With weed becoming legal in more states (and in Canada), what can I do to continue to get stoners and normies arrested...

With weed becoming legal in more states (and in Canada), what can I do to continue to get stoners and normies arrested, fired, or kicked out of school for smoking it? I know a lot of jobs still have a drug test policy even where it's legal, so reporting them anonymously to their employer is one option to get them in trouble. What else can I do?

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Weed is for Losers user

Why do you care? You know plenty of robots here smoke right? You're just an obnoxious Jow Forums moralfag, just a brand of failed normalfag.

I agree, that's why I call the cops whenever I smell or hear about someone smoking weed. But now that it's legal, I worry that that will have less of an effect.

You can stop being a faggot and posting retarded bait threads.

>Why do you care? You know plenty of robots here smoke right? You're just an obnoxious Jow Forums moralfag, just a brand of failed normalfag.

Only normies smoke drugs. Do you think robots have the social connections to get pot? Drinking is a robot activity. Anyone who smokes weed is a normie who deserves to suffer.

>huur durr i want people fired becuz of a downtime hobby that has almost no impact on the job itself
get a fucking grip. you're no better than those people to try to get others fired over political differences.

Now that it's legal why not mind your own business? Just cause you only smoke cocks doesn't mean that's all anyone else should smoke.

Not OP, but all the stoners at my job are the least productive normies who spend all their time chatting with each other and going out for cigarette breaks and talking about their epic le parties getting le high. It'd be a much better and more productive workplace if they were gone.

>that's why I call the cops whenever I smell or hear about someone smoking weed. But now that it's legal, I worry that that will have less of an effect.

what a piss baby. i don't even smoke and i wouldn't want to breath the same air as you. you probably piss sitting down and shit standing up

>Do you think robots have the social connections to get pot

Uh... have you heard of the dark web

>Only normies smoke drugs
Weed isn't all drugs, normies do smoke weed but not any other drug
>Do you think robots have the social connections to get pot?
There's this thing called the darknet you retard
>Drinking is a robot activity
Says who? There's far more drug discussion here than alcohol
See, you're hating people for being losers, the mark of a normie NPC

There are tons of mail order weed sites on the surface web as well.

>Drinking is a robot activity

AHAHAHAHAHA!! Drinking is for normies who "get super paranoid bro" when they smoke because it makes them introspect

>There's far more drug discussion here than alcohol
Maybe in 2018 after this place was flooded by failed normies. Anyone who's been here long enough knows that actual robots drink cheap alcohol.

Snitches get snitches cunt

Yep, you Jow Forumstards love to claim you don't smoke pot because it's immoral and for losers but you just don't have connects. Drinking doesn't make you better than them.

>implying real robots aren't way too anxious to visit the dark web
>implying real robots have credit cards
>implying real robots can risk having their parents find their package with weed

You are not a robot. Why don't you leave for /soc/ or whatever the fuck?

this, smoke weedle deedee and rape OP

>but you just don't have connects
Where do you think you are?

Yeah cause "actual robots" have to be jaded alcoholic oldfags. suuure.

>whoaahh dude I got sooooo high last night with my girlfriend and all my friends we were soooo stoned brahhh
How is that a robot? What do you think a robot is?

Sounds like you should chill out and smoke a j

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i can see why you'd report them if theyre being unproductive. im just saying its bad if there is no other reason than theyre smoking it period.

I'm a literal autist but in high school this friendly stoner started talking to me out of the blue and we've been good friends ever since. He's outgoing and confident but he's not an asshole. Lumping people into a single category because of their substance of choice is some NPC shit.

>im just saying its bad if there is no other reason than theyre smoking it period
Anyone who smokes is either unproductive, dumb, lazy, or an obnoxious normie. There's always a reason to get them in trouble.

I was adding to your point you fucking idiot.

>nd we've been good friends ever since. He's outgoing and confident but he's not an asshole.
Whoooahhh dude did you get epic stoned with your broseph and all of his bros and cute grils? You're a fucking normie. Get. Out.

I often smoke alone and watch a movie or listen to comfy music. You'd know that pot doesn't have to be a party drug if you had actually ever tried it.

this is false, and a crude generalization of any person who does it.
just because you cant imagine anybody that is both productive and ingests it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

>Drinking is a robot activity
>Drinking alcohol has been done for thousands of years
>Alcohol is constantly being shilled out to normies on television, movies, music
>Alcohol has been socially acceptable drink for millenia in Europe
>Normies use alcohol constantly to glorify their normie lives, or to celebrate an aspect of normie life

Yeah, bro. Drinking is such a robot move.

So all I have to do to get rid of my autism and ugly looks is smoke weed? Nice.

