Why do NPCs think that getting a job will cure depression or even make me feel better?
Why do NPCs think that getting a job will cure depression or even make me feel better?
its the same as religion. get other people to have your delusions so that you doubt it less.
> Why do NPCs think that getting a job will cure depression or even make me feel better?
Honestly think it would just make things worse.
They dont think. A job doesnt make you normal. Friends dont make you normal. A girlfriend doesnt make you normal. Just getting over it and pretending to be happy doesnt make you normal. They have no experience and cant relate, so they tell you to live life like them. The call for a job is usually done not because its to make you feel better, but because they hate doing it and they hate the fact you can get away by being in bed while they wake up and are stuck in traffic.
having a job sucks but you'll feel slightly less empty. its something to do and helps keep your mind off tfw no gf
t. been a neet and also marginally employed
Having a job that is constantly busy "cures" your depression just because it keeps your mind occupied for a long period of time and doesnt give you time to ponder. Which is why ive always hated working in the food industry because you get a rush then it gets so slow you are depressed for the remaining 5 hours of your shift.
Counter thought. A job sucks and will make you think how empty your life is and eceb that shred youre wasting away in a dead end career for scraps Monday to Friday at least.
dude idk when i was homeless having a job made things a lot better. not even cuz money but just cuz didnt have to sit twiddling my thumbs at the library or down by the river all day
It keeps you busy and unable to think about existence. They don't like having down time because then they start having thoughts.
I see. I guess i made it sound like its only my view thats true. What i do want to say is that a job is rarely the answer for the void and despair, unless your problems stem from not having a roof or really needing that specific amount of money to survive. Some do respond to labir by forgetting about their ahit, but then there are dozens of alternatives that you can do that does not turn you into a wageslave.
Because idle hands are not yours.
You can only "cure" depression by changing your perspective on life. Nothing from the outside is going to provide that for you.
But having a job force you to go out, talk to people and offer an opportunity to better yourself and change your perspective a bit week by week.
They do think, just differently than you.
Only you can make yourself "normal" if this is what you wish.
Because you MUST socialize on any jobs and therefore they think by socializing will get you out of depression and make you feel better because you have someone to talk to. (lel)
You get money and you have an excuse to chat with the opposite sex. Talking about work is also a good way to break the ice since you both obviously have that in common.
It's only a short distance from bullshitting about work to getting into other interests/hobbies, then you might be able to ask her out.
Having a job makes me feel like i do something important.
Not having a job reinforces the idea that I am useless. I like feeling useful and validated.
People have jobs to make money, not to have fun. A job is not some career you enjoy going and get paid to do. I hate my job but I like getting paychecks.
does anyone have a way to filter this guy?
how much are you on this board goddamn i always see you and your Yui pics
Because it will probably force you to socialize and reduce your autism eventually it will probably also help because you'll probably also make at least one friend outside of this shit hole which is in itself a great accomplishment for all the losers on this shitty site
But you are unhappy, and talking to no one, no?
having a job gets you respect. Normies treat you better if you're exhausted from your non-minimum wage job. My friends used to talk constant shit about me, but ever since I started working 45-60 hours a week they're a lot nicer to me. You feel more comfortable being happy since you endure a lot in your workplace (as long as you are performing at acceptable levels). Jobs make you want to strive better.
Since there's no autismbux in my country having no job meant asking my parents for money even to drink beer. It's humiliating. I didn't get to choose my food, if I wanted an icecream it would be better to forget it, if they cut my internet then there was nothing I could do. You feel so powerless
I get to talk to people easily enough and most of the time I hate every minute of it. It exhausts me and I feel frankly MORE isolated and estranged from it.
I also do not want them in my life or to know anything about me, unless they are a qt girl.
>people I have nothing in common with and wish would just go away respect me!
well hur-fucking-ray, and why would I spend 8 hours a day for that?
A job brings both responsiblity and a source of income you generated on your own and can spend on your own. Both money and responsibility will give you some self worth so you can learn to respect yourself. How is that so hard to understand?
This mindset is why you are here as a faggy npc neet
Oh, autists, you fake victims. How I wish the state (read, people with jobs who pay taxes) didn't support you so you'd just die. Or actually, you know, become responsible adults. You're such dead weight on society.
this. npcs love wage slaving
I thought npcs were the ones who are too concerned about how others see them.
Why care about society anyways?
look at this seething wagecuck
And your absence of arguments is not doing a thing to change that mindset, honestly.
You have no worthwhile rewards to point out, and calling someone buzzwords on Jow Forums is a futile exercise.
my body may be constantly sore, but I enjoy making more than $600 a paycheck. Even though my money just goes to carpooling, bills, and food I am still
Npcs spew the same over and over like a majority of the losers on this board. They can't think for themselves they just repeat the same self loathing shit and never develop as a person.
The same society that imports worse deadweights and carries females in a palanquin?
I hope damn well it does collapse under me!
>my money just goes to carpooling, bills, and food I am still
You are still?
Having a job gives you money. Having money give you ways to pursue hobbies, travel and whatever to cure dperession. The neet will only do what the state allows him to.
I've learned that arguing the point is pointless when ones mind is made up. Just hoping someone else reading can see the futility in your nihilistic perspective.
