Just a reminder that you could have had a great, easy life and not be a lonely, kissless virgin if you were born a girl
Just a reminder that you could have had a great, easy life and not be a lonely, kissless virgin if you were born a girl
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I could have anyways. My life took me off the rails enough that if I was instanly a girl nothing at all would change but bleeding hole.
Not true. Most people here have autistic traits and autistic traits are even less tolerated in women than men. Women are held to a much higher standard of social adeptness, if you don't have that you might get a dick but no one will settle down or be friends with you.
Is being a woman really so bad that you would shoot yourself?
hardships build character
and it's incredibly rewarding to over come them
I'm talking about having a vag dude wtf lol
>Most people here have autistic traits and autistic traits are even less tolerated in women than men
lol autistic women never struggle to get boyfriends and sex, and some men find high functioning autistic traits in women cute or endearing
Either that or I could be a psychotic feminist cunt. Also checked.
>Women are held to a much higher standard of social adeptness
Reminder that it's not too late to have life as a girl
Trannies aren't real girls, and transsexuals often end kill themselves
And I don't hate trannies (not attracted to them but w/e), I was close friends with one before I fucked up by being shit
You're imagining extremely attractive women who are slightly autist but charming. Those are considered attractive by neckbeards on Jow Forums. Normal women with autistic traits are shit tier to women and men.
Like you would know.
stfu and post link to reiko discord
Ugly women have way more options than your average male, autism doesn't matter unless she's severely autistic, retarded and non-verbal
Nothing is stopping you from becom8ng the girl take HRT and transition its pretty simple
Not true. Men place more value on looks than women. Men also want feminine traits, being social is considered feminine and healthy. Autist men can often pass for normal men, they can pass their inadequacies off as being stoic and aloof.
>Men place more value on looks than women
Men don't discriminate on height, like different breast sizes, some like fat chicks. Autist men almost never marry or date unless they are physically attractive, and even then they will struggle to maintain relationships. Autistic women always have boyfriends. Females cannot be incel. Eat shit, femoid.
Ehh, as long as the women isn't a super overweight landwhale and is hygienic and wears normal, not too slutty clothing, they have a fair chance of getting a man.
lol overweight whales also have men fighting over them, can't say the same thing about fat dudes
Lol woman detected
You don't actually believe any of that dribble you wrote, right, sweetheart?
I said a fair chance, if what I listed gave you a 50% chance, then landwhales would be at 40%. Still a good sizeable chunk, but your options are limited somewhat.
The only physical feature that makes a woman incel is her weight, which requires nothing to conquer other then avoiding fast food every day and maybe a little walking here and there.
Men need good facial aesthetics, height and lots of muscles. The first two are God given and the third requires constant work in both the gym and kitchen.
Your chances aren't limited at all if you can still easily find someone
Again, fat women are also desired which is fuckin sad
Fat lies. I've watched retarded women get interest off here.
>inb4 it's not real
If you're about to say that know this is why I hate women.
As with almost all other 'problems' women face this is only true or their interactions with other women.
You're a lost cause if you unironically believe that mate selection is solely based on physical appearance and nothing else.
Unless you live in Saudi Arabia or some third world country, women live life on easy mode
OK but women with moderate autism are more socially adept than most non autistic men so you are literally also only talking about extremely autistic women.
>being a breeding hole for some loser and suffering through the horror of having a female brain and retarded bodily functions
No thanks. Not worth it. Id rather be a nobody but a man, than a popular walking onahole.
Extremely autistic women don't count, they aren't even mentally capable of having any desires regarding to social lives
Not quite. Other things matter, but you first need to reach a minimum standard in looks before other aspects are considered.
You kinda have to find your partner physically attractive to get a chance. Unless you wanna be betabux
Ofcourse its not and with the advent of online dating and people forming feelings online does step around first impressions from seeing someones body. At the same time attraction is important and its one way to superficially and subconciously rate someones genes. A manlet skelly fat neckbeard at 26 with bad acne and eyesight probably doesnt have the best genetic pool. Your body expresses that with repulsion and dislike. Again, it doesnt matter as much these days, but its still there.
Please stop reminding me.
If you are anything but the absolute doppelganger of the Elephant Man you have reached a minimum standard of attractiveness to somebody. Aesthetic appeal can come in many forms, and only the truly insane spend their whole life trying to sink their claws into the aesthetic ideal.
>If you are anything but the absolute doppelganger of the Elephant Man you have reached a minimum standard of attractiveness to somebody.
>he doesn't believe the 80/20 meme
Women find average dudes ugly, man.
That's not true either. Both men and women value looks about the same. It's just that men are more honest about it. Hypergamy exists too however
Please god stop reminding me what life could've been.
If you truly believe this, I'm actually jealous of you. You must live in a world of gleeful bliss that I'd love to go back to.
