>be me >go to fitness studio gym >you let yourself in via keycard. Doors lock at 900 pm but if you're in before that you can stay as long as you want >arrive at 850, nobody else is there. >there are no cameras in the basement (free weight area) >decide to fuck around. Ultra high box squats with safety squat bar at like 500lbs for a laugh >930, still nobody else >decide to try working out naked. Strip in the middle of the studio >goes great, pull ups feel amazing >lost looking at myself in the mirror deadlifting while blasting Disturbed >suddenly hear shouting >"WHAT THE FUCK user" >one of the gym owners and his asian gf walked in on me >run out the backdoor >mfw thirty minutes later contemplating suicide
Should I ever go back there? I also left plates and equipment everywhere. It's a small gym so everybody knows each other.
>>run out the backdoor this is where you fucked up Could've still done damage control if you just grabbed some clothes to cover yourself and explained the situation now you are that weird guy who got naked and ran away
Evan Phillips
The best laugh I had through my entire depression yet. Thanks user.
Don't commit suicide. In 5 years this will just be a funny, self-deprecating story you fall back on when you're making conversation. Just tell it like it's no big deal and slap your knee at the right times and BAM instant social lube. It would be a shame to commit suicide over such an inconsequential episode.
Lucas Nelson
The only proper way out would have been to give a perplexed look at the gf and say "you didn't tell me your boyfriend was coming too, I'll have to charge extra for that"
Jason Walker
Why would you ever do something like that you moron?
>uhhh people have depression >uhhh people with depression are from reddit right? >hahaaha go to reddit fag hurr durr Fucking faggot. Go complain about your insecurities somewhere else, fatso. I'm not up to arguing with retards
>Oh sorry haha! I decided to try lifting naked since nobody else was around. Don't worry, I didn't sit on benches or anything that would smear my ballsweat on the equipment. Sorry about scaring you, I'll put my clothes on now. All you needed to say. I'm sure he'd think you're a bit weird but who cares what some race-mixer thinks. Instead you sperged out really bad. Now it's all over.
On the low probability of this being true, I would understand the reasons for someone to do it tbqh as would most of people I know from the gym. Actually I kinda want to lift completely naked too now.