Why are there virtually no men with blonde hair? When I think about it...

Why are there virtually no men with blonde hair? When I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen a middle aged man with blonde hair before. My dad was a natural blonde but joined the military at 18 so had his head shaved, and when his hair grew back it grew back brown. I was dirty blonde throughout my childhood but it turned brown some time during my teenage years. Why do blonde women keep their hair color well into middle age but men never do?

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those kid's faces just don't look right, also they're balding lol

Those blonde women dye their hair, user

I see blond men sometimes but it's increasingly rare, recessive traits and all

My father is in his 60's and still has naturally blonde hair- But it has darkened drastically from his younger years where it was nearly white. I think for most of them it just goes brown or gray. Women also dye or highlight their hair a lot.

Blond hair gets darker as you get older

My hair is blonde during the summer. My brother is always blonde. It honestly scares me how few women have natural blonde hair. I could pair with a light brown haired women but even those are rare. Its scary. White genocide is real.

I'm told I have dirty blonde hair and it starts to show when I let it grow.
Why're you looking at men, faggot?

My dad's hair was so blonde it was almost white. He always made fun of me for having dark brown hair. His hair is gray now anyway, so who's laughing now, gramps?

Blonde women bleach/dye their hair.

most women dye their hair

an old friend of mine is still blonde after knowing him since we were 13 (we are 22 now).
His eyebrows are basically invisible though which he hates. I couldnt imagine him with darker hair desu

I think the question is why are there virtually no men with blonde hair WHO AREN'T GOING TO ERASE THEIR GENES? Every blonde male I've came across is for whatever reason either a homosexual, trans, has no interest in relationships/ sex, is a complete outcast, or in most cases race-mixes or mixes with shitscalps. Its so fucking annoying - you're at the top of the genetic pyramid so why slide down the thing? hold the fucking throne but NOOOO they have to be faggot snowflakes, I fucking hate blondes.

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I'm a 23 year old guy and I have blond hair. Like everyone else said the reason why there are more blonde girls is because of hair dye. Most of the blonde girls that you see actually have brown hair but they're dyeing it blonde.

Blond hair is considered feminine as fucc and pretty blond men are 99% destined sissy fagboys who will never pass on their genes

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The amount of the adult population with natural blonde hair is 2%. It is associated with femininity and youth as well. blonde hair tends to fade to brunette as one grows up.

>woman dye there hair blonde, even the blonde ones dye it blonder
>dark hair is a trait of high test, leading to men having naturally darker hair then woman (this isnt to say that blonde men cant/dont have same test average then other men)
>basically if you took a blonde girl and magically made her a guy she would have slightly darker hair, albeit still blonde, much as she would have broader shoulders and facial hair

In Scandinavia a whole bunch of people are naturally blonde, there you'll find em

as a blonde guy dating a qt brown girl i laugh at this cause your kinda right

>tfw blonde and khv who has no self esteem due to childhood
I wish I could spread my genes with a qt aryan but they're far and few between and only want gigga chad and tyrone these days

yeah it's weird. my dad had thick curly blonde hair when he was young, then it went dark brown. my mom had thin light (almost blonde) hair when she was young, and it kind of stayed that way until she started getting grey hair (she's 58 now).

and me? I was born with dark brown hair. I don't know how that makes any fucking sense since both of my parents had blonde hair when they were young. maybe my mom's hiding something from me, idk.

Stale meme perpetrated by the jews

I'm 27 and dirty blonde. I'm losing my hair though.
>pic unrelated

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Ouch. My condolences

it's test. a certain % of naturally white-blonde women in Northern Europe will have their hair turn dirty blonde like males when they get pregnant.

Men's blonde hair turns brown as we age. I had mine until I was 16 or 17 and then it started to turn and by the time I was 20 it was fully brown. And mine lasted a lot longer than most - a lot of men's hair turns brown in their early teens once puberty starts.

I was blonde as fuck until I was 12 or so. Now I have brown hair.

Blonde hair bleaches in the sun, so since a lot of people spend less time in the sun when they get older their hair darkens up a fair bit.

t. "dirty blonde"

I hate blonde chicks, most of them I knew were bitches. Redheads are just weird looking.

Blonde men tend to bald prematurely.

Shouldnt that tell you something? If a group of people consistently self destruct, then maybe it means they're inferior? Especially since you buy into Jow Forums, you should know that a statistical trend like this is conclusive of inferiority

this, chad is blond

I'm naturally blond and 28 years old. My hair lightens or darkens depending on how much sun I get. If I am spending a lot of time in the sun it's a lustrous gold color, but in the winter it usually fades to more of a dull tawny color.