> not be lonely
>he believes women can be lonely even with all the options they have for dates and sex even if they are ugly plus all the beta orbiters they can get
U dumb
I'm not sure how thats gleeful bliss and my own world. Being hyper-cynical about life doesn't mean you're a realist, it means you're living in your own world as well. I'm not sure if this is true of you, but if you are ttying to understand how attraction works by looking through the eyes of the highest echelon of attractive people you're just fucking yourself. Its like saying you're poor when you're middle class in a first world country because of some exorbitantly rich multibillionaires that also exist.
If women did not only want Chads and found all sorts of men attractive and did not reject or cuck non-Chad men, you would be correct
Why are all you guys such massive pussies always complaining about how women have it objectively easier than men it's true that in some aspects it's easier but on others it's also harder just go back to complaining about traps and trannies while jerking off to them while you think no one watches
Being a Chad is about more things than being an Adonis, though. The memes even say it themselves, and again, women can be attracted to men that aren't an Adonis. Sure, the vast majority or even all women will find men who are the model of masculine physical beauty attractive and would probably ride his cock, but if thats all the man has to offer is being physically attractive and he is a personalitiless bum who couldn't find the sharp end of a knife, she probably won't stay with him, unless she is equally as vapid or is capable herself to provide what the Chad isn't.
But he will still go way farther than an ugly male because he is tall and good looking
Women have it easier in all aspects of life than men. Realizing that does not make you a fucking tranny
You still have to be somewhat socially capable. If you can't even look at a girl without spaghetti ejecting from your pockets, you'll never get anywhere.
You can act like a complete sperg on Tinder and still get numbers and dates if you use Chad pics
- HA
Good one, roast friend.
Never said it makes you a tranny?
Women do have it harder in some areas such as social etiquette pay attention and you'll see that the only losers that like tomboys are the ones that lurk here, they also have to deal with a shittier biological cycle on a monthly basis and they are also expected to keep up appearances in a more extensive aspect than men are
Let me clarify that I don't believe that they are an oppressed class and I'm not a fucking feminist but I do recognize the fact that in some senses it's harder for them but in others it's also easier such as work conditions, social support, etc.
>women have it harder
>being this delusional
Men being the disposable sex means you are wrong
They discriminate based on facial features, body composition. A woman who is as autist as the average autist man would do as well, but the threshold for being autist is lower in women. An autist woman would be considered like a normal man.
You know nothing. Men might want a pump n dump in an ugly autist chick but no way is anyone settling down with them.
You could probably get with a homeless 60 yr old woman living downtown who's addicted to crack and has 4 teeth, she'd probably fuck and marry you, is that a good bet? You're not an incel unless you wouldn't take her up on that offer.
Yeah all the bullshit related to childbirth, pregnancy, menstruation, breastfeeding, it's all so easy. If you guys think getting a dick will solve all your problems, join grindr, you'll find someone willing to fill your asses in no time.
No, I'm saying simply being female wouldn't fix your problems. Being less autistic would. Who you are is the problem, not your genitals.
Or if the gender roles were reversed and women would actually want men.
I made an ad in craigslist once asking if there was anyone who would loan me $300 for a couple weeks cause I was in a slump. I even offered to pay them back $350. I got no replies for my offer, but I never said my gander in the ad. I got twelve, fucking twelve, emails and texts asking if I was a girl who would be willing to do a blowjob and in return I could just have the $300. Fucking imagine that, needing money and being able to get lonely fucking suckers to pay you $300 fucking dollars to blow them. I never responded but part of me always wanted to play along and see how much they would have paid for actual sex.
>You know nothing. Men might want a pump n dump in an ugly autist chick but no way is anyone settling down with them.
Maybe these women should stop fucking these men if they want an LTR? Maybe they should just go with someone on their level and date them rather than hoping a Chad commits after a hookup? Fuck you females are stupid.
>You could probably get with a homeless 60 yr old woman living downtown whos addicted to crack and has 4 teeth, shed probably fuck and marry you, is that a good bet? Youre not an incel unless you wouldnt take her up on that offer.
That woman would reject me for Chad. Or she would go with me but not because she finds me attractive but because she needs a beta provider for her messed up life. The offer would not happen and it would be a bad idea. We get no offers at all. And even then a 60 year old woman who is a crack whore is so fucking below me it is insane. But incel women (who do not exist) not only will not go after the bottom of the barrel (nor are ever told to), but wont even go for a man on her level? Bitch, please.
In that comic the girls pine after chad only. It would not make it any different, just more obvious that they are chad chasing slurs
>Women have it easier because I can't get any seccs
>The exact reason why you don't get your seccs
user just stop trying to feel better by blaming literally more than half of society for your own shortcomings as a human being men and women have different experiences and some face adversities that others don't and this applies equally to both sexes claiming that one of the sexes be it male or female has it objectively easier than the other is being willfully ignorant towards the problems of the other sex which just helps distance you from them when at the end of the day all you want is company from them in the first place which is the reason why you've become so frustrated that you end up bitching about the subject in the first place
They are interested in all boys, just not 40+ year old men, which has nothing to do with chad at this point.
