Virgin female here. If you want one of us you'd better not be a degenerate who watches porn and/or anime.
Virgin female here. If you want one of us you'd better not be a degenerate who watches porn and/or anime
did you come here from Jow Forums
are you morbidly obese and inbred?
so, um, ya gonna post pics or gtfo?
>tfw virgin fembot and will take anything with a pulse
When did you first fantasize about incest? Dad or brother?
I don't have a pulse but I'm still warm does that count
Tfw don't want a virgin gf and instead just want a gf who isn't a complete slut (but who acts like one in bed)
I have a pulse but not a functional penis is that ok.
I don't have a brother and my dad is old and ugly. Thank god I took after my mother.
Hello, I have a pulse which makes me superior to (). Please choose me.
Tfw would like a gf who isnt a dozen DMs deep with other guys when we are trying to spend time together
My penis is also functional and has a pulse, disregard () and his broken dick.
Bro I had that and desu it got boring after about 10 months
Idk why it said desu. You get what I meant.
Where are you guys from and how old?
to be honest turns into desu
I'm 24 and from Canada, but I'd be willing to relocate.
You'd be willing to take a 4 hour flight?
Too old, but I'm buried in Europe if you wanna leave me some flowers
Yes, that's not as much as I expected.
That wasn't me. It'd actually be around an 8 hour flight depending on which side of Canada you're on. I have a hard time believing you're on this board and don't watch anime or porn, though
Eight hours is acceptable. I don't like anime or porn.
At whose expense?
I've never watched anime and I don't watch porn because it is vile kike mind poison.
Either, although I wouldn't ask someone else to leave their home town.
well that sucks because i am a vampire