I don't have a problem with people doing pot as long as it isn't around me and their at least 21, but that's just my take

OP, smoking indoors is still banned in most living places, including dorms and apartments. You should anonymously report them to your landlord/RA for smoking inside and stinking up the place. Stoners generally carry their stink with them, so odds are when the RA/landlord drops by to check it out, they'll smell it which will corroborate your story.

Oh shit, an autist who seeks to improve himself and not live in misery and self pity, better call him a normie and tell him to get out.

You're a fucking meme dude

what does being high feel like?

You could say the same thing about alcohol. Weed doesn't have to be a social drug. Put on your wide angle lens and stop having such pointless tunnel vision

If your employer has a drug testing policy, you're supposed to stay clean. If you smoke you violate those terms, which gives them the right to terminate you. You don't have the RIGHT to be a stoner, sweetie.

>You'd know that pot doesn't have to be a party drug if you had actually ever tried it.
Where'd you first try it? Bet it wasn't from le darkweb. Bet your epic friends smoked your first epic le bong rips with you. Few people would EVER smoke weed if they didn't have friends, at least at first, further proving my point that anyone defending weed is a huge red flag that you're talking to a normie.

dude im a robot with no friends and I smoke weed. I just get it from the deep web. wtf why are you even bitching its 10000x better from the deep web

>literally half the price
>literally comes to your front door no work at all
>dont have to talk to people to get it
>always comes in the right weight
>can see it before you buy it
>better then weed on the street
>can buy any edible concentrate and strain you want
>only takes like 3-7 days in most cases to get it
>dont even need a lot of money

like wtf why are you bitching. i used to fucking hate buying from dealers and i got all my shit from the deep web and i was happier then a fucking pig in shit. 80 dollars for a god damn ounce of weed

i will NEVER buy it in person again

People who think in absolutes are normies.
All X are Y.
Good going, user. Stop thinking in black and white.

>whoaahh dude I got sooooo drunk last night with my girlfriend and all my friends we were soooo drunk brahhh
Fuck off Jow Forums normalfag NPC. I know it's hard for you to do since you're a normie, but just let stoner robots do what they want

>living in a country where you can be fired for doing things in your OWN TIME that your employer doesn't like
How's that """freedom""" working out for you burgers

>Stop thinking in black and white

>You can have friends and a qt gf and a great job and car and your own house and money and get laid all the time and still be a robot!
>the world isn't black and white, user :^)

But dude you're not a real robot unless you conform to my image of what a robot is REEEE

>all the triggered addicts itt

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People who smoke weed in their downtime are generally less productive at work because they spend all their time talking about weed and being hungover. They're probably stealing to support their habit too. And higher accident risks, i.e., a liability. Lots of reasons to fire stonies.

You need to stop being bitter towards anyone with a different life than you, user.

>tingly warm feeling on your body
>extremely short attention span
>head spinning
>colors appear more saturated
>lights seem 10x brighter
>"deep" thoughts that are actually retarded in retrospect
>increased appetite even for things you don't normally eat
>every funny thing is a hundred times funnier
>increased inhibition and mild paranoia
>pain tolerance raised
>mundane things are fascinating

It depends on what you smoke/your neurochemistry. Some people just get tired. Indica is the strain that is used for things like insomnia.

Why don't you neck yourself instead of being a snitching little faggot?

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Never go full retard kid , oh wait it's dat weed ain't it? haha

Did you just pop out of a time machine from 1947?

Thanks, this is a good point.

what the fuck are you trying to say with this?
>You can have friends and a qt gf and a great job and car and your own house and money and get laid all the time and still be a robot!
>the world isn't black and white, user :^)
how in the fuck do these two things connect?
fucking baiting ass turbofag

This sounds more like adderall.

I'm saying the world IS black and white. You can't have a qt gf and thriving social circle and be a robot. Nor can you be a le epic stoner who smokes/smoked weed with your le epic stoner friends and still be a robot (i.e., you should LEAVE).

im hoping to get my own business going because I am FUCKED I will not stop smoking weed. then again I got a medical card so im not even sure it worries. the whole piss test thing is retarded though most of the drugs they test for are out of your system in like 3 days even for a regular user its only weed that stays in there.

they should at least do an oral swab or something because its not an intense test and its less degrading. then again they should do away with all the shit because its fucking stupid

Why do you take pride in a title that you associate with being an isolated, bitter, lonely fuck instead of attempting to improve yourself?

Why expend all of this energy to get around getting caught smoking weed, rather than just.........stop smoking weed? Is the addiction that strong?

original frogn


>Why do you take pride in a title that you associate with being an isolated, bitter, lonely fuck instead of attempting to improve yourself?
Why are you here? There's a lot of people that would agree with you on Facebook. Why can't I just have one fucking place for people like me?

