>tfw mingus
Namelet thread
That's child abuse.
im sorry user but theres just no way i can believe this is your name
Just learn to play jazz and it'll magically transform into being cool
Post drivers license or fake fucking thread
>parents named me Earl
>in 1995
Name one chad with the name Brian.
Brian shaw, world's strongest man
I actually think Earl is pretty chad. It would be uberchad if it was Earle
Okay but Charles Mingus was a total chad and a Jazz God who fucked like a hundred bitches.
You have a cool name OP
only normans drive
I was really embarassed by it growing up but as an adult I fucking love it, I tell people to call me Zeff like Jeff
that's the name i have to go with since my full name is unwieldy
the name's Jesus
>tfw I know more people with my name then faggots
please god kill me oh lord deliver me from this agony
that was his last name though
Mingus sounds fucking goofy and no one but nerds will think of that has-been anyway
>with some mohammed's in the middle
i have to live with this name forever, even if i change it it will never truly be my name. The best i can do is remove the middle and just keep my first and last. It was over from the start bros
Fergus, not too uncommon in my country but in America I imagine it would be pretty cringey
>some mohammed's
how many are there?
I like your name, it's beautiful!
khairy nuts
like 3
w- really? can you pronounce it? how would you say it, does it sound ethnic? where does it sound like it's from
what kind of a person do you think of when you hear my name
stop it please
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
You win thats literally an onomatopoeia
>tfw plork
I actually fucking love that name and was considering it for the future
I know a guy named Brian who isn't quite a Chad but is absolutely a Brad. Cute and youthful, average height, plays music, and slays alt girl pussy.
Polly, which would be acceptable if i was female
All I need is a shot
Who here /boring/?
>tfw Tom
Ok this is just getting ridiculous now
>tfw zinkmo
One of my cousins named his two sons Sasuke and Severus.
But you can call me Ollie.
yes, with a fucking o instead of an a before the last n
what the fuck is wrong with my dipshit parents
are they asian? if not, damn nerd parents, I've heard some kids named epona and minda, poor kids look up their names and find r34 of a fucking video game character, Thank god my parents didnt play vidya lol
Its a fucking last name goddamn it not a first name wtf were my parents thinking
Last names as first names are patrician tho.
I met a guy at a party once named "Anakin".
>"Whats up corkster?"
>tfw Cthuga
tfw Qorbort
>not even a yid
atleast there is no retarded vore & feet fetishes associated with star wars... the more I think maybe they do, man fuck the internet.
Metal loving faggot
>tfw Israel
Imagine going on r9k tho fucking gay dude
>fucking Ben
>beezow doodoo zippity bop bop bop
to me it sounds like 'carry'. i think of a mystical dude.
pupu for short then.
inb4 white blonde single mother
actually based name
like this name, has the same punch as fergus
oh no, oh god no, please jesus christ no
this name is god-tier
how long does it take to run a jonathon?
rich white kid name
i like it
these names are too advanced
>be Nick
>other kid named Nick in the same grade as me
>grew up all through grade school as "Nick 2"
>tfw Bartholomew the shoemaker
Are you black? Mingus is a good black guy first name. I don't like it as much for a white guy.
>Named Richard.
>Below average dick.
This is a joke, right?
>Shumblee Doo-Dango
I will never forgive my parents
I'm Nick too user, you can be Nick 1 in this thread and i'll be Nick 2
It's the sort of name that's only fitting for kids. Also it's supposed to be a last name.
I used to be a lot angrier about it before, in the past couple years I've sort of become numb to it. But every now and then my rage flares up again and I think that nobody must actually take me seriously because of it, and all my words are fucking wasted. Because at the end of the day I'm just Cole.
cole is kinda only fitting for kids. Maybe you can go by a middle name or a nickname, cuz a middle aged man named Cole is weird and unnatural.
Pele like the footballer
I never understood parents giving their kids names that are slight distortions of regular names. One user said jonathon, with an o at the end, and there are actual, real people in the world with the name jordy. Jesus fucking christ. My friend has a two year old kid named Rayden. Like the fucking mortal combat character, like why, the fuck is wrong with people
I have a good middle name I could switch to but my mom would be heartbroken, and our relationship is strained as it is.
is your mom named Caron? if yes then she loves you and your sister is the real strain on the family.
No she's not Caron. It's not that she doesn't love me, it's just that we have basically no common ground. Our interests, opinions, whatever are so widely divergent and antagonistic to each other. This would just push us further away from each other, and I'm not emotionally intelligent enough to bridge a gap like that.
>tfw Jonathan
kill me
It is a nice warframe
That's one kickass name.
Sounds like a steam username but it's kinda cool
vanilla but not vanilla enough
Is that your first name for real?
pthagn ryzeh blah blah chtuhleo blox cthulu tier
>half of this thread
My fucking sides
Kinda feels like a peasant name
My grandfather's name was Telesfor
Geronimus, but I go by Gerome.
That is Lord of the Rings grand magician tier.
And everyone always assumes it is spellled with C instead of K, it pisses me off
>literally named after the king in 1001 Nights who murders his wives after he marries them because his first wife cuckolded him with a bunch of black slaves before murdering them all with his scimitar
I love that name. It's beautiful.
Spanish conquistador/10
i'm a slav lad but thanks for the compliment
that sound asian but im white as fuck and my parents too. my father said he name my like that because it sound like the name of a dude in yes
literally named Cuck
Nope, refuse to believe it. Post ID with name, blur the rest.
you need to legally change it right now
Mike. Sorta uncommon where I'm from. Always feels awkward when telling my name.
It's a turkish name but why the fuck would anyone name their child gay ?
The name's darius, didn't like it for most of my life, now I do.
Alexander. originili
Tfw Andres*. Literally meaning virile man, masculinity /andros/. Pretty uncommon although ancient. Fine by me.
Has an accent on the e*
Agamemnon. It sounds cooler in greek but in english it sounds fucking retarded
Sounds like a digimon
but that's a based name, user
t. Alexander
that's fucking based stfu (but I doubt it's real)
What kind of shit third world country do you live in