2019 GOALS

What are you going to achieve in 2019 Jow Forums

Me personally
>Lose 30kg
>100 Situp / Pushup / Squats
>10.1 Beep Test

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>don't set goals I won't do
Seriously, 3/9 of my 3018 goals I didn't even start with, and 2 I didn't even come close. The rest I almost achieved. So here's my realistic goals for 2019:
>Don't get further in debt
>Don't let lifts go down
>Don't increase bf%


To get pregnant

Nofap 2019
Full year of Wim Hof style meditation
Finish my weightloss(18 kg to go, ~40 pounds)

Legs go fellow Jow Forumsizens, lets all make big progress in 2019!

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>build muscle
>lose bf%
>natty testmaxx (testosterone maxing)
>get a gf or at least lose my khv status

But you are a man, user.

>hit lmao4pl8 bench
>increase grip strength as much as possible
It's going to be s good year, I can feel it.

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>lose 70 lbs
>enter the world if pro boxing

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Fast until sub 200 lbs
Get to 10% BF

>Get a motorcycle
>Gain 5kg of muscle and get out of Auschwitz-mode
>Make self-confidence gains
>Get her back

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>Gain 25 pounds
>Clear up acne
>Not ejaculate at all anymore until marriage
>Be able to run 5 miles without getting winded by the end of the year
>Get a motorcycle
>Start my own woodworking business
>Make the dean's list
And a bonus:
>Find a girl worth marrying

Studies show that starting goals based on time periods rarely work. E.g. Goals for 2019 because if you struggle two months in you have mentally set it as a yearly challenge.

The correct way to set goals is to always start right now. That way if you fail and eat badly or don't work out, the next best time to recommence the goal is right then and not the next time period.

Think how often you say to yourself "oh I have ruined this week I will start again Monday" or "today is a right off I'll start again tomorrow". That gives you the opportunity and excuse to sink further before trying to redeem yourself.

So start goals right now. There is no reason to delay.

Best of luck you fat guys on losing the weight.

>Cut those last 4-6kg
>Reach advanced on every major lift in symmetric strenght (already in proficient)
>Switch to a 2 times a week "maintenance" routine (from Beyond 5/3/1)
>Add in an outdoors physical activity thay's more social, done in groups
Reads like a timeline because its one, pretty much.
Hard limit for strenght progress is August. I'll go mantienance and start doing outdoorsy shit in September (Spring in this emisphere) regardless of progress.

>lift 1/2/3/4
>get better conditioned and hit a better bf%
>buy a plot of land for future farm
>marry gf

Either 1/2/3/4 or gf, not stupid enough to pursue both

>finish uni
>bulk to goal weight
>front lever/planche
>cum from prostate

>stop drinking
>stop smoking cigarettes
>stop smoking pot

Nice dubs.
Only the ciggies is tough the other two are piss

>one arm chinup
>get some friends
>study harder

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>Get a 3.0 minimum next semester
>DL 700 and bench 350 by 2020
>Find a qt i like but take it slow and dont jump into anything like i always do
>Find a roommate so i can move out again

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Why would you post a picture of this absolute THOT, Natuki?

>gain another couple of kilos, maintenance until march and then cut
>hopefully hit a 3 plate deadlift and an 80 kg bench
>nofap for more than a week
>lose my only 2 fat deposits remaining: lower pecs and love handles

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Pls be in Virginia

>Get her back
Yeah user, show her she fucked up letting you go and get her back by dating an intelligent hot future wife.

gain like 25kg and finally become fat fuck
then i might actauly start lifting lol

Bc i havent finished it yet :(

Stop vaping
Stop drinking
More friends
Start a business

another month of DYEL filling the gym before quitting

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>hit 1/2/3/4 for at least one rep each
>do well in my last two semesters in college
>keep my relationship with my gf going strong
>get up to 160 lbs without gaining too much fat

Fuck man, every time I see a character smoking on TV it triggers me

Well this year I got laid and had my first date, and went on more dates. So main goal is continuing to get strong and find a girl to date and find that job

Currently I'm at 0.5/1/1.5/2
My goals are
>tell this qt I want to date (preferably before New year's actually)
>Work longer hours, get noticed, get a raise, and a nice fat stock options bonus
>buy a house
>buy a hobby vehicle (dual sport, ice racing motorcycle, or fc rx7)
>Maintain my daily long enough till next year or get a new dd