OP don't be a bitch bro.
I just like to 420 blaze it by myself because I hate normies and I just want to escape and feel good about myself.

Let's outlaw your dakimakuras and 2D waifus and see how you like it my guy

>I just like to 420 blaze it by myself because I hate normies and I just want to escape and feel good about myself.
With whom did you first smoke weed?

What if a job required you to stop playing vidya or watching anime or something?

you showed a black and white example of something that has grey areas.
life isnt ALL black and white in the same vein that peoples behavior congregates as a sort of tree. we are simply a tertiary niche of it.

Amphetamines increase your attention span, makes you feel dry as fuck, funny things aren't funny at all and your appetite is so low you'd turn your back on free steak and shrimp. It does make mundane things fascinating though, I'll give you that.

You don't even know when you are talking to someone who smokes. If you want straight edge people to talk to only go to Jow Forums, some people want to get their enjoyment from stuff other than food and masturbation.

weed is the only way i really can enjoy video games and laugh at tv and shit. im not really going out of my way i have a medical card and i already want to open my business because im too good to work jobs

I've never smoked with another person

Why would a job require that? Watching anime doesn't make you a liability.

>hurr what if your job telled you you aren't allowed to eat food

What a retarded comparison. God stonies are dumb.

The only logical thing: sell cocaine

They can see your facebook, so you know you can't reveal that you watch Madoka Magica or whatever.

>weed is the only way i really can enjoy video games and laugh at tv and shit.
Maybe that's because you're an addict. Did you ever think about stopping, and maybe you could do things again without depending on a drug?

Don't act like you unironically want to be miserable. You're waiting for someone to come along and take pity on you and help you but that will never happen. Help yourself or continue to suffer.

By myself. And later with my roommate, who was essentially a stranger that I roomed with because I'm a brokefag. I only could smoke with one other person MAX, and that's it.

Talking to multiple people just makes me spiral unlike just smoking by myself. Music sounds better, you don't have to worry about offending anyone but yourself with what you say.

Smoking weed doesn't make most people a liability either. I don't smoke myself, just trying to point out how retarded you're being by generalizing things. People get addicted to all sorts of shit, not just weed. Alcohol is a big problem in that regard.

>drinker calling people addicts

How many brain cells has Popov taken from you

I remember when my state made cannabis legal, good times. I remember when my corporate job had me piss in a cup, I was so high that day. I was high every day training and I've been high every day since. I make more money in a week than I can ever smoke, good times.

Oh yeah, even though I have a bunch of mental health issues and shit, since I have a few friends and do drugs I MUST be a normie...

>Why can't I have one fucking place for people like me

I'm sure bitching constantly is going to help you obtain that.

If you really wanted a place for people like you, then why not find people like you and make that place for yourself?

Shit I almost forgot you're only capable of bitching about shit rather than making an effort toward something meaningful for yourself.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8

pls remember to r8

>Smoking weed doesn't make most people a liability either.
That's just wrong.


no I have quit for like 5 months and I still feel that way. I felt that way before I ever even found weed

>Bro just like be yourself and like make an effort to be happy. Have you tried like, going outside?

Why the fuck are you here? There's instagram, facebook, snapchat, reddit, and an entire internet for self-help "le positive" people like you? Why do you choose Jow Forums of all places to preach your "just be confidant bro" shit?

Why is depending on a drug bad?
Alcohol and (((ssris))) are considered morally better why? Because of the law?

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>Whining about how he can't have a group of people to think exactly the way he does
How's it feel to be a NPC, brah?

jesus christ just shut the fuck up about weed you teenage faggot

You are in the deep hole of the addiction if you rely on weed to enjoy , games , movies etc. Seek help kid

What does weed have to do with teenage? There are people who have become millionaires because of weed

OP here, I agree 100%, that's why I want to get these stonies in trouble as much as possible

Yea by selling it you retard , not smoking it 24/7 .

Why are you just skewing other peoples' words to suit your narrative better?

didn't i just tell you to shut the fuck up about weed?

There are people who become millionaires by playing pokemon too, user. Doesn't make it less childish or acceptable

All I'm saying is that if you really wanted a place for people like you, you would be able to find it with effort. But no you just want to bitch about everything and assume that everyone who isn't a miserable fuck is a normie.

>All I'm saying is that if you really wanted a place for people like you, you would be able to find it with effort.
I did find it. It's called Jow Forums. It was nice, until NPCs invaded it telling me to just be confident bro. I'm using my "effort" to make this place what it once was by telling you to LEAVE

Who makes a million dollars off weed and doesn't smoke a fuck ton? You're an idiot

Give a few examples then you full blown retard?

the more you post the more obvious it becomes you are not older than 18