Females also get jobs much easier, have affirmative action, almost always get custody of children and almost always have men pay child support, can easily ruin a mans life with a false rape accusation, have orbiters that treat them like gods, and can have sex with very good looking masculine men despite being average at best. They can be vulnerable and open up to others without people thinking less of them, or men finding them less attractive. Being a western woman is a walk in the park compared to life as a non Chad man.
Don't have such a low opinion of yourself user have you ever actually dated anyone? If you have then you should know that that's not how it works
The comic had the girls looking at magazines that had dudes with ripped abs on the cover. I doubt they would go for a short chubby or rail thin nerd with a bad face
Of fucking course I havent. Because not even a deformed autistic obese black girl wants a short, chubby, shy socially awkward dude who is 22 and has not kissed a girl. I dont even know if getting ripped (which I think it fucking sucks how getting ripped is a requirement for men rather than just not being fat) will help as I lift in the gym
They are creaming themselves over the mc who is a unremarkable guy in his original world who couldn't get a girl before that, he even says he never kissed in the first chapter.
It's just like in real life where men look at the most beautiful girls in porn but will gladly go for almost every girl in real life.
I'm not a Chad man at all but I can see the struggles of the other side, women are usually expected to pop at least one kid out which takes a major toll on their life/career affirmative action is fucking with everyone so don't even go there average women can have sex with a masculine man true but they can also get thrown to the side like a used cum rag just as easily as a a beta in the same position also for the long term (most) women tend to like guys that they consider slightly less attractive than them so no other bitch touches that dicc
I will take that over being incel any fucking day. I would kill for that.
Just losing weight helps never been ripped in my life and still doing ok and have you seen the "Skelly boys" threads women are into that too there are many things different women like some girls like guys with body hair others find it repulsive some suck dick others find it repulsive etc it just depends on the girl man you'll do ok eventually if you don't give up and keep at it if you don't have any luck in a circle then try another circle and if not then try yet another there's a lot of people out there and objectively speaking there is no one considered ugly (maybe to your standards but not the rest of the world) one thing I do recommend is set some goals for yourself and work to accomplish them it will help your self confidence which is the most important thing of all
Skelly boys are only attractive when they are 6 foot 3 with masculine facial features. Being ripped is more attractive. Also I will have loose skin and loose skin is ugly. While a good amount of men worship chubby women. WOMEN DO NOT WORSHIP CHUBBY MEN
Wait what? Everything you said there is bad for males? Women like men who are slightly less attractive than them so no one else will touch them? Where do you think beta provider comes from? Thats what youre describing.. girls try to hook on an average guy to provide for them and be a steady partner for a family, career, money, and emotional tampon, while at the same time going out and fucking chads to make themselves feel good. You know how many times I have heard guys say that their gf wont give them blowjobs or do anal or fuck really hard, or that she only likes to fuck every so often, so the guy has a gf and jerks off more than he fucks, while at the same time the same girls go out and cheat, but with Chad they fucking deepthroat and do anal the same day they meet and let him fuck them so hard theyre sore the next day... yeah fuck off with this women have the same problems as men in the dating and sex market
Being an Incel is of your own accord social structures are beyond people's individual control if you wanna stop being an Incel let go of that frustration, set some goals for yourself, accomplish them, boost your self confidence and get out there if you see yourself not having any luck then try a different group and if not then try yet another also girls that are average looking tend to be the best because they tend to be simpler and have better personalities (imo)
Lol average girls are even more blatant about wanting Chad. Being an incel is all about being ugly and autistic and male. Women will take being raped by Chads over holding the hand of an ugly male
Holy shit this. Women are all virtue signaling liars.
Wouldn't matter since I'm mentally ill from a family of mentally ill and was beaten by my dad in my youth.
I'd still be more or less as mentally deranged and damaged so I it doesn't matter.
This is either bait or you should've been killed at birth. What a fucking retarded thing to believe. Incels really challenge Poe's Law.
That's the thing tho YOU'VE HEARD you haven't actually gone out there and lived/have had the experience all these stories you hear are stories from the fucking internet they can come from anywhere in the world or from the imagination of others just to fuck with you or from an insecure beta fuck that managed to fuck something up he had going for himself but now refuses to take responsibility and blames someone else in the US alone there is about 325.7 MILLION people compare that number to the amount of stories/fan fictions you've heard about a beta being cucked there is always shit outside the norm and those stories/cases are well outside the norm
If you think that women only wanting Chad is bait then it is too late for you
Considering I hurt myself more badly than anything involuntarily in my life I wouldn't say I'm an incel.
