I hate this stupid fucking meme country more than anything else in this entire fucking meaningless universe
I hate this stupid fucking meme country more than anything else in this entire fucking meaningless universe
Why the hate user, are you from there or some south Korean did something to you?
They are stabbing Trump in the back. Fuck then,
It's by far one the worst most overrated countries there is. Shit tier history, shit tier culture, shit tier people, shit tier politics, shit tier food, shit tier everything. It's flag is a fucking kpop can with wifi bars. Also, it brought us tbe kpop menace.
If I see one more fucking retard praising this shit excuse for a country I am going to take a trip there and kill as many gooky dooky kpop ass motherfuckers as I can.
Everyday when I wake up I remember this horrid place exists and my day is ruined once again.
Hello Satoshi, genki?
wtf leave cm pepsi alone
soda can*
I can't even type because of this shitty gook device I need to replace as soon as possible.
what did the orange buffoon fuck up this time you inbred shitter?
My stance on SK is pretty neutral although I don't care for how supposedly racist they are towards blacks, although I'm not going to judge an entire country like that since I'm sure there are tons of people there who aren't racist at all. My issue is with how big Kpop is and how there are millions of basic bitches in the West who forsake Western music for it when it's the same kind of mediocre overproduced crap that's made over here, but so many of them refuse to accept the influence the West had on it too.
hai, douitashimashite
Just how much hate do you have for a country... I hope you are not from there user
They're white-worshipping society won't be changing anytime soon and lots of gooks try to keep their skin as pasty white looking as possible. I can't walk around my campus anymore without seeing some whore wearing a bts hoodie. Kpop fans are literally batshit insane and worship those plastic freaks like they're the second coming of christ.
I am not and I will never step my foot anywhere near it's filthy land.
What the fuck even is Korea, all I know is their alphabet looks weird and that kimchi is good.
Oh please fuck off with this fake concern, if it were africa none of you would give an inkling of a fuck.
>Shit tier people
You take that back.
How did this many norks get internet access?
Beats me. I like the Koreans. Theyre relatively westernized
Based post long live the glorious han empire
whats the matter OP? My gf is korean :^) ama
Does her pussy stink like fish?
only when shes on her period and i fuck her raw and cum inside. keep em coming
Man, white guys get asian girls on fucking autopilot. How do white bots even become a thing.
Nanking my bro?
im not white btw ;)
white skinned hispanic? What?
How is pepsi world any different from the other shitty gookland west of it?
how did you know user originali
fuck, east
Never been to Korea or to mainland China. Been to Taiwan. And read some history.
China never quite conquered Korea although it did pull it into its sphere of influence, generally by keeping alliances with proChinese kings.
I got mad respect for Koreans in that they maintained their language and culture (such as it is) against the chink behemoth. The Tai couldn't do it and that is why they fled to what's now Thailand. The Manchu couldn't do it and there are hardly any left. Even the Tibetans couldn't do it. And I expect the Uighurs to be exterminated in my lifetime (although personally I won't miss them, the muzzie faggots).
another jap fanboy shitting on korea just because you fuckers aren't the only advanced gooks now
Porque no te consigues una japonesa?
Los koreanos son los mayates de asia
jaja no se no mas me estoy disfrutando. segun ella dice que estan en el mismo clase de las japonese.
Cause they worship white skin, if not a white dude, it's someone that's white passing next in line.
you are not kidding my friend, first date all she could talk about was her cocklust for white guys. made me uncomfortable as fuck but i stuck it out and here i am blowing my load in her every night
Preach brother! I wish that based north korea nuked those ugly shits already
>enter thread expecting some insider red pills on SK from a Korean robot
>it's just some burger poltard upset about some new meme or whatever
fucking this, we literally thought the same exact thing
Why do Jow Forums think anyone cares about their autistic screeching?
>be Korean
>claim Korea is superior to Japan
>cry about how Japanese took over Korea
Korean here
>went to uni in US
>back now cuz I have to serve in the army
>working for minimum wage $7 at an office
>terrible conservative work culture where u have to suck everyones dick there
>cant be friends with older people cuz u have to suck their dick first before talking in a friendly tone (there is this retarded way to speak more politely to everyone u meet first and its awkward as fuck)
>everyone is a wagecucking npc
>they all wanna come live in seoul where its so fucking packed with ppl already
>no college degree = no gf ever
>crigey kawaii wannabe kpop obsessed girls
>at least the food is good
I agree, I wanna get the fuck out of this country
I love all my meme countries equally
They're good at tekken though.
Basically like white nationalists cry about da jooz and da niggaz
actually curious, why won't you find a cute kpop-tier gf? how impossible is it?
I don't know about the country, but i fucking despise the whole k wave shit. The men look like women, the women act like children, the music is excessively manufactured and uninspired, their shows always portray some faggot looking boy as a rapey dude, the girls in those shows act like they want to get raped, they all have bowl cuts, they all wear the same clothes, and i used to wonder how the hell it became a thing in the first place until i found out that the south korean government actually pushes this shit to the world
I want Kim Taehyung's dick inside me so bad
patrician fucking taste user
They just lack shame.
Apparently Pyongyang is sending a clear message that it wishes to help President Trump in the midterm elections, for long term concessions. South Korea has intervened in that.
>wanting to destroy the Brood War scene
Thank you, I agree. I really like Gong Yoo too, but Taetae is top tier for me.
is this fucking bait? or a prank? it better fucking be a prank. what the fuck.
imagine tumblr bts autists """femanons""" talk about their walking plastic sex dolls in this very board. right fucking now.
im not here forever
God why did they have to ruin the aesthetic in SC2?
Nope, it's real. Do you want me to prove it to you? Just tell me how.
