I just want a boy to cuddle and listen to music with in the deep hours of the night

I just want a boy to cuddle and listen to music with in the deep hours of the night,
so I can sulk and bask in it with the comfort of someone else.

Why is that so hard to find?

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I once tried to do this with a girl but she said she didn't want to be alone with me. To be bored with me it was not worth being with me. I hate myself for showing my true self to her.

Iktf. I always thought it would be nice to have a gf who'll just zone out on the bed and listen to music with me, not saying a word or just whispering little things here and there. Just being next to each other, touching each other affectionately and really listening to and enjoying some music.

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What's the difficulty for you? Is there something wrong with your appearance? Personality? Living situation? How old are you?

only normalfags and zoomers use discord

I wouldn't say there's anything wrong, more I just have trouble talking to people and coming out of my shell- Or when I do I think I'm being an annoying pest. Also there's the fact that nobody I'm interested in ever seems to reciprocate the feelings.

Thats not true. I just use it because its convenient.

"shes" probably a trap or "shes" very ugly because girls live life on easy mode

I'd like to.
Drop disc

>only normalfags and zoomers use the most convenient app for communicating
Im sure user writes heartfelt letters every time he wants to talk to someone

literally me

but we'd never meet, and even if we did you'd never give me the time of day.

>Or when I do I think I'm being an annoying pest

You probably are.

Have you dated before? Are you trans? How old are you? How many friends do you have? All these things provide context and can help me understand what's going on that's making it difficult for you.

Self-loathing won't get you anywhere. I speak from experience as I'm having it rn, as contradictory as it may sound, you don't have to be like this. You might have someone who admires you for who you are and what you can do. Even if it's all futile, learn to approach someone of whom you think could be a great match for you

i use TeamSpeak like a white man

you're a boy, aren't you OP

I've had one boyfriend, a few years ago, but it was never very close and more like a friendship (I never advanced sexually with him, either). I'd rather not give out my age, but I'm under 20 and in high school- And I don't have many right now since I just moved to a new place during the summer where I'm struggling to fit in a bit.

No, I'm a female. Nor am I a larper.

What music would we listen to?

Fair enough. Change can be difficult, I understand that, and I definitely understand what it means to undergo those life changes alone. I've had to experience some of those for myself, but ultimately those experiences shaped me into a better person. You'll feel pressure to change, to be someone you aren't to fit in. Don't give into that pressure. I'm not saying don't try to grow, but don't compromise who you are, either. That won't lead to happiness. It may not be easy for a while, but this is an opportunity for you to grow and invest in yourself.

Focus on that feeling of loneliness, and use it as motivation to be the girl that you want to be. Use it to work out, to read more, to go out and get coffee, whatever. Even if it's by yourself. Find independence and the ability to be alone. It doesn't mean that loneliness will go away completely, but it does mean that you'll be able to continue to grow until you find someone who's going to compliment who you are, and will be able to make you feel wanted.

I tried to 'better mysef' during the last two years-ish, all it did was spiral me into an obsessive eating disorder phase (Recovered now). But I guess I could use some time to focus more on my studies, or try to work on my confidence socially.

Thanks user.

GTFO you underage high schooler just cut yourself in the bathroom

word, i told a girl i've loved for 7 years that i have feelings the other night in hopes of achieving something like this, turns out im just a friend of hers forever ig...

>Why is that so hard to find?
>rejects tons of guys for not being tall and hot

I had a GF like 10 years ago. She had the best taste in music.
Only girl I've ever met with good taste in music.

You're welcome. I'd say in light of that, also practice forgiving yourself for those difficulties or things you did that you regret. Life is a journey, and a continual process of learning (about others, about ourselves, about the world, etc). Be patient with yourself, and focus on those things that will help you be a better person in the future (like your studies, or gaining confidence socially). Some of that confidence, by the way, comes from accepting yourself as you are, flaws and all, even if you recognize you have room for improvement. The only time to be truly disappointed in ourselves is when we're not pushing ourselves to grow, even in the little ways.

I've only rejected a guy once, but that was because he was younger and I saw him as a brother. But then again I've never really been asked out, or have met a boy that had some amount of interest in me (That I noticed). And I'm definitely not just looking at the 'Chads'. Maybe I'm just uninteresting or unattractive.

what else can you tell us about yourself? what are your interests and hobbies?

>I saw him as a brother

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What did she listen to? Just curious, I've never had friends in real life who had the same music taste as me.

Most of my hobbies I tend to leave hidden from others-- Like drawing or listening to music (Two things I tend to do a lot, they're therapeutic to me). I do really love kids cartoons and scary movies, and fashion. I don't know, I'd say I give a fairly boring front at first.- again with the opening up thing. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily ugly though, which may as well be a reason that I'm not fitting in that I just haven't come to realize.

Where are you from? Like what state or country?

