Fictional goal

Only 10/10 edition

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yes i'm a man

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How's FLCL2?
Never bothered watching it.
Did it rape my childhood favourite franchise?

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Can you even have gains if you have a prosthetic arm?
Won't your shoulder muscles just wither away since you can't lift shit with that metal thing

The giant not the manlet

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>all this weebshit

>Inb4 t-this is an anime imageboard!
Shut up idiot

How'd he get that tub of ground beef onto a plane?

it was forgettable, but fun to turn off my brain and watch.

Fuck you

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ay, yo gurl. You want some fuk?

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Would you ask him to leave that?

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What the fuck is wrong with his anatomy?

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never gonna make it with that shit taste

Lion's Sin of Pride, Escanor.

Actually thinking about getting a tattoo related to the seven deadly sins

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>Actually thinking about getting a tattoo
don't you retard.


I was thinking of using a lion to symbolize pride. More to the reference of the Bible's description of it than the anime's. Is it still a bad idea?

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either one really

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my man, fucking based

>it's bad to have goals
fucking loser, this is the one case where anime can actually improve lives rather than waste them away

Bad idea.
Let your strength and pride be evident in your character and physique.
Having a lion tattoo and not constantly living up to the expectations is just gonna look cringy.

best ones itt

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don't do it bro

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Is it bad that I know both the artists instantly?

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Based SNK poster

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surpass your limits user

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Pic related. And Urien too

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Surprisingly good manga desu
Also best boi

Escanor (sama)

>getting an anime tattoo

true unit

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Based Yujiro.

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Do what makes you happy.

bestest boy ever

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Cody is the peak of vidya males.

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Shame that 5 is trash.

I say it once again, Baki's artist is garbage.

i would fuck you if you actually turn out that femine.

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Kys faggot

Goku was at his aesthetic peak at the end of Dragonball and this is undeniable.

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Excellence personified

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Dragonball was at its peak, story/powerlevel wise. Maybe you can include the Saiyan saga/freeza without these minifillers.

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>Stands at the pinnacle of all races

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but the manlet has a better body

dullahan best girl