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Go from 80Kg to 90Kg

Also get a promotion

Grats dude. Work on mewing and jelqing too. Also dubs

I'm in Lexington rn

Block this fucking site, thank god I‘m not a polfag or a bitter incel, but it’s still fucking timeconsuming

Get a 3.5pl8 squat and a 5pl8 DL

the problem here is that you guys are just listing your goals not what you have to do to get there. your goals should be more along the lines of:
>go to the gym 4 days a week

or other things that will get you towards your goal, if you only list your goals like a wishlist without an actual plan it is harder to stick to and accountability is a problem. Rather than just saying you want to lift 2pl8 for reps you could set a goal to 1RM 2pl8 in the first quarter or so as an intermediate goal on teh way to a 2pl8 bench. just my 2 cents

Get to 16" arms.

Virginias for VIRGINS

350kg Deadlift
300kg squat
200kg Bench

>bench 3pl8
>lose 10lbs
>climb the tallest mountain in my country
>get the promotion at work (have a list of goals I need to achieve to be very likely to get it)

already working on all that, it is kind of hard as I spend my entire vacation just working out like a madman, eating, sleeping and wasting time on my PC in the meantime but I am moving forward I guess. I just put so much energy into improving I have none left for having fun atm. I went out with friends a few days ago but that was only after I put in the work that day and I didnt drink. I just wish I could hold this level of productivity for the entire year.

Get a gf

Lose 120lbs
get braces and fillers around my eyes
start a fitness regime and stick to it once I'm skelly mode
don't give a shit about getting laid

Lose 50kg
Hit 1k club
Cool clothes

T. Fat weakling (atleast Im 6'3

do cute girls raep cute girls? i hope so.

>Make 130k+
>275 Bench, 370 Squat, 455 Deadlift
>Get my ptosis fixed

>take a multivitamin
Do americans unironically do this?

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>tell this qt I want to date (preferably before New year's actually)
I don't think that's how it works.

I wish my GF would get pregnant with me. That's my new years resolution

Me entirely. Im so frustrated shes talking to this buff guy at work. Im angry and void of positivity at this point in time. What are some things i can do to acquire a gymnast physique? I need some insight and i feel really lost, especially with the sticky. It hardly helps given a ton of information when theres only a couple of things im really looking forward to, I want to sculpt my body and become stronger so I have more motivation to power through my day. Ive been working at a restaurant and its completely sucking the soul out of me. Im gonna be going back to being an electrician along with my father and opt for a planet fitness membership and to go every morning and night.
Sorry if this is something youve all heard before guys. But I want my frustration turned into power and drive these shitty feeling down to the recesses of my ego. I dont think there will be a girl anytime soon that'll understand how I am and its lonely. I just want to be held and cuddled and listened to honestly.

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>looks at anime meme
>asks if an entire country follows said meme

these dub dubs of truth

I went from 1/2/3/4 and no gf
to "my old warm-up is my current max" and a gf

>Get back my strength gains from when I did SS in 2017
>start lean bulking on PPL or PHUL after that and look pretty good by summer
>track macros and have a mostly meal prepped diet
>get the drinking under control
>reconnect with alienated friends
>more open relationship with family
>get social anxiety and autismo under control
>stop sperging out and scaring grills away
>be stable enough to have grills in life
>stop being a degenerate jackass
>get out of debt
>start having hobbies again
>be able to form goals and plans longer than a few months out
>basically just be happy and comfortable with myself

Its been a rough few years anons

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To actually make some progress for a change


>Not ejaculate at all anymore until marriage

Give us a heads up before you start a mass shooting okay?

>Gain 25 lb (muscles)
>Hit 9% bf
>Get a good job out of college
>Kiss a girl that likes me as well
2018 was a roughish year, but it's all in building a better future. These investments will not be realized for a couple more years it looks like so 2019 is going to be buckling down and powering on.

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in no particular order:
>graduate high school without any major hiccups
>get into a good college I can afford
>get paid internship over the summer
>become fluent in Portuguese
>improve my Spanish to a professional level
>read a book a week
>at least 8 hours a night, regular schedule
>noporn 2019
we're all gonna make it

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lmao how can debt be real when money isn't real?
seriously, how does a person get in debt?

> Appalachia
Into the trash it goes

>studies show
hmm ok

>get under 100kg
>hit 1/2/3/4
>read 26 books
>put 10k in the bank
>move out
>be less of an autism

>read 26 books
I can't get behind that "having to read at least x books"

Better to search out for a few selected good books which will help me on my course instead of getting in as much books as possible.

