At what age exactly do women lose their value? Please specify if you are normal, homo, or asexual
At what age exactly do women lose their value? Please specify if you are normal, homo, or asexual
>At what age exactly do women lose their value?
t. 40
I would say that they lose their value at about 11-12
I'm normal
Doesn't it kinda depend on the woman and her genetics? I've seen women hit the wall as early as 24, and some look great into their 50s. After mid 30s though if you knock her up you might get retard babies
Non meme answer : about 14-17 doesn't include asian qties though
When they're born. Women for some reason are just terrible. Fucking boring, never interesting or original, will always lose interest in a relationship, and hate men enjoying themselves. They always have to interject with some horseshit and ruin the fun. They just stink. Normal.
Yeah you're not normal. 95% of the population would have you hanged for that answer
If you can't answer the question then don't answer
When you say normal, do you mean normalfag, or did you somehow forget the word "straight"?
They are usless since the day they were born, just like most men. Am asexual
straight male here.
the primary and most important value of having a woman in your life is companionship imo, someone that can make this hell bearable by just being there for you.
so in that respect a woman would never lose her value at least to me.
Her secondary value in more biological sense would be procreation, so she would prob hit her bio wall at what 50? but by then you have already breed the qt so its all good.
so in all for me, seeing as how companionship is more important than anything else, she would never lose her value to me at any age.
the only way she could lose it is if I stopped craving that closeness to her.
>just like most men
Interesting nuance
Age 30. Before if they're single moms. Even worse if they're coalburner single moms. But honestly it's when they lose their attractiveness, since they have no value in terms of personality. Of course, none of this matters because betas have no self-respect and will fuck and provide for anything with a pulse.
Peak at 14. Starts to go downhill at 15.
normal straight dude
Genetic defects in offspring really start to ramp up after 24
17-18 is where it goes to shit
at 30 all value is lost
when they are born
shit taste, plebs
I'm hetero and I'd say it depends on the woman but the 25+ meme isn't an exaggeration, it's when women have to actually put in an effort to maintain their looks or lose them. Same for men, though. You think the women who say they prefer older men aren't talking about silver fox Chad who maintains his looks?
>Yeah you're not normal. 95% of the population would have you hanged for that answer
He's not normal but he is based.
Women can always be valuable , organs and tissue can still be harvested .But to answer the question the older they get , the worst its the product , no one likes organ failure.
enjoy your granny
humans aren't innately valuable, you put the price on them
I wouldn't even buy a slave personally.
Women hit the wall at 16. Most look like shit by 22.
Bisexual with experience with both genders.
18 peak
23 still good if other things click
25+ it's ogre
their mentality deteriorates probably even worse than looks
It depends if she's a mother or not.
A 30 year old unmarried, childless woman has little to no value.
A woman of the same age, who is married and has children, is a valuable and important part of her family and community.
They lose their value correlated to the amount of dicks they had
25 for some
t. asexual