East coast USA, In a kind of white and shitty rural area. I've always wanted to live someplace like Colorado or Utah, they're so pretty and the people are much nicer.

>I've only rejected a guy once, but that was because he was younger and I saw him as a brother.
So you put him in the friendzone. lol
>But then again I've never really been asked out, or have met a boy that had some amount of interest in me (
That I noticed).
I'm sure non-Chad men noticed you, but those men don't exist in your foid eyes because they're sub 8
>And I'm definitely not just looking at the 'Chads'. Maybe I'm just uninteresting or unattractive.
Yeah being fat or uninteresting has never stopped women from easily finding a partner, you are lazy and dumb and you'd get a boyfriend on Tinder easily if you're okay with dating a non-Chad. But no you'll just get pumped and dumped by Chad after Chad after Chad.
And if you're fat you can lose weight. You don't have to get ripped via years in the gym and using roids to have an attractive body unlike men. Just be thin and you'll be cute to most men even if you don't have an ass that isn't great because you don't do squats

Maybe if you were less ugly it'd be different.

I'm not fat. Please fuck off with your r9k ideology that women never struggle in romance or socially. I'm a virgin who has never had a wholesome relationship. I just want someone who'll take care of me rather than fuck and run to another lonely girl.

>I just want someone who'll take care of me rather than fuck and run to another lonely girl.

do dudes usually fuck the lonely girls? typically always the same whores getting fucked at my high school

They don't because the "lonely" girls reject non-Chads.
Then stop chasing Chad and ask out a social outcast nerd. People will tell incels to lower their standards for fat single mothers, maybe people should start telling low tier women to lower theirs, too

How long are you supposed to wait before asking somebody out as a 5/10 female

me too
>just want bf to cuddle me and hold me in his arms and let me cook for him

>let me cook for him
u can do this for me

I think I know who you are. I am 90% sure. Why did you delete your account?

but will you cuddle me and hold me in your arms and stroke my hair?

I think you have the wrong person, sorry.

only if you're a cute asian girl

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One of those big changes I mentioned earlier involved me moving to the Pacific Northwest. It was definitely worth it, life out here is much better than where I was previously (California). So much beautiful nature and cool places to visit. People are nice and fairly laid back (in a good way) and mostly authentic. It's a good goal to want to move out to the West. I know it helped me a lot when I did so, despite the initial difficulty.

I'm a gross white tranny

ya lost me

Damn user I'm not in the same position as the person you replied to but it was nice to hear this (just moved to a new city for work, 24 male)

shit taste gook poster

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>shit taste
>posts a japanese girl
at least post a chink if you're gonna trash my taste

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It's because you're a faggot and also gay.

At least I don't like dumb copy-pasted plastic whores from a shit tier country

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Messenger or Telegram work just as well as Discord.

I'm a female (to everyone previous who called me a fag as well, kek)

>dumb copy-pasted plastic whores
no you just like ugly women who don't have basic dental hygiene
>shit tier country
>south korea
im not even gonna respond to this part...

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no you aren't, dude
fucking fag

Women who claim to be lonely or incel deserve to be shot

Imagine her face in a few years after all the surgeries that soulless thot has had.
>implying SK isn't complete shit
Worst Korea is a westernized, bland shithole with shit tier history and culture, as well as women who can't have any thought beyond what makeup products they should buy next.

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No problem, fren. I'm glad it helped. Sometimes we all just need a good perspective to encourage us.

You say that like there's some other possibility.

So much this. "Lonely" women don't realize how many guys would be willing to talk to them. Even if they are ugly, fat, boring, or all three there is a guy who would be happy just becaus you are female. And if you don't want to approach a guy irl then you will still get tons of orbiters online. This shit actually boils my blood.

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>actual underage user complaining about not being able to cuddle
what the fuck

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>I once tried to do this with a girl but she said she didn't want to be alone with me.

I honestly just want a girl that I can draw with everyday. I tried this before, but I think she ghosted me, and I haven't been able to draw since

>this is literally me but with a girl instead a boy
Feels bad.

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I mean, get u a platonic best friend, u can cuddle and do all of that and you dont have to worry about shit like that.

are you expecting to find one here? be honest

The next time I get rejected by a woman, I'm gonna fucking punch her in the face and give her a massive fucking black eye. I hope I knock that bitch to the ground and she doesn't get up. I'll make her flinch if she does. I'm sick of being an unwanted virgin. I'm at my breaking point.

Fuck you, OP. I know you'd reject me because of how I look.

You will find someone who is the key to the lock that is your personality and true self.

No, but the whole board is basically a rampage of depressed complainers so why not join in?

there are other image boards specifically for women which are basically mirrors of this place. you're asking for a lot if you're confirming the fact that you're female in Jow Forums of all places.

don't you have a facebook/ig/twitch/yt channel you can do that on

Eat shit and die you white knight cuck


Probably because you're a picky selfish cunt desu