Sorry this thread didn't become the echo chamber you wished it would be. The fact is, lots of girls want kdick, and no amount of moaning on an image board will change this.
If you can't stand it, feel free to an hero. As long as I still have my qt kboys I couldn't care less about a raging incel killing himself.
It'll be so fucking glorious, the day the based leader of North Korea which I don't remember the name of nukes this plastic surgery dancy-dancy circus of freaks that is south korea.
There's still plenty of material for us girls to masturbate to even after our idols are gone :)
reddit spacing aswell
>I couldn't care less about a raging incel killing himself
i don't give a fuck about women or anything . they're worthless so don't assume that im an incel.
infact where did you even got the entitlement to call someone incel here anyways? when you're in Jow Forums? so you can feel fucking superior because you can shove your shitty female culture to "weak incels" and be proud of it? that's pretty pathetic if true. it shows how spoiled females are and think they can just get the fuck away with this kind of shit
the fact that you both just shove in that has made me give up on hopes of ever finding a good place to even have a small talk with fellow people. there's no sense of community anymore
you're living proof of pic related really.
>Sorry this thread didn't become the echo chamber you wished it would be
well if i post shit and tag it as kpoo, and you saw it in your usual kpoo tumblr gif browsing, you would feel disgusted and question why the fuck does that thing appear. now that's why you don't fucking post your kpoo in here you fuck
Nigger, this is a fucking anonymous board, do you really think I came here to have an actual discussion or that I care about a random virgin's opinion?
I'm not a woman nor a kpop fan, I just wanted to trigger insecure autists like you and I sure did.
But here's some more qt kboys since you love them so much!
jungkook is a qt too
>its actually bait haha xd
surprise, i was actually just larping aswell haha
I know, right? He was the one who got me into Korean boys. He's so young yet his body is so mature.
I hope he's gay but he keeps talking about that girl IU...
is there any place on Jow Forums to even post kpop boys?? Ik bant has kpop gen, but they only post girls..if I post boys they just get mad at me....
Cringe. So basically, you hate them because of kpop.
idk man, but they are so cute, so pale and light.. their vurnerability
i just want them to crossdress for once and see them passionately french kiss at eatchother. i want to see them do that infront of the stage.
at first its gonna be a fanservice, but then they got so deep into the kissing / crossdressing they start to undress and reveal their cute little korean penis.
god. i want to see it. i want to see it.
i want to see their korean little penis rub eatchother
my dick is diamonds oh ogododododog
oppaaaaaaaaaa >/////
lol yeah I highly doubt he is, seems so fucking straight. I do wonder if Suga is Bi tho...
I mean, it's rumored he implied in an interview he was bi, but it could've been an error in translation.
Here's something I think you'd like!
Literally 90% plastic
omg u trashy little gay boy huh
Still prettier than all girls I know, to be honest. Who cares about what they used to look like? As long as they look hot now it doesn't matter.
Only thing that sucks here is the fact that there are no drugs
Off topic, where do i meet korean thots online?
For a quick e-fuck, preferably
Why the fuck did you have to remind us of this piece of shit.
You people need to burn on a slow grill. I have never met a homosexual that wasnt sexual distressed in youtj or perturbed and pervert in mind and these encounters only reinforces such notions.
Was your crush a kpop fan or something? mad that she masturbates for some kpop fanfics or something instead of your love letter?
Pretty cringe
You can bet she was. This dude's hatred is too specific and he obviously doesn't want to admit it.
Sadly for him both men and women love Koreans nowadays.
you're probably not here but try meeff its a korean based dating app
>they're worthless
>don't assume that im an incel
You just proved that you are one.
>wants location, photos and phone access
nice try
Almost certainly. The only thing he hated that was specific to korea was kpop. He's jealous that people prefer korean boys over dumb incels like him.
>confuses they're with their
>confuses it's with its
Even koreans have better english than you, you autistic mongoloid.
go to sleep, yuuto-san
i just think its bullshit how they love black american culture and try to emulate it but they still discriminate against black people
like i'm not an sjw or anything but if they were like "yeah this is degenerate art and we are banning it" and THEN they were racist it would actually make sense but instead they're like "sweg.... also fuck black people"
He must be a seething jap.
>t. Seething nigger
Oh, how the tables have turned
tfw posting my friend's a z n penis and amwf posting in blacked threads worked
i just hate kpop. i hate the song structure and how it tries to be so american.
i like jpop because it's cuter, more innocent, and the harmonies are cooler and more extended. sometimes i'll listen to a kpop song or a ballad, and i'll expect a secondary dominant or something that would be common in a jpop song, but they stay diatonic and it's so boring
I'm not a virgin and frankly I hate women too. Incels are right. Not even kind of right either.
I like Korea. I'm kinda obsessed with the country, not in the way that K-Pop fans are though. I don't care much about "Hallyu".
I used to be obsessed exclusively with North Korea but after reading a shit ton of books and listening to expert panel discussions and reading basically every article that I could find anywhere, I realized that to further understand North Korea I would have to understand South Korea, so I became obsessed with learning everything about pre-division Korea and South Korean history, culture, politics and society too, eventually I realized that I would hit a limit in my knowledge there too unless I started learning the Korean language, so I started doing that, I haven't taken any courses yet though.
But I plan to take beginner courses as soon as the next ones in my city start. I can understand some Korean, but I lack the necessary knowledge in grammar rules to speak properly and my vocabulary is pretty limited. I can definitely watch some Korean-produced documentaries on historical topics and understand most of what is going on even with my limited Korean, simply due to being able to decipher the context of the images and picking up on phrases and words. Which is nice since it allows me to have more knowledge on certain topics, like the life of Lee Seung-Man or Park Chung-Hee and the Saemaul Movement.
I'm pretty sure I know more about South Korean history, politics and geography than I know about my own country.