I'm a very right-leaning socially conservative male dating an SJW hard left...

I'm a very right-leaning socially conservative male dating an SJW hard left, "soft-feminine" female who hangs out with gays.

She knows I'm "straight edge" and come from a conservative family, but she doesn't know exactly how much I despise the left and hate victim complexes. She thinks I'm a "live and let live guy".

When we fuck I also am extra rough with her, choke her and she calls me daddy. It gets me off to jizz in a feminists mouth and dominate her.

She doesn't know my power level, when should I tell her that she's a degenerate?

Pic incredibly related

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look at what board you're on before you post
it will save you from looking like a retard

>implying half the board is fucking

Fuck your mother you pussy

Start slowly showing your power level. She will either dumb you immediately or she is so thirsty for your cock that she will slowly acclimatize to your views.

The moment you let her know you're right wing is the beginning of the end. She might hatefuck you a few times after that but it'll still be downhill because, believe it or not, there are a handful of dominant men on the left and she will find and gravitate towards them eventually (more quickly so when she realises you despise her)

Just an hero, user. We aren't here to give you advice on how to break what a retard you are to your cocksleeve.

I don't think NPCs can be dominant and having different political views from your girlfriend or wife is pretty common because it doesn't really matter.

>social conservative
>saving and posting porn
>having casual sex
don't pretend you're any different from your gf because you dont drink or do drugs

Family it's not gonna work out in the long run if your values are different. You might think you can make her see shit the same way as you, but probably not. Better off just fucking her rather than trying to have a relationship.

>I'm "straight edge"
Does she take any drugs?
Why would you want to be with someone like that?

You are as much of a degenerate as any leftist, who cares about her polutical beliefs?

She smokes weed and I quit that shit a long time ago

Most lefties are rabid as fuck. Either they submit completely to a conservative man, get triggered and go lesbian, or settle for a onions neckbeard and cheat with conservative alphas

>dominant lefties
>are you kidding meeeeee
>you're such a white male


Unironically giving more than a passing thought about people's political denomination is the most degenerative thing I can imagine.

Where I live people will crucify you for being anything but an anarchist lefty transkin

>She smokes weed and I quit that shit a long time ago
Kek, you are just as a leftist tard as she is.
What kind of social conservative would even want to degenerate himself or be with someone that does the same. While at the same time doing all other degenerate stuff listed above.
Get a hold of yourself faggot, you only claim to be a social conservative to mask your degenerate acts, you are just as devoid of philosophy, reason, modesty and brainwhased as your gf is.

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I find it disturbing that you claim yourself conservative but can't seem to look past her political views in order to build a stable future with her.


get the fuck out of this board you hypocrite.

Scream "HEIL HITLER" while doing the nazi salute as you come into her pussy. Or if you're alt-lite just say "MAGA, fuck mexicans".

>She doesn't know my power level, when should I tell her that she's a degenerate?
you don't. you just cut her out of your life and move on.

>sexually dominating women is being degenerate

Holy TradCon incel batman

>i need actual relationship and interpersonal advice
>i am a functioning adult capable of language and therefore i am not mentally retarded and i am capable of basic common sense
>where will i ask for this advice?
>i know!
>the most socially retarded board on an already socially retarded autism weeb imageboard where people are completely and totally socially inept, admittedly so, and cannot even begin to fathom the dynamics of a relationship
>the one place where there is not even the pretense of people being knowledgeable about relationships
>this is where i will ask my question
nice larp

This sounds about right. Not socially conservative so I don't give a fuck, but all women want to be dominated esp the feminist/lefties. Never met or fucked one who hasn't had rape/submissive/rough fantasies or outright enjoy it during sex. Gone through 2 marrieds and 3 longterm to others.

I'd say to tell her. If she sticks around she might be a keeper. Redemption fuck.

This. If you can't stand to date a woman with different politcal views as you are you're a total fucking softie. Grow a pair conservicuck.

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>straight edge
>posts porn
So this the standard men are held to these days. I'll never be able to find a man who's not a degnerate.

Do you actually like her though, beyond the sex?

>uncucked alpha male
you can only pick one really

>Jow Forumsturd fan fiction

just get lost, you're the most embarrassing human beings alive

>The left has a victim complex!
>Acts like a victim himself

This is why I can't take you "conservative" faggots seriously. You're just as hypocritical as the liberals you claim to hate.

Women actively brag about denying sex to Trumplets.

If she ever finds out. She'll call rape on you.