
Have any of yal actually tried proper meditation and gotten results from it?
Wanna try getting into it fr

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I do active meditation when I'm at the gym.

It's splendid.

Wait how
Aren't you supposed to sit still and concentrate on breathing
If you do at the gym isnt it very distracting
What do u focus on/do u listen to music etc

Not him but there are different types of meditation. Like he said, active, means being fully aware of what your body is doing. Feel the weight, feel the muscles contract and loosen, think about nothing else but what you, your mind and your body are doing.

My mind is just too active. I can't just clear my head because there's always something that's racing through my thoughts. How do I meditate?

Take it slow, start with two minutes of meditation. Concentrate on counting deep slow breaths. A thought comes to you, think ‘whoops, go away please’ and carry on counting your breaths

I've been doing Vipassana meditation for more than a year, an average of 1 hour a day, a bit less, and I attained stream entry (Nibbana) a while ago.
It has saved me from destruction, to be honest with you guys. It is such a wonderful practice, words cannot even begin to describe. It's the most beautiful practice that I have ever done. So much peace and calmness, guys.
Meditation is not about forcing yourself to clear your head. What you talk about is completely normal. Just don't fight the thoughts, let them be.

meditation is a useful tool for getting in touch with an element of spirituality that I find a lot of people are missing and don't even realize. otherwise it is still a nice method to improve concentration. anything can be a meditation. I choose to do it 30 minutes before the sunrise every day. it's a nice way to start the mornings. it's frustrating and feels fruitless but once you build your time up it's great. peace to u and yours my friend

isn't that the same as doing gym normally. except you cant talk to people.

> and I attained stream entry (Nibbana)

How did you know you entered this? and not just regular calmness or whatever

If I practice for a year, will I still get stray thoughts? Is the goal to eliminate random thougths entirely?