"bruh your pee look like a bottle of henessy LMAO!"

>"bruh your pee look like a bottle of henessy LMAO!"

Why are niggers so rude? My people literally brought you out of a shit hole and you have the audacity to mock me. Honestly fuck them

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They truly are vile disgusting subhuman mutants

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dis nigga actually throwing a tantrum on a board for losers lmao
chill bro you aren't even 1/6th a man when compared to your ancestors
stop being a bitch and banter back you autist lmao

What sort of treatment would you say they deserve, homu?

They should all be mercilessly slaughtered and their vile disease infested corpses stacked and burn in pyries on the street

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why in the fuck was he able to see your pee, you absolute faggot

Sounds like quite the spectacle.

It's called cultural diversion. Blacks talk in a more direct way than whites do and you have to adapt to that style of speaking. It would be weird to criticize British people for saying "innit" and "you got a loicense" all the time if you gotta work with them. And finally, drink more water OP

i came to ask this qwuestion, hopefully originally

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>My people literally brought you out of a shit hole and you have the audacity to mock me. Honestly fuck them
>My people

You did literally nothing, dumb animeposter. Don't take credit for the actions of people better than you. They didn't fight in wars so you could sit around being a sissy bigoted waste of neet space.

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Yet the people fighting those wars were more "bigoted" than anyone alive hmmm really makes me think

Can't handle the bants white?

This post is like the comic where user walks past the black dude and then gets on Jow Forums and starts typing furiously when he gets home.

Also yeah, you took them out of a shithole and then enslaved them for hundreds of years, lmao. Thanks bud.

I shouldnt have to banter with low I.Q negroes. Say one word they don't like and they chimp out like retards.

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This is what you are angry about? God you are weak-minded.
Sounds like hes concerned about your kidney health and hydration.
Dont know why you are showing your urine though

I am the descendant of my ancestors. They worked hard to build the white Earth and we inherited there works. Niggers shouldn't be allowed to share in the wealth. They didn't do shit

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What is it with black people and pee?

Why are you around apes? Do you work at a zoo?

I had to take a piss test and had to be watched

If you care so much about the white race, please kill yourself.

You are an embarrassment to the rest of us, tainting the purity of our race with your autism. End your life.

>not drinking water
absolutely disgusting

>the racist is also uneducated
>the white supremacist lusts for chink pussy

surprise surprise


You probably aren't even white

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I am 100% English pure anglo, you're probably some dirty fucking amerimutt. Again, you're a disgrace to my race. Kindly end your life.

Sissy white boys like you deserve to be bullied
Imagine having to come to Jow Forums to rant about this
The most interesting thing thats happened to you all week was having a nigga watch you piss
This aint it chief

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Sure you are ahmed

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>100% Anglo
Honestly worse than niggers

Henessy's dark, drink more water faggot

nigger genocide when? all niggers must be beheaded


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How do they afford smart phones and nice cars again?

Try it, bitch. You wont do shit. White people are all talk. You couldnt kill a nigga if he had his hands tied behind his back and neck on a guillotine

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We need to round em up and beat the shit out of them. Niggers ain't shit

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Wtf? I became a black conservative just to see this? All my fucking work undone, great.

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Who do you think enslaved all your people and made you our bitches for centuries, boy?

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>be black
>invest money in consumables like wine and shit that loses all its value over time like cars instead of homes like white people
>wonder why they are still poor

Please don't do this user I just want to go to work, come home and watch anime I don't want to be killed or sent to Africa

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>buy some africans a few hundred years ago
>they build your country from the ground up
>free them when its convenient for you
>"We did you a favor!!!!!1"

>this entire thread


dumbass, the nigger was actually giving you some helpful advice in his 80 iq way. he's saying your piss is too dark and you need to drink more water. your pee should not look like coffee, soda, or 'henessy'. he was pointing out how your piss is unhealthy so drink more water

>They build your country from the ground up

Honey, no.

You are not a nigger, my friend.

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Yeah and people use to fear Germany, that shits all in the past. You shouldnt have ever let us in. We run this shit now. Your daughters listen to our music, your moms want our dicks, your sons want to be us and your fathers pay our checks.
This shit is cash now

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Slaves did everything. They literally wiped their masters' assholes.

Please nigger you people cannot even run a bank account let alone a nation. Just look at your Homeland. Not a single decent country that isn't sucking on chinese-euro tit. Your entire race is at the mercy of everyone else.

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This entire threads stinks of sissies. Once you let one of us niggers fuck that boy pussy youll feel a lot better about having us around.

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You need some BBC you little brat

Drink some water you dumb nigger monkey.

>Muh dick

Typical niggers. Statistically speaking your people have smaller dicks on average compared to white peepo

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Yes, absolutely everything. No, they didn't just do all the manual labor, they wrote all the laws, developed all the advancements, and provided all the services (police and such)
Even despite being held down by society to the point of literally not having human rights. Sure.