Friday Night Jow Forums Drinking

What are you drinking this fine evening friends?

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nigga its sunday. drink some coffee.

gatorade mixed with sand

Only the best of course.
me big original

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Finishing the bottle of vodka I started last night user hbu

Doing an overnight shift, so coffee.

ive been drunk since friday

Pick one for me boys.

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drinking some PBR's in the hope that they'll fill the gaping hole in my chest, no luck so far.


Grandad 114

One of my favorites

Wow lad ypu had a bit too much, it isnt Friday anywhere. Anyways, I'm not drinking tonight. I binged this Friday and last night on a combination of shitty vodka and some flavoured 60 proof bs that some new people I met let me bum. Both were pathetic and sad occasions as I am a lightweight and a sadcunt. Doesnt mean that I dont want more though, i just dont have enough money.

Old Grand-Dad 114 right away

Almost 5AM here, cold and windy late October night, perfect time for some mulled wine.
Drinking the 2018 edition of Loimu (Finnish shit) at the moment, just finished my bottle of this years Blossa (Swedish shit).
Peak comfy drinks.

How much have you had, user?


Don't you have to get to sleep for school tomorrow?

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not really dude im a 21yr old alcoholic loser ass NEET

drinking the usual cheap beer and vodka

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a bottle of wine felt like nothing
I have been feeling down and today I felt anxious and angry, and empty

if I'm such a shitty human being she doesn't believe in, she should probably free herself from me, or maybe a bullet in my skull should do the trick her honesty couldn't

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How do I get into drinking?

, said the npc trying to blend in

start with wine or beer

work your way up. if you can't stand the taste of hard liquor you can always mix

>realize it feels good
>drink more
>end up drinking something that isn't cheap shit
>realize it tastes good
>drink better drinks

I'm looking to self destruct. I just don't drink because I've never had any friends.

Yes, I will try. Any suggestions?

You're already starting for the wrong reasons. Just take up smoking instead.

captain coke is easy to abuse

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whonna pop open a bottle of MEMES tonight xD

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I am late as fuck but I say bulleit or four roses becuase Kentucky

Granddad is kentucky straight as well.

Vodka and weed will make you almost enjoy living fren


i am drinking stolichnaya and trying to feel less dull inside it is very exciting

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same here user
all i drink is stoli, maybe some sparkling water to cleans my palette

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>maybe some sparkling water to cleans my palette
Sparkling water chads represent.
I find plain water is better for cleansing the palate though; sparkling has an odd tinge to it, though that's probably from the aluminum cans I usually drink it from.

>ywn be a cute anime girl who can hold her liquor

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early monday morning and nobody's drinking?
Come on, I thought my fellow robots were more pathetic than this.

>You're already starting for the wrong reasons.
And what reasons would be good?