Wagecuck General

>5 hours until i have to go to sleep in order to be refreshed for my day of wagecucking

How are the rest of you wagecucks holding up?

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6 hours left of my Nightshift, pretty easy job to be honest, I work 3 days a week and look after my son the rest of the week. I spend my time at work not interacting with anyone at all and spend 12 watching Netflix. yeah I'd say I'm pretty good

How about you? you don't seem too happy m8

Im starting at Wendys tomorrow. Im ashamed but I have to because my dad is threatening to kick me out.

I hate my coworkers and they're turning into the worst thing about my job.

Is he going to start charging you rent?

Tough break bud, ever though of going for security? It's pretty dope when you get the right gig. I never liked customer service jobs, too short a temper for that. Security though I get to be alone for days on end if I so wish and pass the time however I want really

What's up with your cowankers?

The older I get the more I enjoy working
being home sucks because people bother you and make you do extra work and steal form your free time
but being at work means you just gotta do your duties and not worry about your day to day bullshit, it's so relaxing just plugging away

They're incredibly rude and insufferable and quick to anger.

I agree, but my pc lives at home so you gotta take the rough with the csgo. Work is just my time to really relax and be alone

Yeah, when I'm at home I just wanna do chores in wow or drink while playing games with friends, I wish I made more so I could very a place without pesky roommates

Look them in the eye and tell me to fuck off, then ignore them, or do what I did in my last gig, I rubbed my balls on their cups and put their Chapstick in my foreskin after I took a piss. Farted in their cups, pissed in their pringles, and my fav was stealing their computer logins and emailing everyone donkey porn, think outside the box

I never had the issue with room mates because I moved from my parents house until I moved in with my gf. Chores get easier though when you figure out a routine for them

Maybe make a discord?

Why do they get mad? Mantain your mental fortitude user you can make it, they should know themselves that by being asses they bring down productivity, if you can keep a cool mind youre already putting your part fuck em if they dont.
Discretion advised: If you have a "reputation" around your workplace dont be afraid to threaten them lightly, odds are they are going to stop and let you focus on your work

I literally just awoke from my whiskey induced coma, wagie time in a couple hours

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Night shift is comfy as fuck. I do night shift IT and I am the only one in the building. Usually listen to music or stream shows while doing my work, which consists of updating clients software or running server updates or backups most of the time.

>6pm to 6am
>Wednesday to Sunday

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Or you could make yourself happy by farting in their cups and sending donkey porn to everyone using their accounts

Pretty slick, but how many people's cups have you farted in?

>New girl calls me cute and gives me her phone number

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Former wageslave here, now salaryslave.
Hot a bunch of employees under me, feels great to be in the authority position. Making more money and working less hours. Management is way easier too. Just do some work on the computer and supervise the wagies, every now and again attend some bs meetings.

Did you ever get overtime as a wageslave?

>work at lowes
>most of day is looking up stuff on computer for people, talking with coworkers, or just organizing shelves
>most people are old and usually nice
>never anyone breathing down my back or being rude to me

only umcomfy part is having to move heavy stuff like toilets, water heaters, brick, etc but I don't have to do that often

i landed this pretty comfy job hanging out with special ed people for a few hours, doesnt really pay much but doesnt feel like work at all, i even get to use a company vehicle, usually we go bowling or go to the movies or whatever they want to do.

I've been frequently getting sick so I've called out twice in the last two weeks and got yelled out by the manager because "its not fair to the other employees".

Granted, she's right, but I don't give a fuck because I wasn't the one who decided we should only hire seven cashiers to run a store that's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I'm going to apply to some different jobs because I hate grocery so much

outside of overnight, grocery is unbearable

>own a website that makes me over 10k a week with just advertisements alone
>server costs are 300
>mfw people aren't trying to be creative to be rich

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How long have you been there?

serioulsy? how to do this?

>tfw programmer working for outsourcing vendor
>tfw work from home most of the time since client is in a different state and I work remotely regardless of whether or not I'm in the office
>tfw flexible schedule and unlimited vacation
>tfw client is too stingy to pay for OT so I never work more than 40 hours a week and never work weekends
>tfw six figure salary after only 2.5 years in the industry
>tfw I spend my work day listening to anime music on full blast in my underwear while writing code
God bless the technical economy.

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Had to get 8 stitches from cutting myself on duct piping at Menards. Can't play music or vidya. Since it happened Saturday I also lost out on 20some dollars of weekend pay. Fml.

I recommend the afternoon shift all the time in these threads desu
>work late in the day
>be up while literally the world is asleep
>can get fucked up and be fine by the late afternoon to do it all over

Shhh. Don't tell the wagies to start using their brains for a change. That's more competition for the rest of us.

