
Thread for robots who are fucked for reasons other than looks. No failed normies.

>fairly handsome
>larger than average cock

>never talked to a girl for more than a few minutes
>never been held by a girl
>never kissed a girl

Attached: Barney Film.jpg (400x306, 15K)

>decent looking
>6.5 inch penis
>130 IQ
>competitive athlete in highschool

>women think i have an "intense stare" that creeps them out (probably from too much pron)
>can't text girls
>can't talk to them without figeting and sweating and doing autistic things like shaking my legs and waving my arms around and laughing with nervous autism
>got diagnosed by psychiatrist with a bunch of shit and told him it was bullshit
>shit pure brown liquid out of my anus every day
>compulsive liar
>everybody hates me
>hate literally everybody from too much Jow Forums
>total neet live in a disgusting hovel in family basement
>spent years gaming
>can't even game anymore
>nofap makes me too aggressive -- too intimidating due to physique and "intense stare" to go into public after nofap
>only hope is to start a business
>no discipline and motivation
>no friends
>buying a shitty motorcycle because my car broke down, and also growing suicidal urges (too pussy to do it myself)
>hopefully die in a motorcycle accident
>only my mom will weep over my corpse

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Are you that guy that talked about some girl or something a few weeks back? Wanted to get on track?

The problem is you are trying to talk to women when you should be on Grindr talking to sissy twink robots to fuck their bussy unless you want to be the bottom and get pounded like a dirty girl

I'm so conflicted right now, are chadbots the failed normie haters? Fuck I don't like anybody I think

no... there are no girls for me to talk about. and there is no track. I've lost all desire for them anyways. i'm pretty sure the only hope for me is monkhood.

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I suppose there's two types. The inwards and outwards type. There's the robots that have rejected normalcy so much they become pseudo-sociopathic. Therefore acting as if they had confidence. The other types are the external chads, who look like they could be chads, but really have deep issues that prevent them from being normies.

I don't care who you are. Tell someone that you have delusions of people thought controlling you, trying to kill you, and that you don't go outside for weeks. It'll scare off any normie.

I saw that pic used by someone else. I guess it is just so unique I assumed it was the same person. I've also considered a monastic life. I think either way it'll be one like it. Isolation or an actual monk.

Only a normie could even comprehend such a thing.

ohh yeah I know the thread you're talking about. yeah that's where I got the image. it was some guy who'd partied too much.

That's absolutely fucking right. I told him to stop being a degenerate, and he agreed. The absolute madman. Thought it could be you so I could remind you to get your act together.

i'm too autistic to be a degenerate unfortunately. i'd fuck it up somehow

The concept of meeting up with someone seems strange to me.

>Decent looking
>Above average dick
>Fit, swim and practice muay thai every week at my club
>Good grades
>Good at my hobbies
>Have atleast one girl falling in love for me every year
>Invited to parties here and there

>Fewer and fewer friends because I tend to spend all my time alone
>Hate alcohol and smoking
>Struggle to trust anyone because of backstabbers
>KHV, had many opportunities but I either didn't like the girl or lost interest in trying
>Scare people when I talk about myself (they actually tell me that I'm scary in person)
>Dissociate very often because trauma from past
>Disgusted by girl's behavior at parties everytime
>Want to be happy alone but I can't stand loneliness
>Saw a psychologist because I wanted to an hero (she didn't help me at all)
>Have had killing urges since I was 8 years old

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>6'4 with only 6.5"

I've got three words for ya: fat.

>8 inch
>decent build
>model face, godly jawline etc
>IQ 135ish
>severe adhd
>possibly on spectrum
>anxiety, trust issues, depression
>horrendously bad at getting jobs, even places i had connections for didnt call me back, and my connections would just be like oh, uh... sorry maybe next week

idk what else

Relationships? How have those gone? Also nice on the cock...

>big meat
>150 Tinder matches
>haven't talked to any of them because autism
>crippling fear of vomiting keeps me from going out and doing fun shit in general

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I consider this to be failed normie tier.

cheated on twice, gave up on blondes after that. currently single

Women really can't be satisfied, can they?

Psychologists don't start to help until you get into the seriously deep stuff. Then they're trained medical professionals.

not when /druggo/s are out and about, honestly how did a fucking 5/10 smackhead steal a 8/10 from me?

He gave her drugs.

theyd been childhood friends or someshit, when she dumped me she said "i know i was meant to love you but me and him have a sort of strong connection that you just cannot break"
only found out later they were fucking beforehand

>strong connection
just goes to show that women need to be caught early
sorry to hear that though, i know it's hard
still, you fucked a girl so...

Wow robots really are just entitled jackasses aren't they

>previous gfs

but I keep ruining things for myself and making my life harder than I need to constantly
also a compulsive liar in real life

>Muscular, around 215 lbs and not fat by any means
>8" cock

>Soon as I fuck up in a conversation it starts a landslide of self-doubt that leads to me turning beet red and stuttering my words
>can't get hard unless foreplay is really good and kinda kinky, which is rare the first time I fuck someone
>balding at 20 but I can't grow decent facial hair to make up for it

yeah, im not about to be an arrogant cunt and downplay sex, i hope everyone here will be able to experience it one day

Link to thread? Sounds interdasting

>7 inch donger

>no gf

why live?

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>caring about any of those things
pick one

If you care about getting a relationship, you aren't a schizoid
Lying fuck

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>8.5' penis
>model-tier face and built
>~150 IQ, writing PhD in theoretical physics on D-branes within superstryng theory
>making 6 figures straight out of college with a modeling gig
>followed by a pack of moisty +7/10 whores that hail me as a demigod wherever I go
>~10,000 friends on normiebook
>~200,000 followers on instagram
>some vague self-diagnosed epik depreshun/anxiety/bipolar disorder/whatever that prevents me from talking to girls

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Shizoidism is to zoomers what depression was to millenials.

>6,4 inch dick
>good build
>not too fat or too skinny
>atleast a 8.5/10 face
>never had a girlfriend
>never kissed a girl
>atleast hold hand and hugged better than nothing
>not interest in drugs, alcohol or smoking
>have a good job with above normal salary
>can't talk with girls because autism

Atleast I'm 19 and still have time