>be me
>18yo, in college
>raised by loving family
>never experienced poverty or abuse
>tested for autism, for sure not autistic
>never liked sports
>only played with legos and bionicles and shit when I was younger
>never liked rap music
>have disdain for everything popular
>disdain never leaves me
>never have anything to talk about with people
>socially isolated
>only hate people more and more
>become nationalist
>write nationalist stuff
>question nationalism
>I don't fucking know WHAT to believe anymore
>out of shape because I was bad at sports from the beginning
>can't fucking talk to people because I have nothing to talk about
>have literally nothing to live for
>never had any close friends
>everyone at this school is either a chad or an SJW
>have to live with a bunch of assholes I have nothing in common with
>can't even do shit I would normally do alone because of fear
>parents constantly upset because they did everything right and I still turned out a fucking loser
>spend all my time working, making shitty YouTube videos, or playing TF2
I seriously don't know how I got so fucked up.
Other urls found in this thread:
>question nationalism
Are you ready wojak user?
>spend all my time working, making shitty YouTube videos, or playing TF2
Link YouTube channel, faggot.
None of these videos make any fucking sense. I tried to do something based off of Arby 'n' the Chief (some web series from forever ago on Machinima) and the rest are just shitposts.
Hell yea dude, I love this autistic shit.
I haven't watched anything but I'll sub and like to help a brother out
Sounds kinda like my story only I'm 21 now. Don't stress out about it too much. In some ways I am happier now than I have ever been. I went through the stage you're in right now, only then I started taking care of myself and trying to reach out to people a little more.
Youre a normie
And from the sounds of it
A failed one
Yep. Nothing wrong with me but I became a social outcast and nostagiafag somewhere.
That oblivion review is pretty fucking entertaining, I loved it
Yawn. Yet another failed normie kid who thinks he has any right to post here with his normie problems.
You've finally awakened. Not knowing your place or where to fit in. Is is hell.
That Bill Cosby video is fuckin hilarious dude.
baaarrbecue sssaaaauuucee
>>question nationalism
Embrace the spookpill
ahh yes, hello fellow robots, am I "edgy" and "a societal outcast" yet? Wow I sure am special
Somebody ran out of tendies
Maybe it's because of the text-to-speech program that you're using but the Oblivion episode is giving me some Arby n the Chief vibes
That is exactly what I was going for. It's one of my all-time favorite shows.
This negus was one number away from septuple
so wait what exactly makes someone a robot if not for being a social outcast and/or incel?
Don't be sad,
I'll go and subscribe