I had 3 fingers reattached because of dumb shit I did and I don't enjoy anything other than certain levels of pain... Life isn't as enjoyable anymore.
Nope as long as you're not a literal autist you're fine women are just as entitled as men are to find people other than their main partner attractive but for the majority it's look but don't touch
Start by making friends outside of this shit hole and force yourself to meet new people with different views this will help develop your social skills and the rest is cake (just get some self confidence)
Thats just standard retard talk from internet virgins who don't understand how attraction works and act out like the hateful, little worms they are. Claiming that women would rather be raped by someone attractive compared to the most innocuous physical action being shared with an ugly person is insanity.
I was talking about my friends and people I know irl who tell me that kind of shit.. youd have to be a brain dead retard to trust the shit you read online with solid evidence...
How much do you weigh? Because you'd be surprised as to how much skin can actually shrink I have a friend who was 168.5 kg or 371.5 pounds and he decided to get /fit he looks fine now and is dating a solid 8/10 qt3.14
>men being sexually valuable
You'd have to be an idiot for not to want this.
Then your friends are cucks, no but on a serious note mingle with other people and expand your circle and try being nice to people the whole girls like guys who are assholes meme is only a meme and very few cases are actually like that (I learned that from my cringe days lol)
The girls like assholes meme doesnt work for you because it isnt assholes they like. Its Chad who just acts however the fuck he wants. This isnt hard to understand. If youre a non Chad and you try to be an asshole youll be slammed and shunned. If youre Chad and you act like an asshole women love it, but the asshole bit is a side effect, not the main issue. Girls like assholes if the asshole is Chad. Girls really fucking hate assholes who arent Chad and will make you pay for trying to act that way.
Personality is a meme. You can be the biggest fucking dork or asshole or whatever. Youre only hobbies can be magic the gathering, poker, and world of Warcraft, and you can have next to no social life. It doesnt matter. If you are Chad women will pursue you anyway. Theyll beg for your attention and compete for your dick. This shit has been proven over and over again. Chad doesnt need personality. His looks are personality. This is because Chad isnt competing for women, women are competing for Chad. The exact opposite is true for average guys and betas. Everyone says you need a wide social circle, go out a lot, have hobbies, be fit, good career, good social personality, etc. because you need those things as an average guy or a beta. Youre competing for the women. Chad is not.
Not for me man it doesn't work in general by my cringe days I'm talking about the experiences I've had with my (Chad) friends they might say "OMG Chad is so hot" but they didn't hesitate to call him an asshole and discard him the whole "asshole" meme originated from charisma and the fact that having the charisma to do your own thing without letting the world stop you is an attractive alpha trait this is something that a leader has and it's something that women like assholes can give off a similar ish kind of vibe but it isn't the same as being confident and simply leading
If women are saying your Chad friend is hot, but not staying attracted to him after he acts any possible way, he is not Chad. He might be a 6/10 good looking guy. Not a Chad. There are fake Chad experiments out there with all kinds of crazy shit in them and they work fine. Nazi, child molester, alcoholic, convict from abuse, you name it. Ive seen people front online as Chad and literally get attention and praise even though theyve created the worst possible person they can. Personality doesnt mean shit without looks, and with looks its optional. Kind of like how a Chad with money is better than a Chad whos broke. Theyll both get any girl they want, but the rich Chad will be preferred.
Literally no counterargument
Not at all Chad is a meme he is a culmination of every single individual (mainstream) good trait women however most women dont usually like Chad for a serious reason just like a guy might think "yo I wanna fuck the shit out of Satania" they think "I want Chad to rearrange my intestines" but they never will because they realize that it isn't their place nor will it lead anywhere in the long term
You should tell that to all the homeless bitches living on the street here in Portland
I don't need to argue I'll just link this
>can't come up with a proper counterargument
>I-I don't need to!
Males, everyone
There are way less homeless women than men and there are plenty of men they would take them in
But men are sexually valuable. Well, only Chads are. But sexually valuable men exist.
You are a man. There are no women on this board you fucking cunt lol
>post tits with timestamp or stfu
This is how you get female friends and become an orbiter. Not how you get a girlfriend or get laid.
Ding ding ding! user got it! A board of fucking beta orbiters is never going to be able to even remotely tell anyone how to be Chad. They can only regurgitate theyre own pathetic bullshit that gets them taken advantage of regularly
And even if you do get past the friend zone, you are gonna be with a girl whos using you for being a beta provider while she has sex with Chads behind his back
That's the point, Chad is a MEME he is metaphysical his existence is literally impossible I don't know what kind of "experiment" you're looking at but it's probably by some shitty Incel that's frustrated as well don't pay attention to all this negative shit man just do like I've been telling everyone here structure your life and get outside of your comfort zone that's all it takes