Why do girls like vampires so much? They’re always so sexualized. I have a friend who has natural vampire fangs and he even gets compliments about them from strange women all day.
Why do girls like vampires so much? They’re always so sexualized...
There's literally tons and tons of articles on it. go look it up.
Why does Jow Forums hate asian women?
It's mostly polfags and soiboi hate since they seem to get with Asians a lot
because they produce physically inferior asian men
It's because we pretty much are vampires (in denial) we eat raw flesh of animals, we are literally ghouls, but for some reason we don't realize it.
>lengthening of fangs
>penetration via biting
>exchange of fluids, blood/saliva
>preying on young women and virgins
They've been a sexual allegory from the start
Cause 99% of them are ugly creatures with no personality and if cringy loli anime shit didnt exist literally no one beside ugly creature looking asian men would have sex with them. Christ, even black women are consistently more attractive and thats saying something.
They also have widows peaks and big hawk noses hmmmmmmm
Is vampire slang for something?
>TFW no vamp gf to bite my neck
>It's mostly polfags and soiboi hate since they seem to get with Asians a lot
That makes zero sense and not true
Post face
ot fit realted sweet heart????
Horrible fucking argument and doesnt change anything ive said.
haha. post face
>t.also ugly
Pipe Asian chicks
Don't have children with them, you will produce weak children
You haven't been on Jow Forums have you? They have Jow Forums-tier yellow fevor. Fuck some even have jungle fevor
No:) tehe
And even if that were true that STILL doesnt change what I initially said. Reality is a tough pill to swallow. Trust me I really wish asian girls were cute, but they're not. They're gross, with ugly same face, poor facial bone structure, bad skin, asian hair, slanty no expression eyes and weird off putting personalities. I will admit I am generalizing but that still doesnt change the fact that they are the ugliest group and get beaten by nig women, which is shocking. The only hot asians girls that exist are American ones and hapas.
Many of those are bait threads, especially on Jow Forums and Jow Forums is anti anything but white girls. Yellow fever is not exceptable there.
very cringey
>anti anything but white girls
White girls are the 2nd most blamed group behind jews there. I'm not saying your wrong but Jow Forums as a collective are contradictory, simply ask them if greeks are white and you get 4 different answers
Yeah its complex
Well okay im right though
For a kid trying so hard to be logical you're very illogical
>which I guess is how it usually goes
You'd do well to learn the difference between subjective and objective
Im sorry you guys like chinks, its beyond saving and ill pray for you two before I jerk off to scat and go to sleep.