It's almost here, senpai! Theyve predicted that this next one could last a long time, and even be more damaging!

It's almost here, senpai! Theyve predicted that this next one could last a long time, and even be more damaging!

Whatre you doing to prepare for the end of rich America?

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Is it Drumpf's fault like usual?

Wonder when I should pull my mutual fund.

No, it's kinda due. Everythings super over valued right now.

Well it guarantees he probably won't get re-elected if it happens within 2 years. So something good will come out of it.

Drumpfy Dumpty's policies reflect that of the average American exec's mindset; short term gain at the cost of long term stability.

Also, here:

The shekelsteins, of course, are hand-waving everything away and saying it's just typical naysayers. Boy, wont they be surprised!

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I guess, if you're into that stuff.

Just another shitstain with opinions opposite of half the country to further divide media conjoined sheep. Nothing lost nothing gained. Really doesn't matter at an individul level beyond showing who to avoid conversation wise unless you enjoy NPC prompts


It's supposedly once every ten years, so yeah it's time for the hammer to drop.

What does this mean for NEETS? Wont this be the end of their neet ride? I hear its all cheap contract labor now.

Hopefully it's the Big One. I'm ready for either anarchy or to die.

Finishing up my resume\experience job and just about to hit my ok money wise career job. With less than 10k in right now, even if it dumps 75% of that I'll hopefully be able to ride the next one up.

Never know, could be in a slow slide right now.

Yeh, i've heard freelance is going to be big. just take a shit IT/help desk/call job.

>Everythings super over valued right now.
Hasn't stopped women yet, and I think THAT shit has gone on for a while

Same. Anyone want to form a post society bandit group?

by mentally preparing myself to kill as many shitskins as i can

inbred fucking duncetard

white people are the least inbred of any race. fuck off shitskin

>implying I give a shit what modern day witch doctors read in their cow entrails
If you're smart and resourceful the larger economic weather doesn't affect you at all.

Do you think we'll finally evaluate and correct for over-payed leech execs and CEOs who make poor decisions and leaders??

no i think zoomers are gonna get a big meaty jewish cock right in their collective asshole

Sounds about right. Par for the cock.

Hopefully this time though a bunch of boomers die of heart attacks or strokes.

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I'm kinda surprised we didn't even jail the people responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. Greed and negligence on that scale at least deserves to have the book thrown at them.

These people are cartoonishly evil incarnate. They run nearly everything, and if they dont run it then they throw their weight at it. These are the same people who claim to "self-regulate".

Nothing will change, no one will go to jail, and the system will repeat itself. The only way to legit change the system is slaughter these types en masse for the evil, society-destroying, soulless monsters they are (in Minecraft, of course).

>(in minecraft, of course)

Trying to time the market is foolish if your investment window is 10+ years. Just leave it in, it'll either return gains eventually or the US economy will be so fried that your purchasing power will increase despite your losses.