Drop your worst
Post your best Blackpills
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Once you hit 25, you're living off past memories.
penise and also dicke and balls
If you were a loser in elementary school, you're a loser forever
I have 7 months left to live.
Everyone is a variation of normie and the real robots anhero'd already
34 is when the family gives up, the psychiatrist doesn't really try anymore and it's just sad.
>tfw 30 soon
This is so true. I failed from the start. Every loser in elementary school I know stayed a loser forever.
>psychiatrist doesn't really try anymore
I never even got one that tried to begin with.
God can exist. The space is fucking big and the laws of physics we see on earth dont need to be real on the other side of the space. There can be beings that work on totally different spectrum, something wencant even imagine, and they can be like gods and you can't prove thst there isn't anything like that. Not saying Christians are right, but I am saying godlike beings can exist.
You are fucking lucky
God's probably an amoral being who doesn't give a sht about humans. That's why the world is shit but not total shit.
I dont think about God as some being with morals who is like us. Just a different spieces working on totally different base.
Jacking off to gay porn ruins your life
>I'm tired of life
>unironically I'm planning to kys
>yh, thank you
your bad dreams are actually visions of the apocalypse
i hope its an originel one
You're not bisexual, girls just hate you and you think guys won't.
i'll do it, and you all will realize there is no reason not to.
Love cannot heal you.
If you jack off to gay porn you cant ever think about sucking the dudes dick or it will corrupt your chakras and like mind
we are all going to be fine in the end
Only true pill in this thread
It's not going to be ok and it's worse than you think
penise and also dick and balls
>weeaboo vevo
that's a bluepill
you will learn one day
Intimate relationships are held together by minor details like how tall the guy is or how big his dick is.
The good days are past.
it doesn't get any better
not just in your life, in the world in general, things will just get worse
The biggest blackpill is that women are actually very nice and don't base their decisions on what you look like, but who you are on the inside, The losers on r9k only believe otherwise because they can't cope otherwise with the fact that they are just really shit people.
Hope is an illusion.
Your life isn't a film with interesting events and a satisfying end.
Love isn't that great, and what's worse it dissapears after a bit, then you're just left with nostaligia at best and bitterness and hate at worst.
It all turns to shit in the end.
get rid of that pill bs mind set garbage school of thought first. lmao, cant believe some of you fall for that. not saying its not real but damn. ofcourse you will notice all the negatives if you keep putting a microscope to them. do whats at your reach to better yourself. lifes too complicated to give a one sentence solution. oh yea, another thing that would help is not making stupid decisions that keep putting you in that whatever pill mindset and perhaps (if you are a man or young buck) mature.
being a 'late bloomer' really means you bloomed too late
This. Jesus christ. My psych literally quit without telling me. He didn't even bother giving me a refill for my prescription. It was lamictal, and with the dose I was at, I would've apparently gotten seizures if I discontinued. Every time I saw him, I told him the medication wasn't helping. He just kept upping the dose until he decided to quit. The worst part was that the doctors I talked to highly respected this guy for absolutely no reason.
Explain Jeremy Meeks using your hypothesis
Then join the real robots, faggot
Oh and I forgot to mention that I had to wait 3 months to get an appointment with the fucking guy in the first place.
No. No I cant swallow this, please, tell me your lying.... please I need more time!
Pretty weak bait have some (you)
You're not Bisexual, there's just ever diminishing negative repercussions for women who occasionally have homosexual interactions.
Dude, like, if you think about sucking dick it will cloud your chakras, and like, your mind and stuff. My yoga instructor told me all about it before having me suck his dick to demonstrate. He told me to just not think about it while I'm sucking. It was hard not to and I think my solar plexus Chakra became clouded. It's all good though he healed me with his rose quartz anal beads afterwards.
>turned 25 this month
>all my past memories are shitty
even if found a beautiful gf who loves you, you are just loser and life is hard, all that romance will dissapear almost imminently once you move in together, then if she is somewhat successful (that is she is able to shower and put makeup on her face and a short skirt) she will be doing much better than you, forget children and family, that needs a ton of money and is also a lot of work, children who will probably grow up as leftists no matter what you say or do and fuck niggers and fuck up your genetic line anyway. And all that is also pointless because you are going to die sooner or later (probably sooner) after working your ass your entire life
so when you see hot girl on the street, look at her once, admire, and then tell yourself its not gonna work no matter what because the odds, the whole world is against you.
Your genetics have doomed you
You are predestined to be considered acceptable to the opposite sax no matter how much fitness or wealth you have
Women especially are programmed to be attracted to genetically superior males and if you arent the typical chad you will either settle for a fembot or continue wanking to 2D feet
>last part is me unironically
The only good way to achieve your dreams is flattening your values.
found this one by myself desu
After puberty you lose contact with your subconscious so you try to irrationally explain the world. Sex hormones poison you into whatever miserable being you are without any mental abilities just so you can be built in a certain way.