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>Been working at McDonald' since the spring
>We've been short staffed since summer break ended, "HELP WANTED" sign has been up for months
>Coworkers constantly call in sick or just don't show up for their shifts
>As a result they have me working 40 hours for a part time job and we're all running around like headless chickens trying to get everything done
>I'm also too tall for the cash register so my upper back is constantly sore

Today I worked 5:15 AM - 2 PM, I dread getting up in the morning because it means eight hours of stress and discomfort

Not good enough with computers

fucking nerds and your stupid technology why do you have it so easy?

Learn web design, programming (not php cause fuck php), think of something that makes things extremely easy for the consumer so they don't have to do shit and advertise yourself to friends and shit.
Usually apps make more money than websites cause EVERYONE has a phone and I plan on making an app very soon.

It's better to have competition otherwise you get lazy

Get with the times old man

Rarely, only when me staying late was absolutely necessary. The higher ups don't like paying overtime.

Ever think about dating a downie girl

First day out of training tomorrow morning. I'm opening by myself and I forgot how to do half of the things. Wish me luck.

like 5 months

Holy fuck this image is golden

Are you a psychologist or something similar?

I want to go ahead and work for IKEA. Seems fun to ironically assemble furniture people struggle with every day, and my autism might make me good at it

Enjoy the work. Shit I enjoyed working at McDonalds.
Wagecuck is a word invented by the Jew to kill your dreams.

>Shit I enjoyed working at McDonalds.

How? t.

that guys says he owns a website and makes money off of advertisements. Don't need to know web design for that.

So you got injured st work and it lost you money? Sue. Claim the money

Someone once did this at McDonald's and they literally just offered him 10k to quit his job and not sue

I'm the one who owns the website, you need to know how to make a really nice website that consumers would love. You can't just put advertisements on a dead af website

How do you get something like that, a night shift IT job? do you have qualifications? I work nights already but IT nights sounds extra comfy.

>started working when I was fifteen
>currently twenty
>still working full-time hours at part time jobs (currently staffed as a deli clerk, $11.50 per hour, vacation pay, sick pay, health insurance)
>work 40 hours per week
>additionally attend/complete around 35/40 hours per week of courses, go to school full-time on scholarships, have 0 debt
>additionally get in 10 hours of volunteer work per week at 2 volunteer positions
>Manage to maintain a GPA around 3.6/3.7
L-Livin' the dream...

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All the extra hours you could want and it's untaxed because they legally can't have you working more than x per day or week. They have to do it out of pocket.

And when it's like this they barely expect anything good. Fuck up as much as you want because legit, what are they gonna do? Fire you?

t=There is this one downie girl that works at the YMCA with a bubbly personality and a really fat ass, i wouldnt ever date one tho.

Na, didnt even graduate college

What are you some original kind of racist

can i know the website name

That's funny. I'll just say, always try to find a better job. Even if you're fine with it now, it will get old. Especially if other people quit or get fired and they start making you work other departments to fill in. Unless you really love it there or something.

deli work is the worst. We were constantly understaffed because we couldn't find any other idiots to staff the deli. I smelled like meat shit at the end of every shift and there was almost no chance to stop and catch your breath. I worked with a bunch of old ladies who were super slow and constantly made mistakes.

Every customer is a pissed off monster because they want their disgusting chicken cut at a 13 instead of a 15. IT FALLS THE FUCK APART YOU DINGODILES I CAN'T MAKE THE MEAT BLOB MAGICALLY PAPER THIN.

But I don't want extra hours, I'd rather be working 20-25 like I was in the summer

If I half ass everything it'll all just get really ugly with pissy customers and angry coworkers

A lot of behavioral health jobs require no degree

It's a step up from wageslave but hard and thankless

Sorry, I would like to remain anonymous

Can you at least say what kind of website it is?

give an example of a similar site then.

i guess, I mean shes pretty high functioning, i just couldn't do it

>a really fat ass

Take pics some time

wagies how do i quit my job?

no use, i dont come to r9k much anymore you just have to believe me on this one user

Keep at it user, hats off fr

I'm usually very matter-of-fact and boyscout about my work ethic so I've never really had a problem with anything.
I'm the only person on the team getting forty hours despite being the only person hired as full-time just because store managers step in and say that they want me here more.
I don't mind, I need the money (I want to save and buy a house), but sometimes I wish I had more time for school

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You guys are living my dream. Currently 3rd year computer engineer student. Cant wait to join the comfy life.

Appreciate it user, how's your life

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literally just tell your boss you quit dude . put in a 2 weeks notice? or just don't show up again

>tfw last semester in college and gonna have to wagecuck in December

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It has to do with time management

Make sure you study for certs and you'll get that ez money

which ones do you recommend to beef up my resume? I know that CCNA is a pretty good one

Depends, if you're going software then you'll wanna go microsoft or AWS. I know a lot of servers also use linux so diverse into that

It was just me and one other lady that were full time. They liked me enough to flood me with gift cards but any time I asked for an actual raise they dodged it. Ended at 11 after 9 months. Absolutely wasn't worth it.

>Tfw getting ready for my night shift. 3rd one in a row.
Only slept 5 hours. Sad times. Oh well.
I hate work. Replace everything with robos and make everyone neet.

