Hey guys chad here, AMA

Hey guys chad here, AMA

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What would a Chad like you pick a asian alligator to fuck?

Hook up culture is a cancer and I hope you get a flesh eating STD.

Enjoy your nightly masturbation session

>implying I masturbate

Oh to be a hedonist again...

*yawn* whatever you say kiddo

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Try it on tinder then Ill be convinced faggot
>no nudes

post profile

What is he on? And what are the tiers of dating apps out of curiosity

Hes on bumble where girls rate and have to text first or something like that

he won't cause its obviously a fake profile

>get a match on bumble
>they do nothing until the timer runs out and they vanish
4 times now. Whatever man.

she looks fat af

Lul the irony is if it were a fake profile I would post it ~op

What about tinder? ~op

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Wonder what would happen if the genders were reversed. Women get away with everything. Even sounding like a creepy pajeet

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nice chadfishing you're doing there
i admit it's an easy way of getting nudes, it's actually kinda worrying lmao

shove that phone up your ass, but try not to enjoy it too much though

It's nice that you can get responses online, but can you get a nice girl with good values to be your housewife like I did?

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have fun with your disgusting rat looking gf smoking inside that has already been used up by many other chads.
so sad user, so sad.

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How do you keep from getting bored on dating apps? The conversations are honestly just too banal and unfunny for me to care about sealing the deal 90% of the time.

I'll never be able to give her a pass for vaping (at least it's not tobacco but still...), but nah, she's a QT. Projecting promiscuity onto someone you know nothing about just means you're insulting for its own sake - bitter & sad.

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>tfw too ugly for bumble

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not that guy and i wish him horrible luck for coming to this board but clearly she aint ugly. we robots would do better if we stuck to our message but didnt lose perspective desu

She is pretty. Not a try hard either.Naturally beautiful and looks intelligent.

That's a better than average face, the standards must be ridiculous

that face is 4/10 at BEST
>shit nose
>shit jaw
>shit ears
>shit cheekbones
>acne scars

Women's standards on apps are so intense most men shouldn't even bother. Even some chads struggle.


Not really. Most men are ugly, that's the truth. Fucking deal with it.

Who the fuck keeps bumping this piece of shit? Why should anyone gives a fuck if you're RPing a chad? I'm tired of seeing this goddamn thread on the categories page, shut the fuck up and discuss something elsewhere

shut the fuck up you butthurt virgin. deal with the fact that your life is a fucking waste of flesh.

i am an ultimate tinder chat god ama.

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you look like you work at subway

Bro I am literally unironically way uglier than you, I have a third world tier facial deformity thanks to a mother who did all the wrong things while preggers in addition to having me when she was past 30. And I still have had three different thirsty thots of decent middling attractiveness fall for me. And Guess what, I am a certified manlet lmao. You are good man, put yourself out there

>either ugly, fat, weirdly proportioned or all of the above

Literally lmaoing at (you). This is nothing to be proud of at all. I seriously hope you didn't also use fake shit in your profile about wanting to eat tacos and go adventuring to trick these beasts.

You sound as mad as him.