What do people do at parties besides get drunk/high, fuck, and listen to loud music?

What do people do at parties besides get drunk/high, fuck, and listen to loud music?

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That appears to be the whole point of them, well that and just bein' yourself and having fun :)

They "socialize" but I've never really been able to understand how it works myself

That's it really. You can get drunk/high by yourself (or with a few close friends of you have any) and get an experience that's 10x better
t. cyborg that has witness normie parties

To socialize and meet new people. Something that is probably hard for OP.

For real. If you aren't a normie, parties suck a lot of ass. Just chill at home.

Why a stereotypical party though? There's better ways.

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> What do people do at parties besides get drunk/high, fuck, and listen to loud music?
You answered your own question

I never understood parties I do everything you just mentioned in my room nightly
Well almost everything

Depends on what your calling a party, i go to meetups with 6-10 friends and maybe 1-2 randoms and we drink, smoke weed etc, socializing is good user, you should try it sometime :)

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I don't know anything about parties, but my ex boyfriends went to a lot of parties......?

partys provide a general goal (getting fucked up) for all at the party to reach which gives everyone there something to "connect" with at a personal level with others there, even if its something as stupid as "broooo im sooo wasted"

just socialize really. talk to people or sing to the music together. dancing for fun or just chilling and talking about life
t. semi-normie

Look at their phones
Stand in line for the bathroom

t. Normie

>hate smoking weed because it exacerbates my anxiety
>all my friends smoke weed
>too much of a pussy to tell them I don't want to

I'm worried they won't want me hanging out with them anymore.

Depends on the party.

Ask away I guess. People mostly socialize and have fun.

In general, stoners don't give a fuck if you smoke weed or not. As long as you don't act like you're better than them for not partaking. Every stoner I've ever hung out with, the conversation goes like this:
>hey man wanna hit this
>no thanks man
>okay, let me know if you change your mind
And then we carry on as usual having a good time. If they don't wanna hang out with you just because you don't smoke, they're just gigantic assholes and you're better off without them.

>being a "stoner"

are you 16

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>no reading comprehension
are you 16

You have to understand that the average normies' brain is hardwired very differently to ours. For these people, any attention is good attention. It doesn't matter how mundane the conversation is or how little they learn. It doesn't matter how repetitive everyone is or how drunk they must get to have some slight fun. They're not doing anything actually fun, just being whores, destroying their brain for "fun", and trying to get as much attention as possible.

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Is this a metaphor for life, OP? Are you getting deep?

What else is there to do in your existence other than drink, get high, have sex and listen to loud music? That's literally all there is to it when you really think about it.

My friend and I cracked jokes at 4 in the morning while everyone was passed out from drinking too much. We were hollering and kept waking other people up.

Anybody that geeky would NEVER be invited to a party, ever.

sometimes normies will take pity on a robot and try to invite them places
it usually ends poorly

It's school time tomorrow.

You go to hang out with friends, listen to music, alcohol helps loosen you up but is not necessary; you expand your social circle and often meet someone you can have a 'real' conversation with and become friends with; if not, you stand an watch people and maybe learn a little normie skillz a bit to cope with the world.

They are generally fun and I'm quite an introvert, but you don't mingle with the loud folks, you find small groups talking about cool stuff or even just one person.

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In those cases, the specific ones who took pity will usually hang around the robot and try to keep him engaged. If they end up leaving him to hang with cooler people, he should just leave.

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thats how every normie party i've ever been to has gone, the normies get bored of babysitting me and go talk to other normies, leaving me in the corner by myself, at which point i slip out the front door without a single person noticing or caring

They honestly wouldnt be so bad if they played music that is actually good.

This user has it right. Small gatherings of people you like absolutely BTFO big parties. It feels so good to be with mates or hitting on a girl, while also picking out patrician songs to play

theres been times ive went to parties and I just walk around talking to people laughing making jokes and going from group to group of people talking and laughing

never really fucked at them tho