Quality over quantity


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its just a number to keep on track, unless im reading war and peace i should easily read a book every two weeks.

>Study systematic theology and make spiritual gains
>Get back on anti-inflamation diet and stay on it
>Lift consistently in the morning
>Improve posture and carriage
>Become an expert at my job so that everyone feels comfortable assigning me any responsibility
>Consistent 4-5 hours of deep work on my side projects most evenings
>Get closer to my oneitis, marry her, and get her pregnant
>Get a house

Pray for me bros.

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I just want to stop drinking so heavily.

>Do more fasting

start with the hardest part
>get her pregnant
the rest will be ezpz if you aren't an asshole she doesn't like

>decrease bf%
>increase gpa

I have a few but they can all be summarized by the words "Man up". I turn 30 at the end of next year and I'm determined to have a steady job, a healthy diet a wifeable girlfriend by the end of it.

>don't eat too much crap (aka more than 1 'crap binge' per month)
>Get out more
>Don't stay up late because it completely fucks my schedule because of my fucking meds

>get her back
pathetic, why not trying to get someone better instead

Go to and finish boot camp, add an inch or two too my bicep, 1/2/3/4, get better at music.

>get to 190lb 10% bf
>Get my blue belt in bjj
> Keep working on my DG, get at least 15 new bangs
> Get a 15k raise or new high paying job

Keep up fitness progress, but mostly I need to get my business up and running.

Please, the only gun I've got is my old man's 7 od 8, but I am looking at a few different revolvers because I think they're neat.

You take out a loan and put it all into bitcoins, then don't sell when It starts going down.

Idk man? I'm autistic as shit and only had 2 relationships 1 1year and 1 5 year one. We've gone on a few dates and I just need to make a move and say I like her and we should continue seeing each other but exclusively. But she's 4 hours away during the school year.

Many things are happening for me in February and march, so I'm postponing goal making till after that. Happenings:
>Finish degree, and won't be studying anything for at least a year
>Get 6 months of back payments
>Finish one contract job
>Car and loan repayment ends, monthly costs are going to go down by a lot because of it
>New: go to specialist to find out why my testicle hurts and is swollen. Surgery or cancer will propably fuck with my fitness goals

>get to up to 185lbs lean
>get promotion to an inspector
>get qt 3.14 gf
>begin learning another language
GF is going to be the hardest one anons :(

talking about multivitamin, what a good brand you can get in EU

you're actually retarded. OP's question was "what are your goals" not "how are you going to achieve your goals". Learn to read you mongoloid

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Join my fitness server

>pay off debts
>get leaner again
>achieve higher wilks than bf on the platform

2018 was a great year for me, so hopefully the trend continues

>increase delts and chest
>decrease waist and glute flab
>accomplish business goals
>buy rental or expand business depending offers
>find a tall, pleasant gf
>quit soul crushing job

>Drop back to 170 from 200lbs@6'2
>Be comfortable with clothes in my body (might need to 160, still had love handles at 170)
>Get work together as a teacher so I can make it to the gym at least twice a week
>Get my lower body checked out at doctors, constant ache/weakness
>Bang a buch of college girls to fill the gaping hole in my heart
Might not seem like very much, but my life can be very distracted as a teacher.
What language would you learn? Worst case scenario you can just go to indonesia and hang with little brown machines.
How fast are you paying your denbts?

>finally work up the courage to end it

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I'm getting old and have never been ripped so I think getting as big as I can while still lean for the summer is going to be my goal this year, just to say I did it once.

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>continue winter bulk
>follow a proper lifting routine, reach 1/2/3/4
>no nut new year
>continue being more social and outgoing
>quit shitty time-consuming retail job (done early)
I should say though, working retail has really improved my social skills and awkwardness (despite all the bullshit you'll have to deal with, I somewhat recommend it), but it also takes up a lot of time I could be using those skills, especially on weekends and nights. I think I've gotten all the possible social gains from my job, plus it's mentally draining and a huge gains goblin. I can't wait to focus all of my energy on school, lifting, and social life. I'm excited for 2019, though I'll always look back on 2018 as the year I turned my life around.

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well, i don't think i'm going to be paying off my house anytime soon, but i almost paid off one credit card completely this year. i have my own small business, so i'm always reinvesting my profits so i have a lot of assets in terms of stock, but i don't always sell my products quickly. dropped over 2k on christmas presents this year too so that didn't help.

also, good luck on feeling comfortable with clothing. i know the feel.

The love-live chad
The k-on virgin