cut it right next to my hole after shaving my ass earlier

>shaving my ass earlier
think you definitely were molested lad with that sort of behavior

What will you do if a Paki wins?

they won 7quid and fifteen lucky dips

then won nothing off the lucky dips.

>tfw have actually tried to do this
i live in a dead town and i didnt try very hard so nothing happened
maybe i am just histrionic
im scared :(

what pakipoo arc are we in now?

>sister is watching a fornite you tuber who screams and swears all the time
>shes nine and doesnt swear yet, want her to stay innocent as long as possible so she doesnt end up like me

I dont want her watching this shit, any advice on how to get her to stop?

This is England. Speak English.

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Metallica arc

>tfw have actually tried to do this
user, I...

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