Human beings (or any species, for that matter) don't have free will, we are merely excperiencing our thoughts and actions, not actually causing them. This blackpill makes both robots and normies assmad, but it's true whether you accept it or not.
10 months is enough time to get some good memories r-right?
no we are truly free
The world is set for worst outcomes by default:
We are beings who need specific values for everything: not too much or too little oxigen in our blood, not too much or too little food in our stomaches, not too much or too little anything. We are, essentially, beings set for specific order in an entropic universe.
Furthermore there are multiple ways for every action, but only a few winning paths. If you try to throw a paper ball in a trash bin from afar, you can theoretically throw it on the opposite direction, to the side and upwards, but only fewer ways of throwing it, forward that is, will result in the trash falling inside where you want to. So you have a majority of choices leading to failure and only a minority for success.
The entire world is like this. So, probability wise, we are set in a losing game. Unless you actively act on the world, it'll ne against you by default.
t. mad because he feels like he needs to have control of his actions and thoughts and isn't smart enough to understand free will is physically impossible
you've obviously never been around children, they are almost entirely incapable of thinking for themself.
>free will is physically impossible
because of causality
life could have started and ended 100 times and we have no way of knowing
please be more specific
stop having strong opinions it's useless just jack off watch anime and die
Most things are controlled by a few individuals who own large corporations. The more money you have, the easier it is to pay off politicians. The mass media exists to make you think everything is ok and you live a good life as the quality of life slowly goes down (the toad in the water situation). Being pushed to either right or left in politics is you being brainwashed into blaming other citizens rather than the obvious corporations trying to take control. They only care about money and power, that's it.
ok. if you believe in cause and effect (which you do), you can't reconcile that belief with a belief in free will because that would mean humans weren't influenced by their past experiences (which we are)
>you're living off past memories.
That's been me since 19
>don't base their decisions on what you look like, but who you are
you need to be high status, successful, rich or at at least well of or at the very least visibly heading that way, good looks also play big part in it, you can be better looking and less successful, that will work too
The true blackpill is knowing what all these ultra rich elites have in common. Knowing what famous tribe they all belong to.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??? this is not Jow Forums as i remember it, the place got infected with basedcucks and whores
Only if you grew up to be a failure.
I do remember good times of actually having a gf in college sometimes but other than that everything is better now that I'm 29.
See, how the low T sperg out
Point proven
bad bait, good looks will net you most women easily
Nothing matters, unless you're successful and you ARE the active abuser. if you're the abuser itself and successful than no one can take anything away from you, you're taking things from people. It made me lose will to live but w/e, abuse is normalized and no one will deeply change it
What does this even mean?
Unironically asking.
If you aren't white, you've already lost the game before it even started
All of these are true. Sadly they are.
I'm 25 and I literally only have dreams about being in grade school again. It's either back then where I was happy or I can't remember what I dreamed about
True peace is not obtainable. Humans thrive off of conflict, and will actively create/seek it out when there is none. Why do you think contact sports are so popular? Why do you think you keep making up imaginary arguments in your head? People love fighting, and that's how it will always be.
It's something I don't have legit knowledge of. I know people blame the Jews or the Illuminati or whatever but I'm willing to believe they've done these things independently. Globalisation has only made things worse for the general population. Capitalism isnt wrong, it's the people exploiting it that are the issue.
I fantasize being in a great bloody war, like in Warhammer, but in real life I'm a pussy.
I think I just want meaning in my life. I'm also angry at the world.
>Already 20
>No happy memories to look back on
THIS, don't even start with traps
tfw nightmares every fucking night
>it approaches
>your bad dreams are actually visions of the apocalypse
Apparently the apocalypse consists of a lot of being humiliated by women
what a fucking lie
fuck off normie
bullshit my friend. That's not how genetics works. If your passed on your makeup will live forever on the sea of genetic probability unless you die out at a later date. Read some Dawkins you rascist dipshit.
you know the truth, yet you still choose to let the jews win?
untrue. I was top of my class and read a lot of books in elementary school. Everything started going downhill once I hit middle school and highschool. Started getting bullied. Didn't give a fuck anymore. My grades started slipping and now I'm 23 HS dropout with no future prospects.
elite post
man that's some dumb nog music
Late blooming means you fail at teen age when everyone is going through puberty and you lag behind or dont develop your social skills and stay an outcast for that time.
In elementary school no one is a late bloomer.
Kissing is more intimate than sex
Popular in grade school
Complete loser since
My life peaked in Grade 8
Your life was ruined the moment you decided to come back to Jow Forums after your initial curiosity brought you here.
>drop your best blackpills
>drop your worst
I'm aware "best" and "worst" are both context-appropriate but you're still gay
already have been and i'm only 23
You are a loser because you have no free will
t. s.oyboy Skinnercuck