>be wage cuck at target
>get sinus infection and pink eye
>go to doctor and get a few days off work

>have 0 debt

You're already going better than most of us.

Yeah I'm about to graduate from community college with a useless degree so I've been looking for jobs relating to that. I don't wanna work here past winter if I can help it

Im pretty sure a coworker likes me. She waves to me everytime she comes in even though shes ive only ever said any thing to her like three times. What do?

Turn yourself in for harassment in the workplace now because it will happen soon enough.

Wagies are hilarious to me, if your that miserable why don't you just get a better job?

im actually thinking about learning web design. i nevet tried anything with computers but i think something like that would be a nice skill to have. how did you learn web design?

Self taught, watched a few videos but most of it is trial and error

That's good. I'm about to quit Lowes for a different job, after doing it for a year and a few months. I stayed here a little longer than I planned. It can be pretty chill sometimes, but I've been here long enough to experience how shitty and boring it can be too.

>6 hours of work
>1-2 hours lunch
>1.5-3 hours work
It's a good system I think, even if it eats the whole day

>if your that miserable why don't you just get a better job?

They're all basically the same

>drag myself out of bed so I don't get fired from dead end job
>dread every single moment while at work
>get nervous shakes when interacting with coworkers
>feel sick constantly while at job
>feel tired constantly
>manager is always giving me these disapproving glares like I'm not pulling my weight
I'm starting to lose the will to live lads.

>will to live lads.
Same. My job isnt even that bad. Im just tired of it all. I want to fade away. 4 hours before work I just feel hopeless wanting to die.
Sad times.

Would you guys rather work in fast food where people you went to high school/college with come in everyday or would you work in a call center where you're treated like shit. You have one bathroom break, you have a 30 minute lunch break, you're constantly being monitored and you have to deal with dumbass customers yelling at you on the phone?

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>Drop out of college because I couldn't get a job due to lack of experience.
>Decide to take some bakery courses.
>Never did it in my life. Seemed like a quick solution and something interesting to learn.
>Get a job in less than a month after six-or-more courses.
>Doing fine, helping at home and saving some money.
>Five years later.
>Saving never amounts to anything (There's always something to get fixed, vet bills, etc)
>Always resigning after a year because I can't stand the workplace, or coworkers or any other little thing.
>Getting a new job with a decent salary seems impossible.

I used to enjoy learning different recipes and working with the ingredients and stuff.
Working in retail, with foods and customer service makes you hate everything, starting with your own life.
There's always pressure to work faster and with less, your superiors don't appreciate the inner workings of the food you make and have unrealistic expectations Seriously, how can somebody expect you to do 400+ cookies in an hour when you don't even have a decent mixer? because they only care about results, customers are spoiled pieces of shit every day, you have to do the work of two or even three people because your boss is a stingy fuck that won't hire more people...
I have days where i work 12 to 14 hours with a half an hour break. I go home, sleep three or four hours and back to work at 5 in the morning.
And the worst thing is that I keep regretting dropping out, but I know I couldn't have solved many of our family's shortcomings if I hadn't done it.
If you have the choice
You're better off laying pipe or something.

I work 2nd shift at my job. I fucking hate it because it feels like I never have time to do whatever I want. It's okay when I have nothing to do, so I can just read a book, study, or watch Netflix and I kinda want to try taking my Switch and/or just playing something on an emulator on my laptop but I don't want to push my luck in case one of my managers comes in and I get written up or some shit.

I need to start looking for another job already but I'm kinda scared of doing so because this is the first real job I've had for longer than a few months and I'm afraid of having to start looking for a job again.

Kratom makes wage slavery tolerable

Oh, forgot to mention I'm in the busy season at work so I'm not going to have much time to just do whatever until January probably.

I hate how I haven't been able to play a lot of horror games or watch horror movies because of my job. And I don't have much of a life because of it either.

Always felt bad for people who work at call centers. Obviously it's annoying as fuck when these people call you about some dumb bullshit and won't take no for an answer. But at the same time they're just doing their job and they get treated like dogshit for it.

Bud light is the lifeblood of the normal faggot

Wagecucking is some serious bullshit, user. I feel you. I genuinely think we need to mobilize and fight for greater worker's rights. If we don't do it now, honestly, I really feel like people are going to do it within the next 10 years or so if things continue down the road they're going in now. Everything is getting more expensive but minimum wage barely increases each year. Corporations ask for so much of your time, barely pay you for it, treat you like shit, and fire you at a minute's notice if you so much as make one or two mistakes. More and more people in their 20s are getting second jobs just to make ends meet or make enough to save. More and more I just feel incredibly unnerved by the current job climate we're in right now.

>"part time" job
>only work 2-3 days a week
>been there for 7 years
uh, could be worse I guess, hahaha

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That's what unions were for back in the day, and why big companies do things to stop them. Because they would actually have to pay people a liveable wage if unions were a big thing, and that means less shekels for the long nose tribe.

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