I don't see the point in hating trans and gay people.
It just seems really silly and not worth it unless one did something to wrong you but then you should hate the individual not the group
I don't see the point in hating trans and gay people
>"Why don't you like gay people?"
Because it's gay.
That's stupid. Gay isn't a substitute for shitty
Its one thing to tolerate gays but trans faggots are just as bad as furfags that prance around in public with fursuits on
Who cares? As long as they aren't physically hurting anyone there shouldn't be a reason to stop them
Why can't I hate you? I don't like faggotry and I despise transgenderism even more. I have one gay friend and he knows my position. I might be biased because I got two of my friends (girls) together... But that's how it is. No one should be forced to accept or like you. Now you either live with the fact people will hate you simply for what you are, or you can just log off from life to spare yourself the hate and suffering.
That would be fine and dandy if they just keep it to themselves but they never do. They get off on shoving their faggotry in your face. It's part of their identity, literally, it's what "pride" is for them, just being as gay as possible in public and flying their little fag flag everywhere.
And that's fine too, because I don't go outside. But then they spam this board, too, with their ERPs, their sissy cocklusts, their "take HRT and become a pretty girl' threads. Everywhere I go they're there.
I'm not gay or trans. I just think it's a stupid reason to hate someone for something like that. What's even so bad about them? And please don't use strawmans or generalizations
I think it stems from the fact that they commit sexual acts most people would never do under any circumstances. If you're gay you might as well be eating shit off the ground in the eyes of straight people.
Of course there's very few problems with individuals. Individuals tend to be cool.
The trouble is when trans activists start demanding that we tear apart our ideas of masculinity and femininity and even demand we ignore that these things exist just to provide a better cover for their own wishful thinking about their gender. Trans people then get used as rhetorical victim shields for these unelected activists and must necessarily come under fire.
Cliche exist for a reason. Now you think that's a stupid reason? That's fine. You're free to do and think whatever you want. Just like they are free to do whatever they want.
Now I'm also free to do whatever I want so don't come and Preach about how bad it is to hate someone for what they are when I'm free to do so.
Gays and bisexuals are fine for the most part, their eccentricities and extremes can at least be argued against with some level of rationality because they still adhere to the sexual split in their personal lives. Trannies are on a whole nother level. They're such a small segment of the population that their most extreme elements aren't too far off from a substantial portion of the entire population, I've been labeled a sexual discriminator for not being attracted to dicks. Not to mention the situation with holding off 'gendering' a baby upon birth or the conflicting notions that there are no differences between the sexes and that there are a limitless number of genders. I go to a far left uni so I've had a fair number of classes with bearded ladies and these opinions do manifest irl, they're not just confined to the trenches of tumblr and /lgbt/ or trap threads here.
Because they're an eyesore, earsore, and need to get slapped for their obnoxious antics.
And cause the transmen never act like men. They play the entire social game the way women do and fear confrontation.
Just tell them to fuck off and ignore them. No one takes feminists seriously.
Never said don't do it. I'm just saying its stupid imo. I can't do anything to stop you
I have no problem with gay men and women, but what i have a problem with is faggots who act like being gay is their entire personality
Most of them are idiots, it's not like that isn't true for most people as a whole. If say 5% of the population is homosexual but 90% of that 5% are retarded faggot douchebags then that just leaves a lot less normal people among that fraction of the population.
>And cause the transmen never act like men. They play the entire social game the way women do and fear confrontation.
Hint: its because they were raised and socialized as women, if you haven't noticed, trannies don't act like women either, they hate women more than women hate themselves
>I don't see the point in hating trans and gay people.
Trans lesbians love women. The trans women into cock hate women.
I got molested by several different gays as a child and it severely fucked me up for life. Is it okay for me to hate them?
Hating the individuals that did it. I hope you got therapy for it
Wouldn't it make more sense to hate molesters?
>But then they spam this board, too, with their ERPs, their sissy cocklusts, their "take HRT and become a pretty girl' threads. Everywhere I go they're there.
Those aren't actual trans people though, just fetishists who happen to take HRT to pursue their fetish.
Well tell that to the scars on my wrists and anus
So its ok that they should shill and run sissy hypno operations?
Fuck off
I'm so sorry that happened to you. No one should have to go through that and you have a right to be angry but direct it at those who deserve it aka child molesters in general.
I doubt it's actually trannies more like Reiko and people who want tranny gfs
What are you some type of pinko commie talking about socialism and gender theory?
Stopped reading there and packed in a fat dip.
>So its ok that they should shill and run sissy hypno operations?
this is what infowars brainwashed retards actually believe
Gays and trannies are more likely to be involved in sexual assaults, have high rates of depression and suicides. From an ideological standpoint it makes no sense that anyone can identify as "female". If it were the case how can any woman be oppressed? Secondly, you have a biological imperative to reproduce. It is how your genes get to the next generation and what drives sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Not having that drive is bad, equivalent to not having a drive to live or a drive to improve yourself. Can you live without these things? Yeah. But it is not gonna help you with life. We know the biological causes of homosexuality and trans-sexuality and we need to treat it as opposed to supporting genital mutilation and giving bearded men girl pills upon request.
they're avatars of pestilence and should be outed
Have you been on this board at all?
I hope you're not implying this board or anything posted on it should be taken seriously at all user