Fembots would you ever date a trap

fembots would you ever date a trap

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I'll jerk off to them in most hentai doujinshis.
But I doubt they look as good irl, so i probably won't even think about jerking off to them, let alone dating.

But I doubt any of the existing traps would even be into me enough to ever consider dating.

No you degenerate piece of junk trash

Nah, I like kind of feminine-looking guys but at the end of the day I want him to be a man and be able to fuck me like one.

you don't sound like a sweet delicate fembot flower

in fact you sound like a fat Jow Forumstard

No because they are just incels that couldn't hack it as a man now they are pretending to be women. I like men who are masculine not sissy's. Half the robots on here would be a better choice than a trap.

I'm not a lesbian so no I wouldn't

Fuck no, they probably have hiv or some gross personality issues that they channel into their creepy fetish

Women want masculine men. Traps are like the polar opposite of that. Also lesbians do not like penises. Traps usually date other traps, or gay/bisexual men.

No. I want to date a real girl not a mentally ill abomination

toxic old roasties itt

>t. Sour grapes trap



imagine how disgustingly ugly a woman has to be to have to pander to Jow Forumstards and post about degeneracy to feel good about herself

Most robots are repressed sissy trannies tho
Most wouldnt because most women crave to be dominated and abused by aggressive masculine men

>not trapping it up for yourself
>caring what average "fembot" thinks

typical zoomers

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Those grapes sure are sour, dudes. And I say dudes because lets be honest, you're dudes.

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based and redpilled, only mentally deranged retards care about the opinions of the inferior sex

>Most robots are repressed sissy trannies tho

Speak for your self faggot.

If you arent a repressed tranny you are most likely not a robot

I'm female and my girlfriend is mtf so yes

Do you kiss her on the lips and give her head pats?

Traps, twinks, and cutebois are my fetish.
>max file size

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I would fuck one if it looks cute and not too gay or bitchy

i want a trap gf so bad! they're usually so sweet and cute plus we could share clothes

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crossdressing is pretty fun
strongly advise any boys to try it, dresses and heels are great!

this should happen to all traps

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I'm an mtf and girls are very nice

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I knew you were a tranny homura

Not necessarily a trap but I feel like looking like 16 year old jailbait at 22 is a bit deterring for most women who just want Daddy figures

my cute mtf girlfriend is starting to regret beign a trap and keeps calling herself a boy and weaing girls clothes and saying we're gay
its stressing me out I un ironically cant even get erect around "her" anymore
i fell for the bussy meme r9k

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In a relationship with one.
I love her.
Also, i need a real woman.

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I would date a real trans girl, not just a crossdresser. I only do LDRs because the wait to meet them actually makes it exciting than mundane.