Computer engineering or programming? one makes more money but on the other you graduate much faster. whatya say?

computer engineering or programming? one makes more money but on the other you graduate much faster. whatya say?

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Why not just go full Lucy you got some splaining to do, and pick Software engineering

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I say I can't do either so I dropped out of school.

>going to college to learn programming

I started out computer engineering last year but got scared of having to do differential equations so switched to CS

College is a scam
t. unemployed in mountain of debt with computer programming degree

mfw CS majors have to take differential equations at my uni

Fuck this shit

fuck im in 2nd year cs, the government is paying for most of the degree though i guess that makes it better

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Doing electrical and computer engineering, differential equations aren't that hard. Computer engineering opens way more fields, like digital design

I hope you're getting internships user. Or building your own app / web service. Or at the very least contributing to an open source project. If you're not doing any of those then good luck getting even a basic entry level job after school, nobody is interested in hiring an over-qualified code monkey who is all theory and no practice.

Unironically the people you meet when in school are way more important to your career than actually graduating. You can get straight As like me but if you didn't network and make connections with people in the industry you're shit out of luck once you graduate. This really makes it hard for robots to get decent jobs.

If you go IT, you need to self taught and go after certifications preferably a tech center rather than college. Degrees don't really matter in IT

why EVERYBODY EVERYBODY EVERYBODY ALL ALL EVERY ALL BODY EVERYBEING EVERYSOUL EVERYCELL studies gay tech shit? EVERYONE is a programmer or have a cs major or know how to computer

>Degrees don't really matter in IT
This. I have no technical degree to speak of, but I have 3 years of experience and two AWS certs, which is why I make 6 figures a year.

Engineering is so much more fun. Lots more variety so you don't need to get funneled into one exact job, you can do electrical or software stuff.

Differential equations is easier than calc 2.

It pays well and at its best it's really fun and engaging. Some days when I'm working it feels like I'm just solving a really tough puzzle all day. Feels really good to go home after spending an entire day thinking and experimenting on things.

I know people who have degrees in arabic history and they make 6 figures in IT cause of certs. One of them even makes 400k

cant a programmer develop softwares anyway?

That's what he's saying, as a programmer you're limited to software, as an engineer you can do hardware or software

>tfw studying some shitass CS shit
>no real passion for it
>not doing any projects on my own
>not finding any internships because I don't even believe I can hold a job for any amount of time
>but it's okay because it's paid off by the gubmint and I even got a small stipend for the first year

The day I graduate is the day I rope

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i feel like this will be me if i apply to something this autistic

>The day I graduate is the day I rope
I told myself this for the longest time, except my plan was to purposely od. never done heroin but I always heard oding is one of the more peaceful ways to go because you'll be so out of it you won't realize you're choking on your own vomit. bought some specifically for that purpose, kept in my nightstand as a reminder. then one day i accidentally took way too much acid and it kind of shifted my perspective on a lot of things in life. i realized that just because i'm going to school for something doesn't mean i have to be stuck doing it my entire life. i ended up graduating and felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, no longer did i have the constant stress of uni, nor did i have the constant stress of looking for a real job just to impress people i don't even care about. i threw out the heroin and since then i've been working shitty fast food jobs but i'm honestly happier than i've ever been in my life.
you don't have to do cs forever, user. there is so much out there, and you have a lot of time left to get to where you need to be.