Why did no one tell me there were no black people at hull (the lawns)
I fell for the stupid advertisements with the token black guy i should have gone to east london
Why did no one tell me there were no black people at hull (the lawns)
I fell for the stupid advertisements with the token black guy i should have gone to east london
People of color are basically free Chads. Why are you complaining?
As a black femanon I feel it is my birth right to be gifted with a big butt. I did not recieve this so now I have absolutely nothing going for me in the eyes of males of all races.
At least you don't get sunburn as easily. Which is nice.
>being stared at by others
>never being seen as a normal person
>thinking white liberal sympathy is the same as respect/what ever the chad gets
I simply some black people to hang around with
i g-guess
im sure theres more to you than just the size of your back side femanon
fpbp, user go back to Africa and educate your peoples if you really want to see change. Don't think that since you are GIBS ME DAT for sympathy instead of money that we don't see though your false grievances
We can't just travel to any interesting place in the world and be left alone like you people. Always watched and shit.
>Went to Hull
Mate, apologies for intruding but any lad could have told you that going to Hull is probably the worst life choice anyone can make
i knew this was a mistake
ill never listen to my retarded parents again:
ive never been more alone in my god damn life,
i can barely understand anyone.
Im going to compete my first year and see if i can transfer
post it its probably better than any woman of my group desu including myself
How does your relatives look?
I have 2 exams Wednesday and Rosa is still not real
Life fucking sucks and I want to die everyday
Very incorrect actually. Race has little effect of your Chad/Virgin status. A black man can be an eternal virgin.
Besides, dating stats shows whites are the most likely to get dates.
i feel for you user
hopefully your handing the stress well
>Black/Coloured feels
Does being Hispanic/Latino/Chicano count as being colored?
sure user share them feels
All the suffering in the world is too little for your kind. I bet you're already stealing and planning rapes.
>at hull (the lawns)
what the heck is that
why don't you just be less racist and try to enjoy yourself faggot
I abstained from experiencing sexual intercourse out of fear that I would end up like the thousands of spic losers getting teen preggers here in Los Angeles, California. I ended up being a loser anyway, even while being a virgin.
1. its uni
2.Because if i have to share/receive one more fake smile or "friendly" interaction im going to literally lose my mind
I just want to talk with someone i relate with hell at least for a little while.
its like going to a different country and meeting someone from your country just speaking to them even about mundane shit is amazing.
are you still taking steps to correct that then user? Or have you just given up
>are you still taking steps to correct that then user? Or have you just given up
I am a 29-year-old, friendless, overweight, high school drop-out with a decade-long gap of unemployment. Nobody will hire me due to my enormous unemployment gap. I cannot afford to go to college.
What do you do to keep yourself busy then.
Ever thought about just lieing in your resume? (fake self employement, religious excuse)
failed normies deserve death
fuck off
Do you guys ever wonder how the Indians (dot not feather) were so successful, but not the Africans?
>caring this much about race
How do you survive in this world
>what is previous culture of education?
>Indians that emigrated are the minority that had the initiative and resourcefulness to make it across the world.
>blacks depending on background are migrant workers or former slaves.
t. Hispanic that has investigated the same issue with Hispanics being housecleaners in USA.
Oreganolli oreganolli give me postolli
I dont like fat arses, but then I wouldnt date a 10/10 black girl.
I'm talking more historically. Both continents had both great wealth and problems. So why did one make one of the oldest and grandest civilizations still alive today and the other mud huts and warlords?
Being black is just another load on top of everything else. Just another nigga taking it day by day.
Whatever happens, happens. ill be chilling in the meantime
Wow that wasn't very nice user
Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you.