feels thread with original intent
Feels thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me 15 in pe
>We have a break from playing dodgeball
>Some gay kid sits on one of the foam balls
>It turns into a brain like ball and a few people laugh
>The next week I sit on the ball because I was bored
>A lot of people look and point at me
>"Eeeew gross, user sat on that ball. Now I can't touch it anymore"
>This was one of the three balls
>The one that I sat on just sits there in the middle of the field untouched
Why could that gay kid get away with it while I couldn't
I wasn't even known as the gross fat kid, I was skinny and invisible.
This was the point that I started hating homosexuals
You should be hating women, not the gays
I hate gays because they can get away with things that I as a heterosexual man can't cat away with and the girls that laughed were just some rando girls.
Women turn the men gay and in exchange for not cashing in the coochie card, they are allowed extra privileges. Gay kids dont do shit for guys because its the girls they appeal to. Appealing to girls in general == straight guys can't say anything about the gays because then their coochie card ==void.
posted this in a thread earlier
>6 years ago, at university
>be 20yo khv, also literal autist
>therapist suggests I join a club to help me deal with social settings better
>join the hiking club since it gets me outdoors and it's not a super popular club
>the next year a few more people join
>one is a shy, kinda chubby girl
>she also has autism so when we go on hikes we walk together, usually near the back of the group
>at the end of one hike she asks if I'd like to go one with just her, without the group
>I said yes so we met up that weekend and went hiking
>she brought lunch for us both so at the top of the trail we had a picnic, and on the way back we held hands
>we ended up hiking together every weekend when the club didn't meet for about 3 months
>at that point one of my friends told me I should ask her out, so at the end of our next hike I asked if she'd have dinner with me some time
>we went to a chinese restaurant she told me about and we had a fun time when she showed me how to use chopsticks
>we hugged and she gave me a peck on the cheek when we said goodbye
>we dated for 4 years and got married earlier this year
>be me 16yo socially awkward kid
>'friends' push me to go to a party
>play stupid drinking games and be peer pressured into drinking fucktons of vodka
>Ambulances rush me to ER
>Nearly went into a coma
>Feel absolutely depressed and hungover next day
>Parents yell at me for being a major fuck up
>Friends tell me I'm a lightweight bitch who can't stop drinking
>After a week of hearing this I go to school and random people start making fun of me
>Yell at them and have a mental breakdown
>My friends ditched me and my parents still hate me because "I couldn't deal with the repercussions of my decisions"
tfw that kid who drank way too much trying to fit in.
stop right there, wojak. We've got you with a large amount of "feels" with intent to originate. Cease all "feels" immediately.
unexpected good feel
jfc I wasn't expecting something this cringy when I started reading the thread
same. I fucking hate my """"friends"""""" for being pack of worthless alcholics.
so you both have autism? how much?
Alright user real talk; don't call them "friends" if you don't think they are your friends. The "yeah they're my friends but they aren't my true friends lmao" thing reeks of teenage melodrama.
Someone is either your friend or they're just a nice acquaintance, there are no "fake friends" unless you're a highschooler.
i thought we were friends, but turned out no. that was implied by the scare quotes.
don't have anyone now outside of family, so that sucks.
Thank you!
We're both high functioning. I find it difficult to express how I feel emotionally and my wife has Obsessive-Compulsive disorder and likes to keep to particular routines. We're both otherwise "normal" people. She also has perfect pitch which is interesting to me.
That day was the first day in a few months that I truly felt something again
Posted this in an earlier thread
>be with gf of one and a half years
>relationship goes cold, there's no love between us anymore, just using each other as a safety blanket
>get to uni
>meet amazing 10/10 swedish girl
>she has a boyfriend
>somehow she ends up liking me back, her relationship has gone cold as well
>we cheat on our partners with each other
>only kissing, hugging and cuddling but it's the best I've felt in around 6 months
>we both feel guilty and awful
>break up with my now long distance gf because it just clearly isn't working
>her boyfriend comes down to visit
>he's a decade older than me, swedish but incredibly similar to me
>they are going to break up but decide to spend their last week together while he's down acting like a couple
>forced to watch her kiss him and hug him, just that look in her big blue eyes destroys me when she looks at him that way
So now I just have to deal with the jealousy of him getting to be with her and that hurts so fucking bad. The jealousy of them getting a nice and amicable breakup whereas with my gf it was awful, feels bad
And on top of that I found out my godfather who was there for me more than my own father was, has motor neuron disease
On the edge of a mental breakdown here anons
i wish i didn't read it. you are part of the problem user, and you are pathetic for thinking that normaltrash that drink at 16 and will be fucking dead by 30 can be considered friends
why are you hating them for being alcoholics then? why aren't you hating them for pretending to be friends with you?
Good, normo sexhavers deserve it
Yeah hating people for alcoholism is absolutely retarded. If you're posting on Jow Forums, you're definitely worse then them.
"Lmao fucking alcoholics" is just a sign of insecurity.
