Why not just go on a date? Even if nothing happens and you never speak to her again, maybe you'll have a nice time.
Why not just go on a date? Even if nothing happens and you never speak to her again, maybe you'll have a nice time
And where am I supposed to find a woman to set up a date with?
I have gone on dates, I always end up ghosting normie girls no matter how attractive they are. What's the point
Nigga check the device in your front right pocket.
>doesn't fuck on the first date
>doesn't fuck on the first date
I literally wouldn't be able to even if I wanted to, I need a strong emotional connection
>inb4 gay
yeah I know i'm fuckin gay(straight)
But honestly I just want to be able to have conversations with people but people aren't open, are dull or just... idk.
>put up a facade for long enough to convince people I'm a normalfag
>somehow convince girl to go on a date with me
>waits until after I feed her, laugh, says "I can tell you've never done this before", and calls a cab home
>I can tell you've never done this before
And how would she know this?
You're also forgetting there are girls out there just as shy and awkward as you are.
because only thing I do is browse r9k, what things I will have in common with her
you mean after i waste my time and money for a slim chance of condom sex?
no thanks
mfw last 2 dates were cancelled because 'sorry user I forgot'
mfw only ever tried to go on 2 dates cause most girls dont even fucking talk to me
I hate that shit. I am antisocial, paranoid, aggressive, narcissistic. Just want the fuck no talk.
If I was the kind of person who could get a date I wouldn't be here
>put up a facade for one or two dates
>cant keep it up a third time as you run out of generic subjects to talk about and eventually have to talk about your feeling, life, opinions etc
>cant keep the lie going
>give up or she ghosts me
oh well
You do realize that you have to get a girl to agree to go on the date with you first, right?
Why? so she can have me in her phone as Free Food? No thanks.
>Even if nothing happens
I would like to at least get a kiss on the lips from the qt.
how many dates till she is comfortable with that?
any femanons give me a ball park estimation?
>super affectionate
>get attached too easily
>incapable of doing one night stand type stuff
>hopeless romantic
>still can't find a bf/gf
why am i forced to be like this
>having drinks with girl
>she's making guesses about me
>they're mostly wrong
>"I think you're a virgin"
TECHNICALLY I'm not but I haven't had sex since before puberty so she's like half right.
Never gone out on an explicitly romantic date that didn't end in a kiss, though I've also never asked out a girl I haven't already been talking to so your mileage may vary.
welcome to women
mode of operation: pick out a suspected insecurity and say something to test it, the psychological equivalent of 'does it hurt when i prod here?'
woman suspects insecurity about sexual history, outputs:
"I think you're a virgin teehee ;)"
red flag responses include:
admission of virginity
defenses of sexual inexperience (There's nothing wrong with that!)
direct qualification against the claim (I've had lots of sex, what are you talking about?)
any anger directed back at her
green flag responses include:
joking/hyperbolic agreement (Yeah, I came close once but I confused the vag for the armpit.)
joking/reframing rejection (Don't you think that's unrealistic given my amazing stamp collection?) (doesn't work if you actually collect stamps ofc)
joking/reversal (Is this out of a Cosmo article 'top 10 ways to get a guy horny'? Well, it's working.)
basically if you show you care, you lose
thanks for playing
>that stare
>salad without vinaigrette or dressing
>puts apple on plate
she is obviously a psychopath, run
I didn't green or red flag. Actually, I barely remember my response.
No but for real, same way, can't get aroused unless I'm emotionally attached to someone and I can't find anyone I like long enough to form that connection so I'm fucked I guess.
this. its constant games/testing
Shitposting is more important. Drugs are more fun.
tfw when no qt gf to buy a turkey sandwich for and give smooch to
Because women are accusing men of rape for simply being associated with them. 35 years later for some. No thank you, if I could never see a woman again I'd feel more safe.
I have. It sucks when dialogue dies out afterward.
No excuses were made to leave early, if anything, they would end up being longer than expected, so Im always asking myself what went wrong.
Because I don't have feelings for any girl beyond basic lust. I wouldn't want to hang out with any of the girls I know or have ever known beyond acquaintances.
The girl I like found a BF whose an ultra neckbeard but he's taller and white.
Should have worn a bigger fedora and some boots with thicker soles. You fucked it user.
>got rejected last week
The next woman I hear a passive aggressive excuse from is going to be swallowed her own teeth.
I strive to be better than my disgusting monkey nature
It's just gonna be cringe. That's it.
I go on dates to try and fuck women. If I don't fuck the woman, then the date is a waste of time because they certainly aren't fun.
I went on ONE date, and she brought her fat friend.
I was 17, now I'm 34 and haven't been on one since.
No woman would ever go on a date with me.
I have a shit job and I live in my mom's basement. I can't bring the girl home and I can't afford to take her places. The relationship would go nowhere.
fuck you OP pic related looks like a prettier version of my ex. fuck man
damn this girl is cute
I just hate people so goddamn much man
You'd be surprised how many adults have relationships despite these things. I have my own place, a job, and I still can't even come close to getting even a conversation.
But half my coworkers are dating NEET's living with their parents
And how exactly am I supposed to get one of those?
Dates are expensive
Some roastie eats $40 worth of food
no guarantee tits
>go to strip club
100% guarantee titties $20
>half my coworkers are dating NEET's living with their parents
>half my coworkers
>are NEETs
0/8 bait
IKTF senpai
>match with some bitch on bumble
>hey wanna go to this jazz workshop tuesday
>she brings her friend along and they just talk to each other and share inside jokes
>her brother comes along later in that evening
It was not a total wash I learned the band was way too loud to have a first date at
actually the best response is "really, what makes you think that" with a kind of joking surprised smile
>40 bucks down the drain to eat something I don't even like and wouldn't eat otherwise, just so I can MAYBE get some action later down the line
Are you cool with the "date" being hanging out, sightseeing, and eating street falafel on the curb? Can I cum in you if we eat top ramen and watch netflix just as easily as if I pay 60 bucks for 4 ravioli and see a show? No?
Fuck off.
I would just sit there silently. That's it. I do not know what people are doing on dates and what this "smalltalk" thing is about.
Do I fucking look like the kind of nigger that can just GO on a date and not psych myself out of having a good time?
"NEET" doesn't even mean what it originally meant, it just means loser now. Fucking newfags I swear.
Nigga, you can also watch porn which is even cheaper.
not tangible though
what are these caterpillars doing on my screen
it's kinda hard to go on a date when they always turn down your invitation for something of the sort
Why are women so fucking autistic? Literally the n*ggers of gender
>on date with qt from tinder
>share same interests, disdain for normie culture in general
>hold hands, listen music, cuddle
>make out for 10min
>next day on text she is cold
>she straight up told me the makeout was the turnoff
>she doesnt wanna hang out with me anymore
Haha at least I finally hit second base right? why cant I forget about her haha
I will propose to that tinder girl.
That's really rough duder.
Except for most of the time where you find out she has a boyfriend she didn't tell you about. I'm tired of getting played.
Holy shit user I laughed hard.