White people btfo

White people btfo

Asian pride

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Other urls found in this thread:


>clear bias for asians from the start
>insults every race but full asian
>suprised when asians are happy at being praised and other races are insulted because they were insulted
this proves absolutely nothing

>Exact opposite of Asian guys
>Pube hair, Balding
>Said No

Dude this bait is shit. When you insult people, they will insult you back. When you act like your invested in what they say, they will say it with more emphasis. This is awful bait

Holy shit Asian "men" are the most insecure people on the planet lmao.

I'm well versed in the insects emulation of engrish and can tell you this post was written by a salty chink

>asian men making fake profiles

this is one person on reddit, obviously already the lowest scum on the earth, who cares
no shit

I suppose that's what happens when you're literally the least desired race

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r/asianmasculinity is more pathetic than r9k

I wonder what combination of mental illnesses it takes to make a post like that

White men on suicide watch, BTS Century

fpbp lmao. what a coper.

This is so fucking embarrasing. why would you do this?

This is actually tragic, lower than literal niggers

I'd say anyone would react like that if you insult them
then again my post isn't inflammatory or antinormie enough so it won't get attention
carry on

Why are white "men" OBSESSED with pretending to be other races online

>white guy says he enjoys asian culture
>welp better insult him until he throws banter at you then post on reddit about how all white men are rayciss

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Because first place gets boring sometimes

It's times like this that make me glad I was born white

Attached: thumb_god-damn-i-love-being-white-its-2017-and-even-10286690.png (200x271, 34K)


>insecure to the point of psychosis
>first place

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>Be asian
>Believe in reincarnation
>Keep killing yourselves so you won't be asian

Is that basically the same thing as re-rolling?

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>shames whites and poos
>nothing about blacks

Boden men are the alphas mainly men

Sorry did you mean BLACK men?

BLACK men are ugly as fuck and saw just a novelty item for roasties

never bully indianbros!

wHITE privledge is a cancer

Maybe it's not women not liking you for being Asian. Maybe women don't like you because you do insane, petty shit like this out of insecurity.

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Lads, is it even possible for an asian man to not be beta? I've never met a self respecting one irl, they're always the ugly freak who doesn't talk to people and looks like he watches anime.

The amount of cope in you pig skins

Buddy of mine is a 6'3" chinese guy, quite good looking and a total shitlord. I think I've seen him talk and dance with at least 4 girls last we went out last time.

Another is indian, same height and he's definitely cool too.

The rest, not so much, the insecurities are strong. From generally shy around girls down to outright accusing me of being an asshole for rejecting girls while he can't get one. What?

All the Asian men I've met have had girlfriends and were not betas at all. Just makes these ones even more pathetic.

Self-loathing Asians on the internet have this... really weird belief that they and blacks re somehow equally "oppressed" minorities and "natural allies" or something. A huge portion of the BMWF porn spam on Jow Forums came from Asians. They're like sub-Jews who think they can weaponise blacks against their enemies.

>t. White incel

While logically you'd think that connection would happen it hasn't because most Asians are super racist and bootlick white males, and even if they were teaming with blacks (they aren't) that would hardly make them self haters, the haters would logically be the ones ass kissing whites that spit in their faces. Now are they spamming blacked porn? Maybe but that's not allying with blacks that's just them exploiting the white male obsession with black penis

I didn't say Asians were actually teaming with blacks, just that they THOUGHT they were and try to use blacks as a "weapon" against whites, who they see as their true existential enemy. Go on one of the Asian Pride subreddits and you will see the weird shit they get up to, like funding AMWF porn to "get back at" white people.

Asian women deserve black men

Haven't they been punished enough with Asian men?

Autism is a cancer

Asian men are by far the most pathetic group of people, even bob vagene Indians and mass shooting hapas have more dignity than these losers

Saying "you can be my geisha doll" is pretty fucked up.