ding dong!

> ding dong!
> hi user, I'm your government issued girlfriend Claire. Get dressed! we're going on our mandatory date!

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I'd rather be lonely than date a roastie

Those jeans look nice, do you think you could wet yourself in them later?

our we also going to do our mandatory cuddling and hand holding?

>6/10 shows up and says she's gubmint' issued gf
I'd give it a try. If it's free it's for me.

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get some tits first, little boy

No thanks, you're not brown enough. Don't worry, I'll contact the department in the morning. Hope you have a blessed evening, Claire.

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Can't I just rip your pants off, throw you on the bed, and ravish you?

She pretty cute, I'd be down

6.7/10 b8 m8... countinue

how about you fuck off? I'm not going to date someone because they are doing it out of obligation

>government gives me a wh*te girl
No thanks. Fucking useless goverment always screwing me over

bitch where are your lips

I'll only go if you learn Japanese, wear this wig and only reefer yourself as Kaede.

Us whiteys don't have those

at this point i'm fine with any girl, 1/10 is fine, as long as she isn't morbidly obese
i met a morbidly obese girl online and we decided that in order to not die virgins we would have sex
she smelled so bad i would rather never have sex again than have sex with another morbidly obese girl

I am dressed you bitch

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Go to your local Walmart and you will change your mind fast. You'll find out your idea of a 1/10 is really more like a 5 or 6

>get a QT brunette GF
>and her name's Claire, one of the names that I actually really like
Yes please, I'll take her. Where do I apply?

>Hey user, why don't we take a picture to remember our first government mandated date!
>Say cheese!

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i want to cum in her ears

this desutbhfam
I'd also like to deviate my dick into her septum

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w2c camera