>By the year 2090, 87% of the planet will be Asian and African.
Opinions on this ?
By the year 2090, 87% of the planet will be Asian and African
>Opinions on this ?
nothing, race mixing is just the normie thing to do nowdays.
highly likely, yeah
pic related: the white man handing over the world to the jew-asian techno-ai-autistocracy/ mulatto underclass.
Your mating strategy essentially decides where your offspring will land. brown people will form the low IQ working class that will get ruled over
most people will be dead from global warming you dunce
>Born too late to get a non-crazy white GF
>Born too early to have a fair chance asian GF
Sadly, this is probably true. But I can take solace in the fact that Asians will probably exterminate niggers.
humanity wont survive 2090
grotesque subhuman abomination, go back to your tribe
Lol ofc not. There will still be billions of humans (world pop will stabilize around 2070) and the planet will simply be hotter and a few regions will be flooded.
I don't go to Jow Forums, I just hate niggers. They destroy everything they touch and them being the majority of the population was entirely avoidable, now the world will pay the price.
really make you think to be honest
Alright someone sell me on this, why should i care?
Meme at me all you want, niggers will still be shit.
But they will be here.
I doubt future societies will have enough resources or inclination to feed, clothe and house niggers, they'll probably die in climate disasters. Either way, by 2090 I'll be dead, so it's not like it really matters to me.
i doubt this is a true statistic desu since it seems to exclude the entire population of latin america
p shit desu white grills are the hottest. all the other grills are vastly inferior. my only hope is crispr is developed by that time to save us from this horrible fate.
I'm just glad I will be dead by then.
God I hope I'm not alive in 2090
Good. White women are the most degenerate scum on the planet and a race that has women like that deserves to die out.
t. rejected by white grills
>all white grills are dumb sloots
oh how wrong you are. btw latinas and negresses are far more slooty and dumb.
i'm ok with asians taking over, at least society will be in good hands but nig nogs is a scary future.
Aren't the vast majority of latin amercians mixed?
>he thinks white women would date his ugly beta ass
Lol @ orbiters
think what you want, projecting betoid.
t. chadlite
I'm excited, maybe I'll finally get a black gf
>first cant get a white grill
>then cant get an asian grill
>then cant get a latina
>maybe i can get a negress
is it just me or are fetishes just a means of coping with lowering standards?
I will probably be dead by that time, if white people as a race dont care then why should I, a single individual care? I dont plan on having children and one of reason is exactly this, there is no point turning into normalcuck and leading hard life of normalcy just to have your sons killed and daughters fucked by niggers
>making up stories online
Lmfao, sure virgin
Nigga you'll be dead
I've always had a thing for black chicks though, even before I realised I'd be a KHV for the indefinite future
China is going to lowkey destroy the planet.
believe what you want. now go back to your roosh v vids about "how to get game."
If by then, free market capitalism (austrian school style) becomes the norm, tech keeps advancing and Christianity remains big, it does not really matter which race has more members desu (and it s not like whites will disappear)
I'll be 91 years old or most likely dead, why would I give a single fuck?
I will be dead by then and im not going to have kids anyways so I dont care. I have never enjoyed living in this world so whatever happens to it doesnt concern me, plus I dont have a problem with any races.