I tried to convince myself that I wasn't sad or lonely. I constantly avoided my feelings until last night where I cried myself to sleep. Lately I've completely isolated myself. I go to uni and straight back home. It feels weird to converse with people sometimes because I'm basically a ghost, nobody notices me. If I were to die today or tomorrow nobody would really notice(aside from my parents).
Even though I'm lonely I understand why people don't talk to me. I have nothing interesting to bring to a conversation, no experiences, no jokes or wise input. I'm a very bland person who probably deserves to die alone.
>be alcoholic
>be psychologically dependant on alcohol
>health problems, mental problems
>will probably not live more than five years
>still better than being an Jow Forums poster that usually only has high functioning autism
user, you're the retarded one, i was just pointing out that the other user i replied to earlier is hating his "friends" for the wrong reason, i bet you're alcoholic yourself
>you're the retarded one
But you're the one who thought my comment was directed at you rather than him. Which makes you the retard, doesn't it?
>replies to me
>says it wasn't directed at me
what did (you) mean by this?
your reply did not make any fucking sense even if it was directed at another user to be honest desu
The first sentence was in parallel to what you said. It was reply that was in agreement with most of the shit you wrote you mong.
jesus, forget girls, women, its not gonna work ever if she somehow becomes your gf, she will elave you with that you will get even more depressed
>almost fucked a coworker last night
>couldn't stay hard and left in shame
>paired up with her the entire next week for a training exercise
this is going to be awkward as fuck
anyway, I guess it's not a huge deal in the end, but it's more about what it represents. I very rarely get opportunities like this and I always screw it up over something retarded. Like I'm only 21, I shouldn't be having dick problems for fuck's sake. I just feel pathetic.
I dunno user the first year with my gf was the happiest in my entire life
Women can make you mature and make you better as a person
My wife ins't going to leave me. We do everything together and we rely on each other.
I hope you're prepared for the drama.
She's definitely going to talk behind your back with other co-workers and not respect you.
greet her with a smile, and ask her how her weekend was.
if you meant that for this specific user, and not for Jow Forums in general, then you're right. he posted the most pathetic shit i've read in a while.
i'm a fucking brainlet when it comes to understanding people, sorry user
get a hobby user, maybe you'll find people to talk with, or maybe you're good at listening?
my parents say I'm good at listening
>be 21 yr old me
>been with same girl three years
>she's mildly autistic too and met her at random chance
>to this day my best friend
>took me when i was 18, had nowhere to go
>was stealing for food
>qt3.14 helps me get jobs to keep me alive, recovering from drug addiction
>last year she went back to school
>battled with alcoholism
>lost the battle
>lost qt3.14
>after three years living with her, told me she don't love me any more and just left, simple as that
>had been dry from liquor for three weeks
>lost house
>stealing for food again
>stealing for everclear bottles
>sees her at gas station i lived behind with her bf
>spits on me
>grizzled, homeless face in tears
>drives off, never seen her again
>Trying to fit in
So you're normal because you can down an entire bottle of vodka?
You weren't even using your brain cells so I guess you can kill them off
by poisoning yourself.
it's good user, find yourself someone who can take the lead in conversations then and you won't need to bring too much yourself. i'm usually the one who's taking the initiative when i see loners, so i can't really help you with that much since i don't have the experience.
yeah thats what you think, but you sound like a well behaved, tamed husband, in other words boring, if she is still happy with you she is probably fucking some nigger on the side, I am sorry but this is how women are
did that happen long ago or are you still homeless and somehow managed to post?
>parents always paid more attention to my other siblings
>they always related to them much more than they do to me
>oldest brother is my moms favorite. Both of them were stoners and were the oldest siblings
>older brother is dads, they're the ones that go out to parties listen to rock music pull public stunts
>younger sister always gets what she wants, after all she is the daughter they wanted
>parents wanted a a girl instead of me
>parents try to relate to me
>but they can't
>every time I went through a tough time they would twist my words to make it look like I was in the wrong
>every time my brothers pushed me to my limit they would lecture me about how "I should no better not to get in their way"
>My family fed my dog food that got him sick
>refused to take him to the vet until they decided to just put him down
>older brother has talked behind my back about wanting to kill me
>privacy was always invaded
>dad would always put me in uncomfortable social situations
>mom doesn't like it when I screw up, considers me an embarrassment when I make a mistake in public
>oldest brother is too unpredictable
I hate it
>didn't do well in school
>Everyone blamed it because I had "such potential but didn't try" but the reality is I'm slow and autistic as fuck
>Doomed since completing schooling to float from shit tier job to shit tier job
>Now stuck in army hoping for at least something decent. Nope.
>Also been single all my life only one time I had a relationship was 7 years ago and she cheated and cried rape
>Lay there in bed every night having to face the same existential crisis that I have to slog through this absolute bullshit for another 40-50 years.
I just got back into a home this month. Four month tour of duty out there
>dad would always put me in uncomfortable social situations
he could be trying to help you
he could just be doing it very badly (or on purpose)
my dad did this with me and i could never tell what he was trying to do
definition of evil:
>refused to take him to the vet until they decided to just put him down
>triples for the Skyking