I’m a 25 year old female volcel NEET. I live in a cozy appartment of a massive inheritance and spend all my time consuming media, reading internet forums/boards, and — most of all — masturbating. I own dozens of sex toys and have covered my entire appartment with pillows and blankets and matresses, effectively turning it into a giant bed. Many of those pillows are bodypillows and oversized oval/cylindrical pillows. I attach the dildos to the pillows and pretend the pillows are hot guys’ bodies. I put on videos of hot guys on multiple laptops (usually not porn, there’s very little porn with cute boys) and roll from “manpillow” to “manpillow” and fuck all of them for hours. I usually have a movie playing too. While this stuff happens I make lots of noise (loud media plus grunting and screaming) but my neighbors have never complained (I’ve never met anyone b t w, I rarely leave the appartment). I’m quite tall and skinny so I like to buy nice dresses online and LARP as a fashion supermodel who’s approached at a big event by some people and is taken to a boy-harem and have my way with all the gigolos (pillows with dildos and vibrators).
I only leave my house if I really have to and haven’t had a proper conversation with anyone aside from my mom ever dince I started doing this about a year and a half ago. My life is nothing but self induced pleasure.
I am very happy. My only fear is that I might one day outgrow this, and I wonder how I’ll deal with these memories if I do. Actual relationships and men terrify me. I have no interest in relationships right now, but would a past like mine be a dealbreaker for you guys?
You're broken mentally and aged beyond your expiration date. Nobody wants a broken Christmas cake.
Levi Morgan
most of us would want to join you, you're living the dream
Noah Richardson
As long as you aren't an annoying bitch then you will be fine.tho depends on the person but I don't see it as a deal breaker except for someone who is constantly conservative
Blake Reyes
>25 years old >age beyhond your expiration date Da faq
Liam Lee
It's literally over if you are a female over the age of 20 and have no partner
Matthew Richardson
Just keep in shape honestly, don't have a shit personality, and if it really worries you just keep it to yourself once you get past your fun times. I myself am hoping for a nice Christmas cake once I start looking for a girl, 25 as well here. Though I'm busy trying to accomplish goals and dreams and not just immersing myself in lust.
Sounds like older woman can focus more on relationships and fucking their husbands than taking care of noisy brats.
Jaxon Bell
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Tyler Nguyen
Low tier white knight b8 m8
Nicholas Jones
Nice gyno fag
Ryder Ramirez
Evan Allen
It's a facebook pasta
Jordan White
>Jow Forums - Fitness
Lucas Stewart
Josiah Wright
Assuming this isn't an elaborate bait, no your past wouldn't be a deal breaker, in fact I would prefer you to a normie slag. However, the problem with you is elsewhere. I was in a similar situation with money at a young age and being an introvert and I could be very picky with girls because of money and looks but I never had an actual relationship like said because noone fit my imaginary standards. I think the more you stay away from human interaction you start to view others as a sum of attributes and not as people, a bad mindset if you want a relationship.