You need a good enough therapist to cure depression.
Those clowns still think money equals happiness
However nothing changes
I was poor as fuck growing up and have a pretty miserable job that pays ok but all it affords me is more things to do in my room alone
Research your buzzwords, nigger.
NPC meant people that have no inner monologue.
The whole "doing a refrain of prechewed thoughts" and "baw dehumanizend us as non- persons" is only what the both sides of the politic scale now regurgitate out of it..
At least ITT you are far more guilty of trying to mindlessly repeat what society tells you to. And you getting angry when those norms are challenged to boot.
When you are arguing in favor of working, you should be used to doing pointless shit all over.
You need to work in order to get money. And you need money to buy stuff like food.
Except I seem to have to just eaten, and all that a lot of your working peers seem to do is get humorously fat anyway. Maybe they just work too much?
>Maybe they just work too much?
It depends on the job.
If you're some office drone who works 9 to 5 for 6 days a week, then sure.
Nice get.
I found purpose in my job and I pursued something I that fulfils me. What a concept huh?
Good on you, but how many others that get dragged into the rat-race wlll find that?
And I doubt I could ever find any sort of fulfillment in working.
Having something to do is better than being alone and bored with nothing but your thoughts. Why not try it before you knock it, user?
actually the closest i was to anxiety and depression was when i didn't have something to do for months. Having a job or a lot of work in general keeps you away from too many destructive thoughts and makes you feel like you are needed somehow.
It gives you a purpose and you feel needed by others because you are
Life is what you make it but the undeniable truth that you will need money to make the changes you wish to make in the world/ your life. Find some solace knowing others struggle and fight as hard or harder than you everyday to just achieve ends meat.
Ya sound like a dorky neet you may like the manga Berserk. It's helped me a lot with accepting and coming to respect and appreciate my struggle make me the man I am. Maybe you will find something in it too.
Keeps your mind busy from processing , loads your mind with useless data.It is bad if you hate the job you compute , it will amplify and corrupt data input down the line
I do not want to change anything.
I live, I'll enjoy it as best as I can, I'll die and that will be it.
Anything more I would only consider when building a nest for the right girl and when did you last see any "right girls" you would really trust to stay that way?
Build a nest for yourself buddy I never said anything about some roasty. You deserve everything and more man... but you gotta earn it and that takes time, patience and strength. I don't man, I just want others to live their best life.
I never had a job, so i don't know if this can solve anything.
And I am in a way not glad to argue against it, or to throw my cynical views in your face.
I always get told how much I could archive by well-meaning people.
Trouble is, those achievements are not any sort of reward for me. Dunno, Mazelow's Pyramid always failed for me. A broken psyche perhaps.
Filling my frugal needs and following my own goals, whether someone else agrees with those or not, are enough. Doing any more requires the trad-wife that modern girls are perceiving as "hurr patriarchal slavery!", and with that reward locked out by today's society and law, there is no reason to pursue any carrier for me.
Something to keep in mind is that some people can feel accomplished by laboring, that may contribute.
I find its the opposite for me if were speaking of temporary menial jobs, I can see a fulfilling career good for anyones mental health
Did you get your daily haircut today?
because it will
having responsibility and being busy has a strong correlation with improved self worth
>es the trad-wife that modern girls are perceiving as "hurr patriarchal slavery!", and with that reward locked out by today's society and law, there is no reason to pursue any carrier for me.
Convert to Islam and you can easily get a tradwife. And liberals wont judge your for it
Honestly, I think just having control and being independent help. Having a job you actually don't mind going to each day makes life pretty good.
"Getting a job" won't make you happy if it feels like you have to do it to continue living, or you need it to be independent.
But not necesarrily for ever
you can get a high from getting a job fast, but then it can go downhill fast. Especially when you get home, it's kind of gone. I'm happy when I work, but it disapprears when I'm home
To be fair, I do notice that I generally feel less depressed when I'm busy. Work sucks, but sometimes it doesn't suck as much as being able to stew in your own thoughts for long periods of time.
Not kidding, I wouldn't mind. Some are qt as hell.
But I can nearly hear their male relationships akbaring around, and frankly I hate abrahamic religions.
Besides if I racemix, asian would be preferable.
So how does following and getting validation from the premade notions the general populace/ people near you helps you develop as a person? Ive made up my mind and im not getting a job for now, when I get in uni I will work in summer and winter breaks. How is that not thinking for myself? People and NPCs do respect you when you work though.
Best answer.
Lmao read something or get a hobby I dont know
I mean at least its helping you out so thats something
Not an NPC, but I know what your talking about.
It's because when your working 9-5 every day of the week, trying to meet deadlines, and working overtime. You're too busy and worrying about responsibilities to think about the things that make you feel depressed. It distracts you, you think about them less and less the longer you distract yourself.
As someone who has a job I can tell you that my horizon hasn't expanded and I have the urge to commit suicide.
I make 100-300 bucks a day off my phone and I dont tell normans and they're always like "get a job" like how about you get money you slave peasant
How to into 100+/day with phone?. Sounds like a lie.
making money is easy when you find your way there but no one here cares about anything but their memes so it'll never happen for you
Structure. That's it really. Normies need to have structure in their lives, or they go insane, and they assume everyone to be like that.